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Vault.... OF THE FUTURE!

Post by Kreegle »

<strong>[ Community -> Update ]</strong> - More info on <a href=" ... itle=Vault of the Future">Community: Vault of the Future</a>

The beloved rapscallion DJ Slamak has ressurected his rather entertaining site, <strong>Vault of the Future</strong>,
from it's resting place on the sadly-missed Vault13. Now that it has a
new home, we can expect more fun and entertainment from our old friend.

Point your pointy-things <a target="_blank" href="">over here...</a> and be patient. It does load a wee bit slowly, so be patient. It comes in English and Czech flavours, too!

Cheers Slamak!
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Post by OnTheBounce »

You know, the way the FO community is going these days it's looking more and more like an episode of Battlestar Gallactica all the time. Well, minus all of the '70s haircuts and astrology... :lol:

Okay, I'm off to dig up Lorne Green...

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Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

OnTheBounce wrote:You know, the way the FO community is going these days it's looking more and more like an episode of Battlestar Gallactica all the time. Well, minus all of the '70s haircuts and astrology... :lol:

Okay, I'm off to dig up Lorne Green...

i dont know. that show is pretty crappy in canada, us candians still prefer star trek. but thx for the insight
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Post by Flamescreen »

I wonder why? *thinks Shatner*. No that can't be the reason. Can it? :D
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Dark Xenomorph wrote:i dont know. that show is pretty crappy in canada...
No, that show is pretty crappy no matter where you are. :P
Dark Xenomorph candians still prefer star trek.
I think it's sad that Canada is culturally dependent on the US. Especially when you consider that the US has no culture worth mentioning. :lol:

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""consider that the US has no culture worth mentio

Post by 4too »

""consider that the US has no culture worth mentioning.""

That's what makes us FREE!

What ever shows up, is IT.
Time fleas, 'n' clock ticks,the moment'z bits 'n' bites.
Culture'z filled with shoulds 'n' oughts,snobish spites.
Raise yo'r pinky 'n' sip your drinky.
Certified, cultural superior'ty.

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Re: ""consider that the US has no culture worth me

Post by OnTheBounce »

4too wrote:That's what makes us FREE!
Think you're free? Strip off your clothes and go running down the street. Write an article for the local paper and include the word "motherfucker" in it. Or gird your loins and dare to speak out against US foreign policy.

You'll see just how free you are when you're squelched in short order...

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Crying on the inside?

Post by 4too »

So you weren't refering to culture as "fashion" and "fad" and "art", and snotty parameters of snobbishness, but possiblely the "European" way of hypocracy.

The biggest "cultural" thing out of Europe has been imperialism and war, sometimes dressed up as ecomonics and technology AND RELIGION. America was created in Europe's image, so why does America have to be "BETTER" than anyone else.

Lighten up, and smell the parody.

Maybe, the dryness of my response needs "smilies".

Maybe, your "smilie" was a lie, most interestingly to yourself, and your true inner need is to point out the obvious.

"Oh my GOD the world is full of shit!"

Lighten up, and smell the parody.

Tell me, what does clothing, foriegn policy, and fucking YOUR mother
have to do with culture. Please no psychology, no sociology, no economics, no history, no biology, no proctology, or scatology.
Why would you want to fuck your mother?

Free yourself from all those SHOULDS and OUGHTS, and be open to the possibilities of a blank page and a unburdened mind.

And nobody has to fuck their mother.

Lighten up, and smell the parody.

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Re: Crying on the inside?

Post by OnTheBounce »

I see you were quick to jump on my post, with your attempt at witicism and failed to see the attempt at humor in mine. Fair enough.
4too wrote:Why would you want to fuck your mother?
If you're trying to bait me with that, all I have to say is, "Sorry kid, I'm not in the mood."

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Post by Flamescreen »

You're seriously kidding us and yourself if you think that the USA(or any other country for that matter) could develop a serious portion of culture in 5 centuries of existance. Freedom is relevant. And especially in todays world, in which meanings can get easily twisted. I'm sorry to see that you focus on the war and religion issues.

You're basically denying Picasso's, Lord Byron's, Goethe, Tennison, Brahms, Shakespear's, Schubert, Tsaikowski's,Roger Bacon's, Volta's, Marconi's, Tesla's, Seneka's, Aristotle's, Pythagora's, Euclid's, Homer's, Herodotos'(the list can go on and on and on, these are amongst the first coming in mind) existance and/or contribution to the cultural diversity-technology-philosophy-arts, whatever of the modern world. Really can't picture them picking up a gun and going to slay people. Others did, and it is very regretable, but you can't just "put everyone on the same basket" IMO. Living in a continent that has all that much culture and sciences to display, I really feel free. Free to think, and while I might not be able to express myself in ways I might want to(due to the harsher laws we get every year), at least I have all my ancestors to draw from for inspiration. That, to me is a very important freedom part.

I could bring up (with more difficulty since it isn't my territory) examples for Asia, too. The most recent that had a great impact to the world was Mohandas Gandhi. Others might include Salman Rushdie to the list(I personally don't and in any case he is more of a European, despite me not liking that-oh well everyone has a right to speak). I will include though a list of important to the cultural diversity and sciences, asian Countries, these mainly being: China, India, Korea, Tibet, Siam.(I might forget some)

Seems to me that OTB has a point there then, when he admits America has no culture(compared to other countries). After all being an (U.S. of)America[n] he should know...
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Rough Trade In Humor, Wicked'ism?

Post by 4too »

Flamescreen, nice tie in with the world wide nature of "culture". No (cultural) icon is an island?

OnTheBounce, well done, nice rebound.

I was "doin' the dozens", to see if it would "offend thee", and make a point that your examples of the limits of "freedom" may be lost in the provocative response they generate. Can't see the First Amendment for the f'ing graphit'te.

Well, and,.. foriegn policy can invoke an emotional response too, and be lost in the same smoke as public nudity and explitives. " 'Rapped in the Flag." And, it's a pain that clear discussion of our NATIONAL, or PUBLIC, or REPUBLIC policy in general is left to those "expert", spin masters, who are quick on the personal attack when they encounter opposition.

Oh, damn I did that too, must be somethin' in the water. Drawing from the same social well? OTB took the high road and popped my decoy. [4too takes two in the shoulder for flinchin'!]
Cliches of glorious transformation! The ad hominem became a duck in a barrel!!! De-Evo-lution?

Well, I did break a "rule". And behind that cloud, may hint of sunshine.

"The dozen's" ,(got rules?), "no mothers", well, not 'till the last round, but that "should" is honoured more in the breach, isn't it? "No Mothers"! Ettiquete for "dissin' ", a.., seed for "culture"? Is there hope for Yankee Doodle?
98 years to the next millenium, time to pull a miracle out of the air?

OnTheBounce, nice rebound.
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Post by Tigersclaw »

If thought about culture... I believe it's a sum of the human need to create. Everything we make is culture in our eyes. The more handcrafted, the more culture poeple think it is. Lifestyles are culture and snobby people are selective about what is really culture to show that they're more sophisticated.

Someone said that scientific theories can always be refound, but a destroyed piece of art is lost forever. I really think the opposite. In my way to see it: if there wasn't for the Mona-Lisa, there would have been something else we thought was irreplaceble.

Another thought is that of "there can be no culture in a newfounded country". So USA have no culture? Or USA have only bad culture? I think not.

We think that the older culture is, the more valuable it is. Why? Because everything modern is too mainstream.

You might say that Britney Spears is only to make money for the record industry. Yes, damn right she is. You won't get a price for that insight, my friend! Many of the old masters were the same. They lived by producing what we today refer to a classic musik for paying kings and the wealthy.

But can you really compare the quality of carefully craften music and a sexy blonde bombshell with a simple cathy tune? I don't know. But whatever you like to listen to, don't let anyone tell you it's "not culture", "the devils music" or "bad crap".

And pop-culture has appeal. Not all of it is unhealthy fast food and cheap gimmicks. With all this said I only want to say that it's hard to judge what is good culture and what is too mainstream to call culture.

And until this debate is resolve, play your favourite music on high volume! (I take no responsebility for loss of hearing, friends or neighbours due to this :) )

... I hope this wasn't too confusing, but my brain is always storming...
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Post by OnTheBounce »

Okay, this has gone on long enough/too far.

Here's what I was doing:

All I tried to do w/my first post was to make a little levity about the FO community, tying it in with a reference to a old TV series. Dark Xenomorph's post struck me as a bit irrelevant and slightly silly, so I put in the jibe about culture. If you notice, it's actually more of a slam on Canada than the US of A since I said that the US of A has "no culture to speak of", but I said that Canada was culturally dependent on it.

4too's post struck me as abrasive and so I posted hastily and in a bit of a tiff. (Sorry, but I've had it up to here w/talk of "freedoms" in a country that's verging on neo-Macarthyism.) That was my bad, even if he was trying to goad me.

Now, if someone wants to discuss the nature of art/culture, please start a topic in General Discussion, where i will be more than happy to air my views. (Oh, and thanks for the assist, Flamescreen.)

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Post by 4too »

And as time goes outward (big bang?), the abrasive contentent of my spontaneity fades in appropriateness. I work with a "ready" group of mechanics, so "in your face" wicked-witicisms are part of my everyday
experience. The ability to stare down an outburst and force the situation back on task, or on topic, is greatly respected.

My ancient education embraced some of the "fruits" of culture, I do have opinions that need airing and revue, and trust that I could contribute to this topic on another thread.

Meanwhile,......, has any one got through to DJ's site? Is the connection a single strand of wet dental floss?

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Post by OnTheBounce »

4too wrote:The ability to stare down an outburst and force the situation back on task, or on topic, is greatly respected.
Thanks. To be quite frank, when I first saw your posts I thought you were just another trolling prick, but now that I have some idea in what vein to take them I've actually been enjoying them. :)
4too wrote:My ancient education embraced some of the "fruits" of culture, I do have opinions that need airing and revue, and trust that I could contribute to this topic on another thread.
So hop on over the Gen Disc and start one! :lol:


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Post by Red »

A Fallout forum without 4too is like beer without malt...
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Post by Section8 »

In Australia, we have culture. Most of which revolves around beer.
Only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible, or the physiology of fear - the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or heriditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.
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Post by Jimmyjay86 »

Section8 stated
In Australia, we have culture. Most of which revolves around beer.
:D I can relate to that being from Milwaukee!
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Post by DJ Slamák »

Heh. When I saw there were two pages of comments to this news, I thought "who could possibly comment that". Well, now I see :D

I just wanna ask - does the site still have that shitty response time for you non-Europeans ('faik, it works allright for people who are in Europe... strange)? The link is in my signature. So click it please. Click it real good. :)
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Post by Rat Keeng »

I live in Europe, and i get üvercrappy response times. I have DSL, so it shouldn't take long to load it, but it takes half a minute or so just to bring up the first page, then i click the link and it's another 2 or 3 minutes before i reach the main page.

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