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A Question of Legality

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 6:05 am
by OnTheBounce
Does anyone know the guidelines that control what game designers can/cannot use when it comes to aspects of a game suggested by fans?

I know CA has said that he is legally not allowed to look at fan generated material (fan fics, etc.), but I'm not sure about plot suggestions, etc. for the game. I'm curious because - assuming that the designers even frequent these forums - by posting specific information we may be inadvertantly shooting ourselves in the foot.


Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 6:23 am
by Temaperacl
I don't know what the specific guidelines for Interplay/BIS are, but they would be based around protecting the company. IANAL, but if they did visit this forum I would guess that general ideas (Amount of vehicles, combat system, etc.) might be used to judge what the fans are looking for, but specific plot ideas wouldn't be used. I would think that to have the ideas from the forum used you would need something that people who post in the forum had to agree to that would enable anyone to use the ideas freely- something making the contents of all posts in the forum PD, for example... But again, IANAL, so..

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 7:08 am
by Mikey
they can do whatever the fuck with whatever is said or suggested on this forum. as long as it's not copyrighted. and it's not.

in order to have copyright, you first have to be member of this semi-state-controlled organization (i don't know the name for this org. in the US) and pay them for protection of your intellectual property.

that doesn't only sound ridiculous, it is ridiculous.

i'm talking belgian law here though, but i think it's safe to assume US law is quite similar (on this issue anyway).

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 7:36 am
by DarkUnderlord
Mikey wrote:i'm talking belgian law here though, but i think it's safe to assume US law is quite similar (on this issue anyway).
I don't think it's similar..... In Australia.... You get automatic copyright as soon as you say something/write something. If I write a book and publish it online without ANY copyright mumbo jumbo, I STILL own copyright of that material automatically.

Example: I write the Arcanum Module Making Tutorial, there's no mention on it anywhere of copyright, but I do actually own the copyright to it. The problem is if someone rips it off..... Pursuing legal action is costly and out of the question. Plus, I really wouldn't be bothered..... Much.... Well, okay, so it might egg me off a bit... Maybe more than a bit..... Actually, I think I'd be rather pissed off :mad: and probably hunt them down and kill them, their wives, their kids and their family. :evil: Not the dog though, I'd let the dog live. The cat on the other hand would have to die....

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 8:34 am
by Temaperacl
In the United States, copyright is automatic upon creation of a work (in general- there are things that can't be copywrited, of course). Registering simply gives you a stronger base if someone infringes upon your work.

And since Interplay/BIS is based in the United States, they have to take into account that all copyrightable works are granted protection in the United States.. This is why they have the "cannot look at fanfic"-type rules in place- those are copyrighted works in the United States.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 4:19 pm
by Tank
I wonder what the legal barriers are the other way- for Mods and such... If the things're free, would there even be any?

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2002 10:53 pm
by Flamescreen
You might have a point there OTB, since lately, I've seen people getting crazed about supposedly their copyright rights(no matter if it is only a line in a script) that major companies avoid contact with fans for similar reasons. Perhaps we should lay off a bit a discuss about other issues, which might not be concidered of copyright importance.

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 2:20 am
by Mikey
my bad, everyone. i thought it maybe was similar cos actually belgium (like many other european countries) is a cheap US clone.

but when it comes to laws and the justice system i suppose we're even more fucked up than the americans.
i've had problems with this issue before. i play music and according to them i own none of my songs (cos i'm not part of their org./system). when i tried to point them to the fact you can't own music they told me i was insane and to fuck off.

haha. life's funny.

but a bit more back on topic now;
yeah flamescreen, i've noticed as well that lately people in general really, try to fucken' copyright every single thing their tiny brain thinks of.
all this copyright bullshit wouldn't be necessary if humans weren't complete assholes and just blatantly stole eachother's ideas, instead of discussing them.

and that's what BIS could do, listen and discuss with the fans to acquire a satisfying result.[/i]

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 2:44 am
by OnTheBounce
Thanks for the input, guys.

Yes Mikey, I know what you mean about the idea of intellectual property. The concept of someone owning the rights to an idea just kills me. The fact that someone buy the rights to an idea, then sit around and not do a thing and make money off that idea sickens me. It's on issues like this that Capitalism really stinks.

You know, there was a day when people would rewrite their teacher's works and sign their names to them, or to write their own works and put their teacher's name to it and no one really cared one way or the other who actually wrote it. Then Mercantilism and Protestantism merged to give us that bastard Capitalism and it's been all downhill ever since.


Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2002 3:11 am
by Mikey
we can only hope we're near the end of this entropy.
or, we can put an end to it ourselves. sounds like a plan.