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Real Estate

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:12 am
by Beren
As a former Ultima Online player, the one major gripe I walked away with is the definite lack of real estate. You had to buy a house from another player -- there was no land left to place a new house. Of course, this meant that every inch of flat land was covered in houses. The only time you could get out of town was in the middle of the woods!

If Fallout ever goes online, they need to have a massive amount of available housing in towns (as in TES:Daggerfall), or have a world large enough to hold the thousands (millions) of houses that players will be building. I'd like to see both in a game -- huge towns with many spaces for rent or purchase AND wide open spaces.

Also, I'd love to see some kind of horse or rideable lizard. With so few cars out in the wasteland, you'd think some cowboy genius would find some big critter to ride on.

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:14 am
by Rosh
Now, for your next trick, explain how a shitload of houses a la suburbs owned by a large amount of mercenary types even begins to remotely resembe a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:46 am
by Saint_Proverbius

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:08 am
by The Shrike
Damn Rosh! that is a clasic.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:06 am
by Som Guy
Well i dont think that there will be many hoses generally considering there wont be any materials to build them with. So the houses will have to be there when it goes online. This will end up meaning that houses would become highly valuable(the way it would in a post-nuclear disaster). so you either have to cough up some major dough, find one, or form a raider camp and take the town.But of course there will be towns that will most likely will not be overthrown due to turrets and walls(unless you have a very considerable force or inside contacts). Also maybe more towns could come about by finding them in those "special" random encounters with the place completly vacant. Then once that town has a certian amount of people in it it will show up on the map normally with a name chosen by the founder.

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:26 am
by Rosh

This is how bad MMORPGs are made...

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:41 am
by Som Guy
yeah your probably right maybe the whole idea of having property should be abandoned

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:47 am
by Rosh
Primarily because to support a great number of players, they would have to have a lot of things. A lot of houses and establishments doesn't really fit into the setting. Neither does a mass of mercenary types running around in the city in a disorganized way. Imagine Shady Sands with even 10 mercenary types. 1 person alone was something of note, wasn't it? At 10, the setting of a quaint and quiet village goes to hell. Same with Arroyo and other places, even Redding.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 9:53 pm
by 4too
I don't think a FOOL would be designed in a traditional "story"
format, but reverse engineered from a grab bag of the "trendy features of the moment".

FOOL's zietgiest would be dependant on it's projected market of semiconscious (don't know what they really want, and don't know that they don't know), and therefore unsatiable gamers with time and resourses to burn on ANOTHER on line
subscription vehicle.

FOOL's shapers will make it in the image of the true creative force behind it. The jellitonous mass of the composite "gamer"; if such a beast exists outside the schemes of the (present) marketeers of schlock.

Thus, if this jelly fish is a surburb homeboy, of course there will be polite rows of Levitown houses for the children of the robber barons of corperate Amerika.

The children of Enron pirates, and Arthur Andersen Yes Men, are the natural cadre for mercenaries in any fictious furture-past.

Consider it training for their bright tommorrow. Made in their image.


Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 10:59 pm
by VasikkA
Own chest or locker in a Vault/Raider base would be acceptable but having an own estate is just too much. As a former Ultima Online player you do realize it kinda ruined the game.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 4:36 pm
by N0N4M3
a locker is a much better idea than a estate...
and yeah.. who would stay in his house ??
you dont have to sleep & eat nor drink in fallout so what good does a house do ? i like the game the way it is :)