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Enlarge your d1ck to unprecedented lengths

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:07 pm
by entertainer

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:55 pm
by VasikkA
It's all about perspective.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:12 am
by Dreadnought
It sure is, swell guy. You obviously haven't seen the new pics lol. Idiot.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:16 pm
by Splatterpope

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:42 pm
by Dreadnought

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:38 pm
by sarge112
We need both before AND after, not present.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:31 pm
by VasikkA
Dreadnought wrote:It sure is, swell guy. You obviously haven't seen the new pics lol. Idiot.
Here's an idea: maybe you should amputate your legs to make you look smaller in comparison to your dick? Besides, it probably wouldn't affect your mileage. :torgo:

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 6:19 am
by Dreadnought
You seem to know all the tricks how to make dicks look bigger. How comes?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 8:23 am
by DarkUnderlord

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 10:27 am
by VasikkA
Dreadnought wrote:You seem to know all the tricks how to make dicks look bigger. How comes?
Unlike you, I don't spend all my time on DAC so I actually have time to ponder these things.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 11:08 am
by Dreadnought
VasikkA wrote:
Dreadnought wrote:You seem to know all the tricks how to make dicks look bigger. How comes?
Unlike you, I don't spend all my time on DAC so I actually have time to ponder these things.
Cut out the witty shit, and better post more "protips" you fucking nobody.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:35 pm
by VasikkA
Hahaha. Every time someone mentions your tiny dick, you combust. :flamed:

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 1:40 pm
by Dreadnought
What a discrepant statement.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:26 am
by DarkUnderlord
Size DOES matter.

Many studies have shown that the thicker and longer the cock, the more pleasure a woman gets from making love.
Now, within 6 short months, gain 30-40% increase in thickness and a few inches to your cock with a simple, miraculous solution! pick up VPXL
  • My friend had serious problem, the problem is: now he is 28 years old male he was masturbating since he was 13 years old, he masturbated daily 3-4 times during the last 15 years. Now his penis became so small it just measures less than a inch when it is in normal position, & when he is aroused it measures 4 inches. He didn't have sex with anybody until now, when he tries he'll release sperms quickly, that too in very small amounts just 2-3 drops like water. His parents are forcing him to get married. He is very much worried. How much does penis size matter?

    There is a huge cultural difference between Sweden and the country you live in, so maybe it is difficult for me to give you a good answer. In Sweden, people get married only if they really want to, and their parents have nothing to do with their decision.

    Our Dutch specialists have written about how to deal with early/premature ejaculation. There are various treatments to solve this problem. More

    About penis size, it seems that your friend is worrying unnecessarily. Most women care much more about other things than the size of a man's penis. It is more important to be able to make a woman happy, rather than having a large penis (Read ore on how to make a woman happy), Read ore on how to make a woman want you).If you live in a culture with arranged marriages, where the bride is virgin until the wedding night, then the woman does not have much to compare her experience with. Men believe that women have a fixation on penises, as many men have, but most women appreciate much more other parts of a man's body and his personality.

    The low sperm quantity depends on the fact that your friend masturbates often. With the course of time, he will probably calm down a bit, and his body will manage to produce more sperm. I don't think that his penis has become smaller; masturbation does not cause the penis to shrink. It is most likely that his body has become bigger since he was 13 years old, so that is why his penis looks smaller.

    Young boys have a very strong sexual drive and often do not have any chance to have intercourse. That is why there is no other way to have sexual release other than masturbation. As time goes by, this strong drive decreases.
I have been with my girlfriend for almost 3 years. Everything has been good until a few months ago when she became the general manager at her store. She has changed, and I don't know why. Its like she doesn't have any concern for me. We had our disagreements but nothing serious. She will not talk to me about it and says if she didnt love me she would not have me around. We used to have alot of fun together, even with all the kids the 2 of us have, but I feel like I am losing her, in fact, I feel as if she's already gone. If I stay in this, its going to tear me apart. I love her and cannot leave. She has me all confused on what to do. Please help me deal with this misery.

Your girlfriend has advanced in her job and become general manager. It sounds as if she has got more responsibility and has to handle many new problems every day. This is not easy for her to manage, and she has to attend much more to the problems of her work.

What she needs from you is that you understand how pressed her new life is, and that you take over more of her previous responsibility in managing your home and children. When she has grown accustomed to her new work, she will not be so pressed, and will hopefully become more of your old girlfriend.

It is not easy for a woman to both work full time and then come home to a messy home with many children with different demands. If you have food ready when she comes home, longing for rest and relaxation, and give her the security that the home works when she is at work, then you give her the chance to feel her love for you.

She probably feels that there are more requirements than she can cope with. She needs to feel that you give her the support a grown up man can give to another person.

Code: Select all

Me and my girlfriend have been having sex for over five months now and she's never had an orgasm. I dont seem to understand what is the problem here. She's had two partners before me and neither have given her an orgasm either. I don't seem to know whats wrong but what I notice is that she's never in the mood to do it and in addition to that she tells me she feels like something is ripped in her vagina I've told her again and again to go visit a gynecologist but she's just too lazy.

Also she says that if the environment was right maybe it would be possible for her to achieve a female orgasm which I do agree to a certain extent but truthfully I believe something is wrong with her vagina. She loves me to death and says sex doesn't really bother her but to me it does and the fact that I can't give her an orgasm makes me feel like I am a total disgrace.

Teach me how to give a female an orgasm, how to increase the female sex drive. How can she learn to orgasm? Tell me about making a woman orgasm.

There is an old Chinese saying:

    Man is fire, woman is water. The man's fire brings the woman's water to boiling.

Listen to your girlfriend; she says: "if the circumstances were right maybe it would be possible" . Women are not, as men are, immediately stimulated by sight. They need more time. They need the right atmosphere, some romance; sometimes candles and soft music can help.

To get her to desire you and want to have sex, you have to court her, so that she feels like an attractive woman, and not like a service provider. Men can often make up a quarrel by making love, but women need to feel that the relationship is good first, in order to feel desire.

"Why don't you want to make love with me?" is a question that kills all desire. Say instead: "You are so beautiful, I cannot resist you!"

If she is stressed and thinks of problems, sex will not work. She needs to get in the right mood. Be helpful and give her a lot of care and appreciation.

Making love is a slow process for a woman and may have to start many hours in advance, by fondness and attention from the man she loves.

Women need a much longer foreplay than men. Start by whispering sweet words in her ear and fondling her all over her body, but not in the genital area.

Be sensitive, all the time, to what she likes and what she wants to hear.

Do not fondle the genital area until she is ready (use lubricating gel, which you can buy in a drug store). You need to have patience. She may not get an orgasm until after 20 minutes or more. And sometimes it will not work, even if you do everything right. You need to love her anyway.

Most women will not achieve orgasm through an ordinary genital sexual intercourse. And men often are tired after their orgasm. Because of this, it may be best to ensure that the woman has an orgasm before the man. She will still be excited afterwards, and will enjoy his orgasm.

Women can enjoy sex even if they do not get an orgasm. They enjoy the nearness and intimacy, the fondling and the feeling of love and desire. A request from the man that she must have an orgasm can be a problem for the woman. In spite of this, you should try to learn to satisfy her. I know of women who have left their boyfriends when they have met a man who knows the right way.

Your girlfriend probably does not want to go to a gynecologist, because she feels that this is not the problem. One treatment for a dry vagina is lubricating gel. Do not tell her that she is lazy; instead try to understand her wishes and needs. Respect her, if she does not want to go to a gynecologist. To criticize her will kill all desire and she may resent this for a long time.

If you want something from her, ask her in a nice way, without criticism. Listen to what she says and try to understand her feelings and needs.

A woman who has never had an orgasm may be able to learn this by practice. Her chances of succeeding are higher if she has a partner who is responsive to her needs. Good luck! 
We've all heard the politically correct claim that penis size doesn't vary by ethnicity, but these findings show a clear correlation, at least among certain groups. African-based ethnicities have the largest average penises by far, and Asians have the smallest, with over an inch separating the two — quite a lot for considering that these are broad averages. Of course, there are many, many exceptions in all groups.

Does Size Matter?
A survey of 556 women between the ages of 19-49 asked participants to evaluate the importance of penis length and girth.
* 18% said penis length was very important, 22% said penis girth was very important.
* 57% said penis length was somewhat important, 53% said penis girth was somewhat important.
* 25% said penis length was unimportant, 25% said penis girth was unimportant

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:09 am
by Dreadnought
Well I never had a single complaint from any chick so far, so I must be well set I guess.
The only bitch complaining about my dick is VasikkA coz he's in love with me and knows that my column will never stand in his... Acropolis.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:43 pm
by Megatron
its because they were all passed out and drunk

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:04 pm
by Dreadnought
Well lots of them were, but they were sober enough to enjoy it. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:20 pm
by VasikkA
Well, there isn't really much to complain about.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:22 pm
by Dreadnought
I agree. It's perfect.

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:57 pm
by sarge112
Nass Bazi?