Zombie survival thread: What would you do ? (think longterm)

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Zombie survival thread: What would you do ? (think longterm)

Post by PsychoSniper2 »

Are they the traditonal 'rotten and bones are soft' zombie ? Either way, Im assuming theyd be traditonal slow shambleing zombies.

If soft, I got a WW2 german officers saber (grandad nicked it a few wars back) that Id sharpen and use. Only problem is its not stainless

If they got hard bones, I got a short swoard (blades much thicker than a saber) that Id finish sharpening and use (ok, its currently like a 1handed claymore, but I plan to shorten the blade so its center of gravity is much closer to the hilt and easier to swing)

Id make some molotov's, as theyd be more effecteve in getting a zombie than a frag (and easier to make)

Got a few guns in my house Id take (ranging from my great grandmothers .25 varmit pistol, to a .45 and a shotgun.)

Shovel (find a place with soft ground to entrench myself, dig trenches and use the dug dirt to make a wall of sorts, especily since it'd allow me high ground to shoot from (and traditonal slow zombies would move up a burm slower)

Food: whatever canned food I have on hand. Plus Id take salt, sugar, and a bottle or 3 of lemon juice (to fight of scurvy)

Water: Id bottle as much as I can and carry it, I got a few camel backs, plus Id carry some heavier ones in a pack (prolly frontload it, so if I have to I can dump it and run, thus saving weight)

Night vision rig, GPS, some LED flashlights (save bat life that way)

Id also cary some spare clothes, 3-4 sets at most (plus some cold weatehr and rain stuff just incase I lasted that long) and like 8 pairs of socks.

lets see, inital activity: Id steal a car or a jeep with 4WD (something small, so I can get thru crowded areas easier, incase theres a lot of abandoned cars in the way)

First thing first, Id get the fuck out of were I live, to populated. Id head out to the country somewere, and proced to scavenge stores.

Grocery store: raid it of canned shit (spagettiOs, canned meats, canned fruits vegis, spam, anything canned that I could eat), vitimans (best way to keep scurvy off) and basic medical aid stuff (cold medicine, shit like that) (lets face it, if I need more than basic and in position to help myself, its either become a zombie or end myself)
Id also raid stuff like bags of coal to load in my vehicle (it'll cut down on inital need to forage for firewood if I decide its safe enuf to wark my canned food) Id also raid all their rubbing alchahol from their medicine section, great for firebombs as well as cleaning weapons.

Next: if Im not swarmed, Id hit a camping/hunting supply store. get propane lanterns and a stove, and a lot of propane for them (plus theyd be great jurryrigged bombs too, set them up, shoot them as group of zombies get near, hopefully that'd make them blow) If the place had guns (or hadnt been looted of em yet) Id get some longarms and scopes (plus all their ammo that I could use) If they had them, Id get road flares too. Id also get some basic shit to clean my weapons. WD40, Qtips, whatever I can use to get the carbon buildup off the weapon in a hurry. Main target item ? A treestand, PERFECT antizombie habitation since a tree would give them trouble (plus Id remove branches and do a rope ladder) Id also get all the water purification tablets and supplies I could find.

Then Id hit a gas station, along the way Id find gas cans, and get as much as I can plus refil my tanks. If they got larger propane tanks there, id steal as many of them as I could (or at least take a few) as they'd make a good area of effect weapon.

After that, gardening supply shop, Id get edible plant seeds (Just incase I live that long) books on gardening, maybe some fertilizer too. (if they have one of those one use indoor gargen things, Id grab a few, shortterm vegi supply solved after a few weeks)

Then Id hit radio shack, and find solar powerd battery chargers and radios and other useful kit, so my electronics last longer. If they have anything I could rig for an early warning system, Id take that too. Those motion powerd battery operated lights for outside a house would be a DEFFINITE must, Id take their entire supply (plus batteries). ANd a CB radio and stuff to make its antena logner.

After that, Id hit a home depot, grab some concrete and supplies to retain dirt, and some PVP pipeing) some screen like in a screen door, plus good shovels and pix ax (Plus actual ax's too) Prehaps a posthole digger as well. Plus Id get a handsaw and otehr hand tools like that too. Plus some of those solar powerd yard lights. Prolly a tarp or 4 as well. Oh, hammer and nails too, and paint. (once again, Ill esplain later)

After that, Id mainly just drive (If I hear of a safe zone, odds are Id not go there, Ive seen in to many movies what happens then ...... )

In the end, Id proably wind up heading into the moutans or something, I'd find a very clear area in the open (but not on a flood plain), and entrench myself heavily.Nearby water (a creek or river, UPHILL from me) is a MUST for reasons Id go into later. Id start with just digging a slight peremeter trench and burm to slow anything down. In the middle of this would be a single tree. Tall and sturdy. Id put my hunters blind up in that.

If it appears that Im safe still, then Id start setting up better (entrenching deeper, making the burm taller) Also Id use the retaining wall material (that plastic shit they use on construction jobs to keep all the dirt from washing away in rain) to make the burm even more vertical (thus harder to get in unless I want you to. In the end, Id have a rope ladder entrence to my area.

If I was still safe Id start expanding the trench deeper, and I would also start using that concrete from the home deopt (along with water from a nearby creek) to make a watter supply. Id start with something basic, digging a new path for the creek towards my compound ( not much of a path, but a slight one) and lining that path with concrete so Id have a small aquiduct (keep in mind, as I said earlier, it'd be UPHILL of me)

Id remove a section of the burm, put in the PVC pipeing there and angle it so that the aquiduct flows into the pipe. The screen mentioned before would be fitted over the end of the PVC pipe, to filter junk from getting in (lets face it, shit would get in. Its a creek, but this way bigger stuff wouldnt) id also have the screen at a few other places, just as a redundacy)

Inside the burm, Id dig a pit for a cistern and line it with concrete (proly using the retaining wall material to hold it up as I make the vertical walls for it)

Id also cap off the cistern somehow by covering it with something.

The cistern would also have PVC pipe leading out of it, and Id make a pipe exit under the burm for it. If I had enuf supplies, Id have one at a slightly lower height than the entry pipe, and two or 3 pipes that are ablove the normal max height of it (this way, the watter is always moving, and I have more space for the water to exit than enter, incase of a flood)

The pipe that exits would be downhill of my compound, and Id simply let the water soak the ground. If nothing else, that'd make a good farm area, tho I would eventualy dig a trench to get it away faster (mosquitos are annoying). But the exit waterway would be all dirt, nothing fancy about it

Past that, Id go and fell trees that are close by and over time make my line of sight longer. Id also use the hand saws and ax and such to turn the trees into firewood and building supplies. Id build (along with one of the tarps Id have from the home depot or other building supply place, and wood from the trees) a leanto of sorts inside my compount for storing wood. Id'd be coverd so I had dry wood.

The other trees, Id just fell, and chop them up, and make a pile on the peremeter (that way, I can save inside space, while also leaving it close by.

Past that, by then if Id seen few or no zombies, Id prolly allready be low on food and supplies.

I estimate I could build this in 3 weeks or less, 4 weeks tops with bad weather one week. (keep in mind, Id have that hunters blind in a tree in the center of the compnd still, but the compund is just to give me even more saftey. Of coruse Id stash food/water up in the tree too.

As mentioned, by now prolly low on suplies.

Id prolly head back into the smallest town I could find.

if zombies are all around, I might have not even hit a store, if they wernt or in small numbers, Id get more fuel and food and water (creek waters fine, bottled water is better).
If the first town (or gas station) is a bust due to zombies, Id head to another til I found one.

Depending on the situation (is power still on or not) Id get an extenseve list, or basics and bug out. If I had extended time, more batteries and such, and more luxury food items (tho Id grab smokes no matter what, cartons of em) not just basic canned stuff. (lets face it, odds are by then that any fresh meats in teh stores are rotting)

If the power was still on in the place, then Id prolly grab ice, and an ice chest (if anys left) and grab me some ice cream (hey, odds are this would be my last chance for any, cause I doubt power would last more than a few weeks, if that much even. Id also grab a few microwave meals that could be oven cooked too, and cook them on a fire, or a propane stove.

Id also grab some soap and other stuff, so I could occasionly clean myself better.

Past that, Id head back to my compound. But Id be cautious.

If I run into zombies, get the fuck away fast (hence a car still being a priority)

if they follow me, drive AWAY from my compound up a hill, and preferbly from there to the top of ANOTHER hill.

If they still are following at that point (IE: I sit at the top of the 2nd hill, I see them come up the first one) I drive off, then double back out of sight (this way, a mass of them are headed AWAY from me)

If I eventualy made it back to my compound, Id be careful clearing it (tho I would have tossed the rope or ladder INSIDE the compund, so Id either have left a rope in my car, or left one or a ladder outside the compound, then Id just tie a rock to one end, toss it OVER the compound, and walk around and grab both ends together and use that to get in.

Keep in mind, the car would be left OUTSIDE the compound, as Id have the wall have no opening or door, you have to climb in.

So once I got back, Id go plant my garden (tho first Id have to rip apart the grass and such there, tho thats whata pick ax are for to an extent, and a shovel too)

I estimate within one day, maybe two, I could clear a decent sized area. Enuf to sustain me over time at least at first.

Id also start hunting, tho not TOO much (tho I WOULD go and dry out quite a bit of the meat, jerky is useful)

Otherwise, Id lsiten to the radio and the CB radio (by then Id have the antena up in a huge tree so I have chance of a signal) for any sign of a place that IS safe.

So there you have it. Id go (with any survivors I tema up with) and make a fort in the mountans with steep walls, and I STILL sleep up in a tree.

Food/water would be good for first 6 months to a year after the 2nd cargo run, as that time Id prolly fill most of the vehicle with canned food. ANY canned food, as that would keep for a long time etc etc. Anyone wondering how Id do it, Id be wearing a pack, load some stuff (water bottles, cannd items) into that, load most into a cart, fuckin FILL it with canned items.

Id then go back to my vehicle and dump the cart into the trunk or back seat, and repeat til its stuffed.

Chances of survival ?

Initaly getting into the country ? 50/50 if alone, its partly skill, partily luck
If I get a group, and we dont encounter a fucking horde right in our way as we round a corner or something, 70% chance.

Making it thru the stores ? Depends on if anyone is with me, and can they use a fucking gun. Comes down to luck as well, tho if were facing slow ones wed have a good chance.
Scatterd zombie presence 75% chance
Large presence detected to late, 40% chance
With group.
Scatterd presence: 85% chance
Large presence: 60%-75% chance (note: with a group, one person would stay by the car. If they spot more than a few zombies, theyd hit the horn and signal me to bugout. They lay on the horn, I fuckin drop the cart and leave)
Making it thru the stores out in the country? 60% chance alone (it'd take longer to load shit, and noone to watch my back)
Chance with one or more party members ? 75% to 80%

Once in the moutains: 99% chance chance of not running into a zombie there. Main risk ? Thunderstorms, as that would force me to get out of my hunters blind in a tree (safest place to be afterall)

2nd supply run: More risky, due to increased number of zombies by this point. Id be VERY cautious at this point.
If alone
50% chance of survival if large zombie horde encounterd once afoot.
75% chance of survival if few to small group encoutnerd afoot (assuming I can get to my vehicle, or any vehicle)
Still have car, and Im in it: 85% chance of survival, as Id be VERY cautious in were I stopped.
With group, same odds as inital supply run, lowering or raising depending on how many stops need to be made.
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Post by edhead »

Too much to read. You fail.
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Post by PsychoSniper2 »

your a lazy bastard, you fail.
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Post by frissy »

I'd go for a long metal pipe (spear etc). No ammo, I could swing and pierce. Also a shotgun if there is ammo. Fuck pistols. You need something that speads.
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Post by Thor Kaufman »

Army zombies
lobotomized by a bullet :rock:
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Post by Redeye »

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Post by Mad Max RW »

I highly recommend that book and his follow-up "World War Z".
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Post by johnnygothisgun »

i would lock my doors and sit on the roof

did you honestly just sit there and type all that shit up
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Post by frissy »

You've never met his mom, or sis. You would be typing that shit from experience too!
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Post by Blargh »

I'd transcend the necessity of physical existence and appeal to the nascent morality of the hungry dead - thereby convincing them of the noble, meritorious and, above all, entertaining undertaking that would be the brief siege of your quaint little compund. You would cease with an overwhelming fear of bananas.

Concerned as I am for the palates of the innocent, I'd strongly suggest they leave your pitiful remnants for the crows. Were I unable to restrain their appetites, I would instead advise they consume your ragged corpse utterly, so as to prevent even the slightest, most insignificant reanimation. They would go so far as to incinerate any resultant wastage. Even as zombie fecal matter, I wouldn't want to inflict you on them, Bob. :drunk:
Last edited by Blargh on Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Urizen »

Blargh wrote:I'd transcend the necessity of physical existence
haven't you allready?
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Post by Blargh »

After a certain point, recollection of states and perceptions becomes a nuisance. All the more so, relevance and application. When ? It is, so it is. :drunk:
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Post by Mechanurgist »

Long-term I'd develop a form of fuel based on zombie flesh, plus train myself to eat rotting flesh and suck bone marrow. I'd stock up on several metric tonnes of peptobysmal first though.

I'd read a lot of Heinlein, laugh at him for not predicting the Zombiecalypse, then take potshots at buildings to make them look like a game of tetris.

I'd find a dog and feed him iguanas roasted over a fire made of old Fallout CDs. Mmm.
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Post by Caleb »

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Post by Goretheglowingone »

wow, that kid wants to carry alot, i say, gather many friends and make them muels and zombie bite absorbers, find a nice military compound
and move in, and live hapily ever after..

or. get dog training collors and train some atack zombies, and take over the world...
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Post by frissy »

Urizen wrote:
Blargh wrote:I'd transcend the necessity of physical existence
haven't you allready?
He's a noob. It's like all those enlighten ones:
"When you believe you will become the enlighten!"
"So you believe...you shining yet?"
"Er...no it takes dedication and time"
"So...you're sitting here in those pyjamas...dedicated check and you look almost eighty so you must have had enough time...time check... so?"
"Well fuck this shit, just give the fucking money! You have it all! Wife, car, house, you can spare some! I have this fucking toga!
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

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Post by Smiley »

An AXE, is the only way to go.

I'm of course talking about the deoderant and a lighter.
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Post by Koki »

Zombies are so fucking utterly harmless I won't bother
Serious Business.
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Post by frissy »

yeah, but they stink.
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Post by DaC-Sniper »

the best way to kill a zombie is to give him shiny graphics, that make his eyes bleed.
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