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Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:34 pm
by FlatL1ne
Caleb wrote:You want wash wang? or you want wang wash wang?
then maybe you can explain what that meant?

you also started off you constructive criticism with

"There's that OH SHIT I HEAR THE ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!!!111!1111oneone talk we talked about"

then injected some humor into it with an attempt to belittle me.
" I'd be willing to believe you're a lowly tech support rep with a pirated copy of photoshop who can't texture for shit, believing that if you finally save enough money from the clinic for that VD you just can't quite get rid of you'll somehow be able to afford a retail copy that will cure your failure as an artist"

i can take constructive criticism very well and the rest of what you wrote was constructive and i even agreed with you a couple of posts up.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:39 pm
by Superhaze
I love this guy. its like our very own clown. :king:

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:14 pm
by FlatL1ne
instead of continuing to defend myself here ,i will mod what i can on my own.
post it for criticism,constructive or other and be done with it.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:46 pm
by Retlaw83
FlatL1ne wrote: first Fallout 3 was a p.o.s
then you say the beginning in the vault was great.
then you say if third dlc turns this game around you may buy it.
"but you doubted it would"

isnt all that hypocritical ?
I like the opening, it gave me high hopes, and the rest of the game fell flat due to - mainly - story issues. The third DLC is changing the end of the story; there's a slim chance it'll fix the rest of it, too.

So it's not hypocrisy so much as you don't know how to infer things.
i agree and disagree on certain aspects of this game and torrents that doesn't make me a hypocrite ,it means i have opinions and i see both sides of the argument and maybe i even argue for both sides.
It makes you not seem to have a clear opinion, is what it does.

i used valve and there dedication as an illustration, "OK maybe not a good one" you guys are intelligent enough to get what i meant and how that related to modding and how they improved another engine.
If you're intelligent enough to say what you mean, we won't have to be intelligent enough to get what you said.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:09 pm
by FlatL1ne
if you had said that in the beginning i would have inferred it correctly ,however those statements where separated over several posts, true ?

having a clear opinion doesn't mean i cant argue both sides
maybe i could have expressed things a little differently
to get my points across.

in the end i feel we are both arguing the same thing.
the game could be a lot better.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:12 pm
by FlatL1ne
and to show i can take the clown joke , made a little avatar.
the Rodeo Clown Perk

avatar perks may change as content changes..

for whatever reason in here the link isnt working on it ,but if you copy the link and paste into your browser it does.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:01 pm
by Caleb
Hey fucktard, that was a direct quote from shadow warrior, which was mentioned in the post before. Play it, find out what a real game was like(build engine games are, arguably, some of the best ever). As to the rest of what I said... that's what you've given us to go on.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:16 pm
by FlatL1ne
if you hadn't played shadow warrior ,how would you take that?
i apologize for not knowing the quote , i took it as a slam.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:19 pm
by Caleb
I'll take that as for all your bragging about how long you've been around and how many games you've played that your extensive knowledge is severely lacking. I'll put this point another way: what if they had taken the planes setting from Torment and tried to turn oblivion into that? That game was as geared on dialogue, story, choices, and possible outcomes as fallout was, if not even more linear. And we can all agree it would have failed horribly, so why is it not as obvious with fallout?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:32 pm
by FlatL1ne
I for one have not played Oblivion so i cant comment on that ,nor have i said at any point have i played the most games.

As far as fallout 3 is concerned i believe the concept wasn't all that bad.

For pc at least i believe there's decline in rpg games and most companies
are gearing towards FPS.In my personal game play experience this is the first of its kind for me.Turned based rpg style with the vats.

I constantly said in this forum the game has flaws.In my opinion they didn't
totally fail though. but that's my opinion

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:17 pm
by Superhaze
Sexy sexy vampires... :fap:

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:17 pm
by Caleb
Have you played VtM:Bloodlines? System Shock 2? Planescape:Torment? Baldur's Gate 2? Hell...even Strife?

Also, in regards to vats...honestly that's just as much a gimmick as bullet time...except less so. Bullet time at least felt like it could belong in the Max Payne universe. Vats kind of undermines ideologically what the fallout universe is about. Not sure who brought it up, but it's similar to the argument against the new resident evil game; it makes things simply too easy, too convenient in a harsh and barren place. It doesn't make sense.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:22 pm
by Superhaze
Wait what? Are you saying that in the severly fucked 1950s post nuclear barely got computers sci-fi future there wont be magic aiming wristwatches? :?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:47 pm
by Caleb
New iPhone app? :drunk:

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:55 pm
by FlatL1ne
i have played BG1 and 2 ,icewindale 2 and i havnt had a chance to play Planescape:Torment and of course the fallout 1 ,fallout tactics and fo3 now

fps =entire Quake series, HL series up to hl 2 havnt got the addon yet,
Doom series ,Unreal series and tournament series.

there are more, but those would be the top RPG/FPS i have played

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:02 pm
by Caleb
Can you imagine BG as a FPS/RPG hybrid? If not, why not?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:04 pm
by FlatL1ne
About vats ,sorry I meant it gives you some sort of rpg feeling like fallout did only in an fps.However i feel that once you enter vats you should have to stay there until the battle is over ,not just so you can get a clean shot but also to make the fight more even.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:11 pm
by Caleb
What you're talking about then isn't vats but a full turnbased combat system, akin almost to say a final fantasy game or the RTBS system in tactics, which is what vats was not.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:31 pm
by FlatL1ne
bg series are some of my favorite games.

i think i see where your going with this.

I believe i would embrace it if:
the storyline rocked " its a game i played for the storyline"
the game content was based in the bg world ,used some of the
original characters or at least new believable characters.
if Drizzt DO'Urden wasnt in it somewhere i would be pissed off no doubt.

its not to say i would not give that game a chance ,odds are i would buy it just to mod if not for both.

i believe your point here is you feel the same about FO3 and i don't blame you.again for me personally i found some redeeming qualities and chose to buy it and do some modding if possible.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:39 pm
by FlatL1ne
that's correct ,that way rpg players would get that end of the game and fps players can do it there way, thus both are satisfied at least in that one area of the game.

to answer the ? why it was brought up is because aside from that theirs no other rpg that i see in the game.turn style has always been rpg basis even if you didnt see the actual exchange in a least here you get a minute taste of it from your end that is.

if not already ,maybe someone could mod that aspect of the game.
Im not a coder thats for sure lol. "laughing at myself there"
but i would help out where i could.