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Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 6:31 am
by grapedog
I like the idea of perhaps helping to build back the industry...that goes along the lines of the steam engines and trains which I am fond of. Recreatin of the old B&O line...oh yeah!

Perhaps quests involving the spread of technology through the lands, keeping it away from or stealing it from certain bad elements. I can't see the BOS giving two craps if Steam technology or the combustion engine gets out for the most part.

I definately think FO3 needs to start the rebuilding've helped heal the initial injuries to the continent, now it's time to start it growing in good fashion. I would also like to see religion play a much larger part, like it did somewhat in FO and much more so than FO2. I definately think the re-emergance of serious religions(old and new) would be fun to explore in a society just trying to stand on it's own two feet again.

East Coast, West Coast, makes no differeance to me, I would like see both involved...the East Coast definately has a lot more to nuke for the most part that could provide for some really intriguing results.

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 8:32 am
by king_ota
I would be cool to see some religion based of some sort of old tech or old monument but they don't understand a thing about it (thats why its called a religion...) kinda like a feral techno cult...

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2002 10:18 pm
by Knight
Hmmm...maybe they could worship a

The Statue of Liberty - these lost survivors settled around the base of the statue to protect themselves from the dangers in the half-destroyed city of New York . They have became very patriotic to the flag of the good 'ol USA that they don't know a thing about it because all the elders have already past and so on... :?

A Surviving Nuclear Missile! - these worshippers began to worship the creator or who they think is the creator of the nuclear weapons that brought the destruction of the world. They keep the nuke in a sacred place and sacrifice people to it by putting them inside a radioactive goo chamber. A wanderer comes along one day and 'accidently' detonates it...hehehe! :lol:

Elvis Followers - die hard fans of the Elvis Presly were all gathered at a old vault that was convereted into large Elvis convention center. When the nukes fell they survived to play another day. Some of them left the old vault to play in the bars of certain peaceful towns. They worship Elvis alot. 8O

Sand Worms - radiation as mutated these almost extinct species of sand worms who devour anything crossing the desert. At a certain town...the in habitants worship a desert god. Maybe that's why they survive in the desert better than anyone else. They sacrifice their own people to a pit where a few sand worms are trapped in! :P

Fire People - these worshippers are decendents who were traumatized by nuclear fire when they were just kids. Now they worship fire. They breed fire geckos and know extensive knowledge into creating fire based weapons and stuff. They have a high tolerance to heat. :D 8)

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2002 9:23 am
by Saint_Proverbius
OnTheBounce wrote:Not necessarily. The war between the Shi and the NCR could just be a plot device to knock the tech level down a peg or three. The NCR could, for instance, attempt to seize the synthetic fuel production facility that the Shi have and instead of capturing it, accidentally turn it into an inferno. (Pvt. Lester Lipschitz was given a verbal reprimand for this due to his careless use of a tobacco product and an open flame...posthumously.) A couple of incidents like that would do some serious damage to both sides.
You know one problem I've always had with the NCR is that they got it right the first time. Most new governments fail even under ideal conditions. They have to go through a few iterations before it works.

Now, given the problems with life in the wasteland, such as raiders constantly attacking, giant insects, mutants, and so on, you'd think getting a government working in such a situation would be a problem. After all, they can't just pick up a phone and communicate with Junktown or other provences. There aren't horses to ride from town to town, there's no cars. Travel is very slow, and incredibly life threatening, even compared to Roman times. Hell, Junktown could get wiped out and it might be a week or so before they know it assuming someone from Junktown survived and went straight to the NCR.

Then again, the main problem with NCR is that it was an ending of Fallout.

As for the Shi, they should have never been in the game at all. I've never understood why the Enclave tanker moves, by default, between the rig and San Franscisco. You'd think the Enclave would have landed in San Franscisco, seen it populated with Chinese, and absolutely freaked out over such a thing. After all, they were still operating as the old U.S. government, the Chinese were their enemy. If you were isolated after a war with the Chinese, and when you finally go to a populated area and all you saw were Chinese people, wouldn't that bother you? It would me.
Yes, keeping it in the same area forces the designers to choose what outcome(s) occured in at least some of the towns. So it would be a good choice to relocate, although this does do in the continuity to a certain extent.
I agree. Even without that, the problems with continuity arise. Look at FOT's deathclaws being intelligent 40 years too early.
I have to agree w/grapedog here. If you want an historical example, there's tons and tons of them. Julius Caeser for Rome, George Washington for the US, Rodrigo "El Cid" Diaz for Spain, Charlemagne for both France and Germany, etc., etc. Most of these guys were political opportunists or even outright Total Rat Bastards, but they've had a nice, glossy coat of historical interpretation smeared on them for the sake of national unity, at least at one time or another. A lot of what we were treated to in FO2 info-wise can be written off as simple propaganda. The NCR claims to have 700,000 inhabitants? Sounds impressive. Are the locals going to go out and count heads? Probably not.
History has nothing to do with this. By cementing in how things were after Fallout, you're designating a "correct" way to play. Siding with Gizmo is wrong, since Killian is mentioned in that holodisc. You shouldn't play that way because it's not the correct way.

The sad thing is, they didn't even have to mention what went on in Junktown and other things with the holodisc. It was totally irrelevant to the plot of Fallout 2. It was just a superfilous item that basically said, "Here's how BIS thinks you should play Fallout."