Any loot?

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Post by Hyacinth »

You know something is fishy when the media doesn't shower the population with information about the riots. I obviously, as stated before am not living in USA but what laws does looting mobs, screaming a hashtag, think will change? Its, as always, brainwashed and naive youths that cannot, not participate, because of their conditioning, but doing what? All that is happening seems to be another useless "occupation" like "occupy Wallstreet" lol remember that one?

The ones who aren't helped by these idiots are the "minorities" that takes on their worst stereotypes and manifests complete chaos and complete anti-societal behavior by looting and lynching white people for hindering them doing what they want, it's not like they are some brave group of suppressed who turn against a society that shunned them. They shunned the society and society is too programmed to deny their version.

The only thing that will come out of this is proof of the violent blacks and an aggressive second wave of Covid-19.

Virtue signaling in the day, murder by night. Stupid pawns.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

There is no past or future to them, only what is offensive to them in the present. They have no foresight nor do they care of the consequences of their actions. Short sighted, overly aggressive, and inarticulate to the extent that people outside of their cause sees them as crazy and fanatical. Not a good look. You're right though, Lenin called them "useful idiots."
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Post by Hyacinth »

Interesting that the Seattle police abandoned the city 🚨
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Post by Megatron »

I'm not sure if I understand some positions in the thread, are you concerned about the welfare of black people and therefore want change to happen, but not this way?

Or is it that young people are being involved in protesting/rioting and not doing it correctly or for the right reasons?

Or is it that society in itself is alright actually and you don't understand what the fuss is about?


There's this fun video on 'Tucker' 'Carlson' that shows video from the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,

as if most major cities don't look like that anyway.

also lol about BLM supporters being short sighted and overly aggressive as if the right hasn't been doing that for decades. Fucking the world with neoliberal garbage, killing people in the streets, lacking any ideological purpose besides themselves being pawns for billionaires as having the working class fight amongst themselves is better than true class warfare.

sure some people here work shitty jobs or are saddled with debt or health problems they pay through the nose for or family members with rotting bodies from working themselves to death, paying some landlord money for having the capital to buy property before you - but yes, the true enemy are bisexual teenagers with green hair
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Post by Hyacinth »

I just mean that the overly eager driving force seems to be in it as a rebellious niche. The system is flawed but who will gain from the societal instability? If you believe that you are living in a democracy then at least this will polarize the voters, but will it be towards safety from violence or "exposing" prejudice? What do you suggest needs to change? Opinions about races? Laws that divide the population by color for the benefits of the "minority" seems pretty ironic.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

The main issue to me is urban vs rural. Every major urban area is virtually identical now, urbanites are a plague upon the country and actual identities of the states therein. Look at Virginia and all the urbanites in north of the state that want to take the guns away from literally everyone else south of them, but since they have majority from population density they could strong arm their positions on everyone else in the state. It's bullshit and it's mob rule and the US is supposed to be set up to be better than that. The founding fathers tried their damnedest to make sure that didn't happen but I'll be damned if all these people thinking they're on the "right side of history" aren't trying to dictate everything to everyone else.
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Post by Megatron »

Hyacinth wrote:I just mean that the overly eager driving force seems to be in it as a rebellious niche. The system is flawed but who will gain from the societal instability? If you believe that you are living in a democracy then at least this will polarize the voters, but will it be towards safety from violence or "exposing" prejudice? What do you suggest needs to change? Opinions about races? Laws that divide the population by color for the benefits of the "minority" seems pretty ironic.
I believe we live in a democracy but that it has been hijacked by media - and not just 24hr news, but also social media, television, film, memes etc. As a species we are smart enough to invent these things but not smart enough to understand them properly, and just as a large percentage of wealth is concentrated to a small percentile of the population, so are the means of creating 'content' and influencing people. Which is why I think democracy is kind of fucked for the time being as people are so easily manipulated, subjectivity supercedes reality now moreso than ever.

I think culture should be protected but also up to being challenged - from the views say, some Muslims have on gay people to statues of slave owners in America and Europe. Nothing should be sacred in that way, everything is dynamic. I don't agree with suppression until it gets to a point where an action, object or thought itself causes suppression (just as pacifism allows for violence in order to prevent violence)
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Re: Any loot?

Post by munchkin »

Mismatch wrote:With the riots and all I guess someone should have gotten some.

And the looting. I blame videogames. Before Diablo this wouldn't have happened.

Do we even have any :peopleofcolour: here?
I know susan is The King of the flowers.

Diablo the root of evil, they say. :crazy:
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Post by Gimp Mask »

S4ur0n27 wrote:I mean, if we had to be hostile to anyone who had a few slaves in the history of the world, our heroes would be few. And, I mean, people had slaves since the dawn of time and it was widely accepted by a bunch of people, which doesn't make it ok now, but you have to take this into account when assessing historical figures. People also married their sisters, cousins, fucked 12 year old girls, killed each other, tortured each other.
While I agree that judging past people based on current moral standards is pretty silly (I'm pretty sure we're all fucked when future generations read about the shit we've been up to) the thing is, we're not talking about ancient history here. Redlining, planned shrinkage, mortgage discrimination and racial steering, busing / white flight, modern slavery in the form of private prisons / "the new jim crow" / the war on drugs i.e. criminalizing black people, the lack of upward mobility that disproportionately affects blacks, discrimination based on african american names, predictive policing and racial profiling (using modern algorithm-based surveillance technologies too), even fucking sundown towns that's just some shit off the top of my head that have affected black people and communities quite recently, a bunch of it happening even today so talking about oppression in the form of slavery as some sort of a historical relic in this context seems absurd

I have no real opinion on the riots and looting, I kinda want to believe in peaceful protest and the eradication of social issues through dialogue because I'm naive like that, but then any sort of dialogue in the current polarized climate is a challenge to say the least (everything has degraded to just a bunch of whataboutism) and that's not really how things have changed in the past anyway, and while silencing dissenting opinions regardless of people's position (e.g fascist, alt-right what have you) doesn't work at all, at the same time free speech is what enables demagogues and populists to rise to power. Seems like the irony of a liberal democracy (though US is more of a corporatocracy anyway I guess) is how one of its corner stones also appears to be the most likely cause for its downfall, it's not like authoritarian regimes are formed by revolutions or militant coups today, just think of Erdogan, Orban, all of those butt heads.

And I'm pretty sure you'll get a better history education by reading a book than by staring at a statue. I completely agree with you on the ridiculousness of the whole good/evil dichotomy though.
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