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Post by VasikkA »

Zeba the Lie wrote: 1) Join date for THIS account...not the one that got hacked by soemone who loves rainbow penises and made them my Avatar
Welcome back, Saint Proverbius :joy:
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Post by Burning Oasis »

"I'm walking on sunshine! Woah oh oooh!" plays in my head every time I get on these forums.
-----------------------------------------------------------Has anyone ever been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

stop bitch-fighting in the Tard thread, damn-nit! now, shall we begin the beguine?

a common last-ditch attempt at passive-aggressively threatening a company as a consumer is to tell them you're not going to buy their product. it happens often. leroygreen appears to understand the failure in the logic of threatening a company who sells millions of it's product without fail...that they're going to lose one single sale. so he ups the ante to protect his achievement whoring:
I was just getting ready to order 10 copies of the collectors edition of New Vegas for PC (for my employees and friends), and noticed that the picture for the box didn't say "LIVE" as in Games For Windows Live. The internet is awash with some people saying it will be Live enabled, and others saying it will not be. A quick search of these forums did not find me any topics on the matter, so somebody please confirm for me that it will be Live enabled on PC??

I would completely be stunned if it wasnt, after the first one was Live enabled.

wow, what a nice guy, eh? but if you think he'll stop at 10, think again!
Perhaps somebody at Bethesda cares about my decision then. I purchased over 25 copies of Fallout 3 (for my employees and colleagues), all for PC except for 2 X360 copies for relatives. Now that you have opted out of GFWL for New Vegas, I will be buying ZERO copies of this game. My colleagues and I will be spending our time on GFWL titles that properly offer access to Live Achievements.
let's see here, Bethesda...what's 4 million minus 25? are you guys still making money here? p.s. colleagues? lol.

it would appear that kickstand has an alias at the Bethboard named aleksmen:
tell me why not couse in fall out 3 i see all the cars and moters and some parts you can sell so Why isnt it a cool thing to hav a car or mother cycle!

well, i'd personally rather have a motherfuckercycle!

in a thread titled "Will we see an Elvis ghoul? Post your genius ideas here!" by Super Souvlaki, we come to understand the next-gen definition of genius:
Fallout: New Vegas made me very excited!
Maybe we see an Elvis ghoul in the game or maybe we get a Mothership Zeta 2 Dlc where the Elvis ghoul got abducted by Aliens! :D

Good ideas from other forums: Paying with poker chips instead cabs!!! -Genius.

Post your genius ideas here! (Spread the 'Elvis ghoul idea' if you like it!)



It has a unique jumpsuit/wig or something!
It would be relax if you could gamble a bit and win some poker chips (instead of bottle caps) while you listen to the music of the Ghoul Elvis who is singing in the Casino! :D haha! Game moment of the year! :D (Elvis would turn around in his grave if this happend! :D Makes it funnier!)

Mothership Zeta 2? OMFG YES PLZ LOL!!!AREA51!

when reading through these things...i have a very difficult time imagining these posts coming from real people. i really do want to believe, for humanity's sake, that 90% of Bethesda's forum members are trolls.
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Gimp Mask wrote:
mutant threads
that would be a pretty good feature as well

while googgoling for the mutant pic i found this, might be old news but whatever. the url speaks volumes:
http://www.wanderinggoblin.com/2009/07/ ... ally-cool/
Is that a radish? Uncle Monty?
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

Keep on fighting the good fight Twinkie, this thread is very appreciated!
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

on Galaxy News Radio with my voice? mmmkay.

today, let's study the sort of fans who think and want Mothership Zeta to be cannon [sic] because "aliens are awwwesome!!!" what's great about the Bethesda boards...is that you never have to follow a conversation in order to find a good quote. why is that? because most of these retards like reading other peoples' posts about as much as they like text in their RPGs.

I am Hk-47 Rebuilt and I am your target audience.
I LOVED Mothership Zeta. And of course its cannon. The aliens have always been around. Now i dont think they should be incorperated anywhere else quite to the extebt of fallout 3, but still, its done, it wa a VERY GOOD DLC, and the srotry ties all the strange alien occurances into the storyline. And i think its awesome.
*sigh* y'know, not following the conversation of the few posts in front of you is one thing. but adding an idiotic comment full of spelling errors and logistical fallacies without any facts to back you up? GTFO my internet!

oh hey, look who it is, my troll-alt VanBurro lives on in others' posts (and apparently up to a certain date or something. strange.):
Also, being canon or not because of slight nods doesn't change the fact that Bethesda, in using aliens as a cause for the disaster took a huge part of what the original developers intended--which was to show how humans were responsible (i.e. "what have we done to ourselves and how do we cope with it?") out of the picture and gave us a sort of lazy deus ex machina.
and the response to that from loki1913:
I feel very silly for asking this, but what are you referring to? I played through Mothership Zeta, and all I got out of it, story-wise, was that while all this other stuff was going on, there were little green men in space, occasionally abducting people. Not huge, about as believable as the entire alternate-history that the Fallout series takes place in, and completely inconsequential, really having nothing to do with anything.

Why is this in danger of becoming a fight? Why is anyone taking this so seriously?! One of the things that I always loved about Fallout was that it did not take itself too seriously. It threw in references and strange (if familiar) characters for little more than a chuckle, and just as easily forgot them, without having to explain what happened to them and why. Let there be aliens if people want them, don't bother explaining how a whale carcass got to the middle of the desert, and try not to think about that well in Modoc.

EDIT: After going through and re-re-rereading some of the prior posts, I realized that I'm dealing with the same brand of fanatic that will never accept Fallout 3 because *gasp!* it was made by a different company. Seriously, you people are the reason I left "No Mutants Allowed"...and sadly, that means they're not going anywhere, and will instead continue to complain bitterly as Bethesda carries on with the franchise that it brought back from the unquestionably dead.

here's another logical statement given by member Expressate followed by a Bethtardian response:
Easter Eggs

If you follow that, then Godzilla and the TARDIS are canon too.
Greatest Alive (the irony of that screen-name, awesome) responds:
This is a terrible arguement. If you have not noticed, aliens have their OWN DLC. They are canon.
so, there you have it folks. and with that i am going to stay away from that forum for the remainder of the weekend.
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Zeba the Lie
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Post by Zeba the Lie »

This thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

I feel bad for the kiddies in the bethsoft forums who have yet to play fallout 1 and 2...they don't know what they're missing, and they don't realize how stupid they are being...

Fallout 3 was good, I really enjoyed it...but compared to the other two, well it just CAN'T compare.....

What happened to the days of sexual innuendo, porn stars, and super mutants with ball gags?

This is a sad time for the video game world...we're trying too hard to sanitize everything....
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Post by Dreadnought »

Zeba the Lie wrote:This thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

I feel bad for the kiddies in the bethsoft forums who have yet to play fallout 1 and 2...they don't know what they're missing, and they don't realize how stupid they are being...

Fallout 3 was good, I really enjoyed it...but compared to the other two, well it just CAN'T compare.....

What happened to the days of sexual innuendo, porn stars, and super mutants with ball gags?

This is a sad time for the video game world...we're trying too hard to sanitize everything....
Zeba the Lie wrote:Fallout 3 was good, I really enjoyed it...but compared to the other two, well it just CAN'T compare.....

You tried to garnish this impertinence with something less splotchy, but the giant turd you're wearing on your head as a hat, is shining like a brown beacon of fecklessness. :?
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

Mugglelover, the greatest supporter of meaningful RPG mechanics chimes in with another gem:
It was very easy even before Broken Steel to get all of your skills maximized if you wanted to. I hope it will be again. I want that choice.
so next-gen games really DO have C&C after all! but, hmmm. isn't easily maxing your skills taking away the ability to choose whether or not you're actually playing a specific role or playing a generic super human? a paradox!

member Deadpool attempts a clever but ends up with full-retard:
i think this is the last thing i wanna bring up... its been brought up before like i imagine most of this has. but bethesda ... seriously... can we talk for a second*sits down on the couch* its alright, dont worry im not mad @ you *pats the seat next to him* look. you guys make these large worlded, vast & open ended games that for single player have hours & hours & hours of game play but are often haulted by its incredibly repeatative crap. (run for a mile, kill bad thing, run for another mile, speech check, kill a**hole who didnt like your answer & was good before but now has issues, run for a mile) make a fallout game, or elder scolls or both... & then ... you do this new hip thing all the kool game companies are doing & you MAKE IT ONLINE ... sorry i raised my voice... but honestly... i would have SOOOOO much more fun if my & 3 of my buddies could runn around blowing crap up together in fallout. or even elderscrolls. give us a co-op ability or something. let us be able to run into eachother, kill one another. laugh @ the way your friends head blew off his body & rolled for like 50ft before coming to a stop in a bucket. let us box the crap out of super mutants knowing that its gonna take forever but that confused bastard is gonna spin in circles trying to figure out which of us to shoot. make an online game... please.
i always laugh at heads blowing off! you know why? because violence is fuckin' funny!
P.S. WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM? animal friend perk lvl : THREE - Able to ride a yao guai. no horses... no cars... only walking & running... are you on some cheap drugs... let me ride a yao guai. or even a brauhman(spelling)

hello, hello, hello....is there anybody in there?

ZOMG! Watch out! Guppy371's gone crazy with his Crazy Weapon Ideas!!
I've been thinking about some weapons that I think would be cool and fun to use in Fallout New Vegas:
- I thought of a weapon sort of like the railway rifle, except instead of railway spikes it shoots poker chips at high speeds(the dirty gambler, idk stupid name).
- Also I was thinking of an arrow shooting machine gun(like in the movie Van Helsing).
- Molotov cocktails(I know original, but it could still be fun).
- Deadly throwing playing cards(or maybe a gun that shoots playing cards).
- C4 explosives.
- Nail gun.
- Spear(good old fashioned death)
Really that's all I can think of right now. If you guys think of anything you would like to play with in New Vegas, post it under this topic. And who knows maybe if any of these are good enough the developers will see it and put it in the game. We can only dream. Oh, and have a nice day. :intergalactic:

bellabell, my bellabell, how does thy boredom grow? (i thought video-games were supposed to be a cure for boredom in the first place. are you really telling me you keep dicking around in a game after you've grown bored with it? the fuck does that say about you?)
will there be mini nukes or some equivalent huge ass weapon that is mostly just for show/fun/cure to boredom?

if its not mini nukes, what could it be? maybe like a mustard gas launcher? i dono just throwing random ideas out cuz honestly, i cant think of something other than mini nukes lol

can we truely call it fallout without mini nukes? :P i mean i never used them for anything serious, not even behemoths, but i liked to just mess around with it... blow random stuff up, blow myself up, jump off those huge satellites and nuke the ground right before i hit an launch myself till i hit an invisible wall waaay in the sky, anything is possible with nukes :P
let me run this by you again in case you missed it:
can we truely call it fallout without mini nukes?
i ask you DaC...can we?
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

that bellabell needs a new fucking hobby. Jesus! Jumping off satellites and blowing themself up as they hit the ground..... what a waste of one's precious lifespan.
Wasteland Radio, with Charlie C.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Guppy371 wrote:[...] Really that's all I can think of right now. If you guys think of anything you would like to play with in New Vegas, post it under this topic.
poker chip rifle, playing card gun... I think you pretty much covered it friend B)
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Post by Zeba the Lie »

Dreadnought wrote:
Zeba the Lie wrote:This thread makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...

I feel bad for the kiddies in the bethsoft forums who have yet to play fallout 1 and 2...they don't know what they're missing, and they don't realize how stupid they are being...

Fallout 3 was good, I really enjoyed it...but compared to the other two, well it just CAN'T compare.....

What happened to the days of sexual innuendo, porn stars, and super mutants with ball gags?

This is a sad time for the video game world...we're trying too hard to sanitize everything....
Zeba the Lie wrote:Fallout 3 was good, I really enjoyed it...but compared to the other two, well it just CAN'T compare.....

You tried to garnish this impertinence with something less splotchy, but the giant turd you're wearing on your head as a hat, is shining like a brown beacon of fecklessness. :?
Heey...I enjoyed Fallout 3...big deal...Makes me no less of a person...now if I said, "OMFG!!! Followt 3 was teh Greatestest Game EVAR!!!!!!"

I could understand some resentment.....
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Post by Yonmanc »

Yes, it does make you less of a person.
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Post by jetbaby »

Zeba the Lie wrote:Heey...I enjoyed Fallout 3...big deal
You sure got that right. It is a big deal.

...Makes me less of a person...
Edited to save you some grief by just admitting it.

now if I said, "OMFG!!! Followt 3 was teh Greatestest Game EVAR!!!!!!"

I could understand some resentment.....
So you read, what, two posts about FO3 here?
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

Ever wonder how you, the Fallout fan, can have the ultimate Fallout experience? Why, I bet some of you are saying "Sure. Play Fallout 1, that's pretty much the ultimate Fallout experience" but you are so wrong! Here to explain his totally original idea is thebadguy2k6:
This is just my opinion, but I wanted to gauge others thoughts as well. Mind you, I'm not talking about anything fancy here......just simple modes of transportation.

When I played Fallout 3, the one thing that came to my mind was......boy, I would sure like to see this from the air.......and......boy, this is heck of a hike to get to this location.

I propose that player controlled and operated vehicles be incorporated. I'll probably get shot down for this , but hear me out!

Using schematics acquired throughout the wasteland and parts acquired throughout the waste land.....the player should have the ability to build something like a dune buggy. That's right.....a ratty ole dune buggy! Something that could get from point A to point B with out the need of "fast travel". In Fallout 3, I hated using fast travel because I would always miss the band of Talon Company mercs or that trade caravan, or Enclave soliders with energy weapons. Fast travel, although convienient, takes something away from the game. I merely propose an alternative for fast travel that is more believable than fast travel. Using schematics, parts, and certain skill levels, the player should be able to assemble a dune buggy to aid in travel from one location to another. Also, the player should be able to fire a pistol / submachinegun / other single hand weapon while driving the dune buggy. I also propose that the dune buggy be easily destroyable or damaged by enemy fire so that the player has to leverage a ceratin amount of risk when using it. Heck, you can even make it upgradable with faster speed, extra storage space, a little armor....what ever theplayer perfers.

(Now I'm really going for the stars)......along with the dune buggy, I also propose a gyro-chopper. That's right.......a player build ultralight helicopter capable of hovering and flying a couple hundred feet above the gound. Again, built with acquired schematics and certain parts and skill level, the player should be able to assemble a gyro-chopper (like out of mad-max). Unlike the dune buggy though, I think the gyro-chopper should have a maximum lift-off where it can't fly if the player has to many items weighing him/her down. Also, like the dune buggy, the player should be able to fire a pistol or submachine gun from the cockpit while in flight. At a reduced accuracy rate of course.

This would make the ultimate fallout experience. I don't want to hear no belly aching either.......the rules of phyiscs are the same in this game as they are in reality and gyro-choppers where real in the 50's...so a helicopter is a tangable idea. Just not sure what it's overall effect on gameplay would be. I like it, but like anything else I have proposed.....it should be earned.....not part of the main story line.

Community....give me your thoughts
My thoughts? Boy oh boy you really went for the stars...but instead ended up in your neighbors yard circling his patio light with the moths.

An amusing interaction courtesy of Bar27262 which I will repeat for you, my own way:
How about where you find the tardis and you can enter it and you find a dalek or something?

But since the internet is sorta a democracy, Lets have a vote!

I would like a dalek as a companion

The TARDIS has already been done in Fallout 1.

I know that, why does everyone on here think everyone else is stupid?
How about where you find the tardis and you can enter it and you find a dalek or something?

But since the internet is sorta a democracy, Lets have a vote!

I would like a dalek as a companion


I'm getting the feeling that as long as Mugglelover is posting, we'll have Tardthread material:
We're supposed to get control over an orbiting laser weapon that makes the thing that killed Liberty Prime look like a firecracker. Now that's upping the ante on destruction.
and Lightweight Nate joins in on the subject of mini-nukes:
even Mini Nukes were awesome. I never really used them, but I still like collecting them to adorn my Megaton House. Actually, I like to commit suicide with them. You take off your armor and fire one straight up in the air. It's actually kind of fun.
It must be bittersweet, guys...knowing a company is catering directly to you, and subsequently realizing this means you're a drooling retard.

needing no introduction at this point, I bring you Left4Candy:
I want a huge Spider named Spidey as companion:) or enemy. it should be a mutated spider that were the Black Widow or something dangerous.
And Snakes named Sneakie Snakie.
I also want for the hardcore mode ''Bandages'' they may help your limbs when crippled.
And some modifications for armor. most the leather armor. so if u find a string and bottlecap you can put the string throught the bottlecap and then hang it somewhere like the shoulder. or maybe if u make wrist protection out of radscorpion skin or mirelurk. things like that.
and snakes named sneakie snakie. mmmhmmm. gotcha.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Jesus, how old are these people?
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

That Orwellian twat Summer is like 80, word is bond.

Anybody got that picture of her dancing on the bar? God that's scary.
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Post by Zeba the Lie »

jetbaby wrote:
Zeba the Lie wrote:Heey...I enjoyed Fallout 3...big deal
You sure got that right. It is a big deal.

...Makes me less of a person...
Edited to save you some grief by just admitting it.

now if I said, "OMFG!!! Followt 3 was teh Greatestest Game EVAR!!!!!!"

I could understand some resentment.....
So you read, what, two posts about FO3 here?

1) It's not a big deal...it's just a fucking game...

2) at least I'm still more of a man than you will ever be...

I've read quite a few pages on ya'lls views of fallout 3, and quite honestly, while I agree with some, I don't agree with all.....

Compared to alot of shit that's come out, fallout 3 was good.....

Hey, at least it's not Lost planet or Onechanbara......
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

Zeba the Lie wrote: Hey, at least it's not Lost planet or Onechanbara......
Where did Onechanbara ever try to assign itself some level of profundity and gravitas like the bill of goods we got sold by Pete Hines on FO3?

Onechanbara is base, and it revels in that. Tight bodies in tight clothes slaughtering zombies - it's LCD personified and it never perpetrates otherwise. Let them eat cake!

FO3 is Oblivion. Same engine, same designers, same philosophy towards dumbing-down RPGs. Same empty world with meaningless shit that has no effect and grey, limp lifeless characters with crap dialogue. FO3 tried to front like it was on the level, like it's an RPG, like it has integrity, like it's not pandering to the LCD, like it's more than Oblivion re-skinned.
It's the same old water-down shit for the LCD that Todd Howard excels at.

Todd Howard: making RPGs for people who hate RPGs.

You'd play Onechanbara because it promises tits, zombies and gore - and it delivers (I guess, never played one).
You'd play FO3 assuming since it's a sequel that there's some continuity - in gameplay, in design philosophy, in the SPECIAL system. That's not what FO3 delivers.

Fallout 3 is the spiritual successor of Oblivion.
You can't argue with a good blow job -George Carlin
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Post by TwinkieGorilla »

Cimmerian Nights wrote:Todd Howard: making RPGs for people who hate RPGs.
i've never seen a more succinct or true statement regarding the company. if you really spend enough time with these retards and their hollow-eyed postings...you start to see the pattern and understand exactly what it is that all these people have in common, and what they want from Bethesda:

1) they mostly hate the sort of cRPG's that defined the genre (not to mention the Fallout series).

2) they want to play dress-up and LARP around in a rule-free sandbox.

and truly, that is it. what it entails beyond that is a never-ending barrage of mind-numbingly idiotic specifics showcasing humanity's capacity to be depressingly under-achieving.
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