Star Trek Or Star Wars?

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Star Trek or Star Wars

Star Wars ( jar jar is a taliban though )
Star Trek (I'll launch a photon torpedo up ur arse!)
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Post by Knight »

Force sees Q
attempt to go into past fails due to lost of power
Q realizes in his thick headed mind
that he cannot go back in time
without using his powers
he's toast
Think that is cheating?
Do not underestimate the power of the Force...
The Jedi can READ try living among us now eh?
Holograms suck unless it has something to do with sex...B5 movie where the captain is in a very nice outfit. Sexy huh?
Well, you cheat too! Every part where the good guys get stuck they escape without losing a single person. Pathetic! The SW universe knows when to lose its characters. Take for example...poor Chewie in the first book to the series of Yugowhatever!
Genesis device huh? Eat SW fools! :roll:

Is that all you have to give,
try to make us piss,
a bunch of sissy uniform fitters,
who are too queezy of cleaning thier own filters,
when you see the sun come calling you home,
stop blocking transmissions and get off the phone!


We will crush earths sun with a SPLAT!
So you can lick it off out fat ASSES!
Inclued Q too,
But don't exclude B5 2,
'cause they will face the cold blues,
of ice planet Hoth!

Humm Vee driver: "Yeehaw, let's rock and roll!"
"The new world is a dangerous place." - Knight
Mastar Singularity
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

You know something? Very little of that makes sense at all. A lot of it I have already disproven, and you come and spam the things that have been destroyed, hoping to make an impression.

The force is an energy field, created by all living things. It is not a very powerful field when it contains only one person and nothing else, as you have stated it will when the SW character travels to the ST universe.

And the midichlorin filter that Proverbius talked about already takes care of the rest.
Warp 8 is totally impossible to ever travel in cause you simply can't go faster than the lightspeed.
Oh gawd, your Star Wars technology must suck if you can't go past lightspeed and you think that everybody elses' technology also sucks too bad to go past lightspeed. However I do not think that is true.

It is only "impossible" because of relativity. TEH TECHNOLOGY bypasses relativity in several ways.
Klingons are nothing compared to Wookies.
I am very sure that ST would be stupid enough to put one Klingon and pit him against one Wookie...yes...probably a couple of peeps with Phasers will kill a Wookie, however...
Your ST people are too lazy to actually get down and dirty on a planet. All you do is push a button to make the enemy go away!
Uh-huh...that shows you how much you know about ST.
Now, now...the Borg have to walk up and touch the bare skin of a storm trooper. Storm Trooper armor is made to withstand physical blows. Arrow hits armor and armor does not dent. Spear hits it and it still does not dent.
Not, however, a laser cutting device (which each of the Borg have)
Oh yeah, sure the Borg can adapt. What about a Imperial repeater rifle or a concussion rifle. Adapt to our variety of weapons. We even have rail launchers. They cannot adapt phisically.
See how many gun shots they survived...50...uhh...your Imps shoot 20 shots of rail launchers...OH NOS, THEY'RE STILL WALKING....*Assimilation complete*
Even is Q is power. Wouldn't that make him alive? It carries a personality, it responds to stimuli, and it exists therefore it is alive...therfore it has midicholorians...therefore it can be succumbed to the Force without any trouble. It won't even know the Force exists until too late to even think.
Ummm...a it's like
Other person *Shoots a phaser, kills the Jedi*
Speaking of engines...I haven't you noticed those two glowing rods on the back end of th Enterprise and every other Federation ship? X-wings and other ships will simply use proton torpedoes to knock those out.
Unlike your SW ships, ST has shields capable of blocking torpedoes.
A Federation Star ship twice the size of a star destroyer! HAHAHA! I laughing so hard I squashed a twibble. Where do you think we hold those TIE fighters? How many Turbo lasers we have? Huh? What about our AT-ATs? We will Eat Joo!
Since when was it twice the size of an SD? I find that moronic description very inaccurate and am also unable to find anyone besides you who said that.
WE HAVE PROTON TORPEDOES!!! I laugh at your photon torpedoes...lets compare eh? BOOM! We got more power!
Proton torpedoes = mere explosive
Photon torpedoes = antimatter
antimatter > explosive

Obviously, you have no idea what you're talking about. Even in regular science, you do not compare with a "BOOM!"
Contineuim or not, Q cannot and never will just think away us Star Wars lovers! Once he gets into the field of a single storm trooper he will be helpless without his powers. ST fans, remember the episonde in ST: The Next Generation. Q lost his powers for being a asshole. Look what happened...your baldy Captain got revenge! Well...we have our own Force power tool. The field is the Force since it does not exist in your universe we carry it with us.*snickers*
Umm...tell me, God moves to a different universe, he automatically loses his powers? Now Q, while not quite being God, gets somewhat close in several ways with his ability to alter time and all that. In fact, Q is not so powerful as God as all, however, the point is that Q has his powers, God has his powerful powers...(whatever), they keep them, in whatever situation.
The field is the Force since it does not exist in your universe we carry it with us.*snickers*
Jedi: OMG, I BROUGHT A FIELD OF THE FORCE 2 SQUARE METERS WITH ME *Jedi points at a Starship trooper 5 meters away* DIE!

*Starship trooper does nothing*


*Starship trooper shoots a phaser and kills the Jedi*
We SW have deflector shields...on all sides of the star ship.
X-wing fighter pilot: *sees power to rear deflector shield failing*
R2-D6 will you supply power to that part.
*the droid diverts power from forward to aft*
You notice that, despite all those shields of yours, your fighters still get destroyed by one shot from the enemy.

While ST also has deflector shields on all sides (cough, since when did we not?), they actually WORK, y'know.
CoughMastersingularity-thinks-that-DV-is-stupid-enough-too-believe-in-that-homo-Picardcough. We even have our own songs and a very large fan base!
Tell me, since when did I believe in Picard?
I've only seen phasers vaporize other enemies in the first ST. In the secone you had different settings...blah Do you have flamethrowers, jetpacks, and balls to face SWs in blaster to hand combat? You sit in your seats and push bottons.
OMG, you assume that just because we don't use them, we don't have them? LOL!

Flamethrowers! Hah!

Stormtrooper with a flamethrower: DIE! *Flames shoot out*

*Starship person shoots phaser and vaporizes Stormtrooper, flamethrower and all*

Impressive flamethrower of yours.
You sit in your seats and push bottons.
Wow, you know, that person in your Death Star, pushing a button, was very impressive. I assure you that, while we do push buttons sometimes, we also go out into the action at all the others.
Docking is no problem with a airlock desigsned to punch through a hull and keep the ship under a very powerful tractor beam. This is what SW space pirates use. No need for that silly beaming technology.
You do realize, of course, that the Borg (who I was talking about with the Docking problem) do not have any visible docking stations for human ships?

(Assume a silly example, with a space pirate ship tractor beaming a borg ship, which does not happen in "real-life")

*Space pirate ship tractor beams Borg ship into docking position*
Pirate: Okay, where do you put the docking door?
Pirate2: I don't know! There's no opening!
Pirate: Oh shyt...

*Ten borg beam on right next to them, assimilating them all*
All your aliens are more human than alien. Have you not notice that? *watches arachnid like creatures devour halpless away teams*
What about that? Phasers vaporize room-sized aliens easily.
Did you know your computer systems are always suspectible to hackers. YES, there are hackers in SW. Read the books.
Yes, there are also hackers in ST, and in real life, and about everwhere where there are computers. Your point? Watch The Best of Both Worlds for more information on hacking the Borg...
Do not underestimate the power of the Force...
The Jedi can READ try living among us now eh?
Read minds? Lucky you folks. Not only does ST have creatures that can do that (effortlessly), but the mind-reading can be done without giant force tricks that drain your energy. Cough.
Well, you cheat too! Every part where the good guys get stuck they escape without losing a single person. Pathetic! The SW universe knows when to lose its characters. Take for example...poor Chewie in the first book to the series of Yugowhatever!
You realize of course, that two of the three things involved in your spam were already proven destroyable (easily) by Star Trek, and that Borg etc can search the Universe for SW hyperspacing to Earth's sun easily.
Did you expect this from a hard core SW fan? I know my STs very well thankyou and I always hated it in a different way...go read the Art of War!
No...Knight. I expected more from a SW fan. I expected a lot more, and a lot better. Your arguments were basically mindless rant and spam of the same things, and in many cases the same disproven things. If you were the average example of a SW fan you would make me lose respect for you people, but fortunately I know that you are not :p

Please justify yourself next time. That was hardly any "STs" you fact, virtually nothing but three posts worth of nothing. Thank you, and I hope some other Star Wars fan has some better arguments than this loser.
Teh l0554r
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Post by Crow of Ill Omen »

Getting away from the (hopefully intentional) humour of proving and disproving fictional technological principles, Star Wars appeals to me more, because it hasn't been quite so worn.

If this question had been asked of TOS or TNG specifically, it might be different (although probably not), but Enterprise blows like the north wind. They have the title scenes, time travel theme and main actor from Quantum Leap, Seven-of-Nine with green skin and pointy ears, and a remaining cast of nobodies (except the Doctor). Half of every episode is devoted to sexual titillation and the other half to some weird future nostalgia about the great American way of life.

Star Wars, on the other hand, has a few big irritating factors (Anakin and everything Anakin does) but is otherwise high quality sci-fi. Even without the decent stuff, the prospect of Anakin getting hideously maimed is enough to interest me in Episode III.
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Post by Ganymedes »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This is really getting funny... ;)
Remember guys, it's just science fiction... :)
No reas--- Uhm... Guys? Why are you looking at me like that..? Guuys? Oops...
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Post by DansingMungki »

I hate Trekies/Trekers and Star Wars fans are equally annoying. I like Star Wars and I like Star Trek but anyone who takes it too seriously like some kind of mad fanactic should really take a step back and re-evaluate theyre life. Theres plenty of room for both.

I cant stand how people can only like one thing at one time. PCs or consoles, tea or coffee, Quake or Duke Nukem, Quake3 or Unreal Tournament.
Mastar Singularity
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

but anyone who takes it too seriously like some kind of mad fanactic should really take a step back and re-evaluate theyre life. Theres plenty of room for both.
It takes 15 minutes to type all that :D
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Post by DansingMungki »

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Post by Mastar Singularity »

I meant that last post of mine, on the third page.

+ at least I wasn't spamming worthless stuff, like Knight. Hardcore Star Wars fan, har, i'm not hardcore of either, contary to what some might possibly believe. Hardcore sux, as it turns each post into a spamming rant, no matter how ineffective that spamming rant really is.
Teh l0554r
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Post by n305er »

Force sees Q
attempt to go into past fails due to lost of power
Q realizes in his thick headed mind
that he cannot go back in time
without using his powers
he's toast
Think that is cheating?
Sorry, I was not really talking about Q. I was talking about the borgs and enterprise.
Do not underestimate the power of the Force...
The Jedi can READ try living among us now eh?
Sure, they do plenty of Mind reading when Yoda could not even determine how anakin will turn out...
Holograms suck unless it has something to do with sex...B5 movie where the captain is in a very nice outfit. Sexy huh?
They saved lifes and killed borgs before.. And Sure! If you want to have a virtual whore, they can do that... If that's the only thing in your mind....???
Well, you cheat too! Every part where the good guys get stuck they escape without losing a single person. Pathetic! The SW universe knows when to lose its characters. Take for example...poor Chewie in the first book to the series of Yugowhatever!
Have you no Idea when Kirk's son dies in the search for spock? When the embasidor died during inssurection? When Kirk Died in TNG? And I wonder who died in SW? Soldiers?
Genesis device huh? Eat SW fools!
Warp In, Lock on, hit the generators, warp out.
We have Armada Fleets which could be built within months!
Mastar Singularity
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Post by Mastar Singularity »

Translation from Knight's "Quadtriple Statements"




Yep, lucky that the standard SW fanbase is not like Knight.
Teh l0554r
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Post by Chris(is evil) »

Kinda like that guy who announces the drag races who says the last part of the sentence about 5 times :lol:
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Post by Smiley »


Well, StarTrek isn't really the show it started out to be,
now it's more of a cult than a show...

I prefer StarWars for the storyline, but I admire StarTrek for all the
details. A heck of a lot of more details than SW!

But I am NEVER going to forgive Lucas for episode 1!!!!
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Sir_Funkalot wrote:Well you want an answer?

Warp 8 is totally impossible to ever travel in cause you simply can't go faster than the lightspeed.
Not true, it simply involves bending space, which is how warp drives work.

Also, since they don't do this in Star Wars, please explain to me why the Millenium Falcon does ".5 passed light speed".

[qupte]Still, you can't destroy the Death Star without shooting the proton torpedos down that exhaust port, the shields are to strong.[/quote]

Those "shields" are strong for the weapons in Star Wars, which are mostly governed by light mechanics, phasers are faster than light, and photon torpedos are much more powerful than anything in Star Wars.
Knight wrote:We SW have deflector shields...on all sides of the star ship.
X-wing fighter pilot: *sees power to rear deflector shield failing*
R2-D6 will you supply power to that part.
*the droid diverts power from forward to aft*
You'll never see a shield fail on a Federation ship with SW ships attacking it. Lasers are totally ineffective against Federation shields, this has been covered in nearly every ST show not counting Enterprise(which is a huge fuck up).
WE HAVE PROTON TORPEDOES!!! I laugh at your photon torpedoes...lets compare eh? BOOM! We got more power!
Which, by the way, was an obvious rip off of photon torpedoes. Let's just change one letter and reuse it! We'll even use the same special effects!

Proton torpedos are merely charged particle packets, photorps are antimatter. Antimatter beats matter any day.
A Federation Star ship twice the size of a star destroyer! HAHAHA! I laughing so hard I squashed a twibble. Where do you think we hold those TIE fighters? How many Turbo lasers we have? Huh? What about our AT- ATs? We will Eat Joo!
Keep bragging about those lasers, I'll keep pointing out that lasers don't do squat against even early era Federation shields.

Size just makes you a better target too.
Speaking of engines...I haven't you noticed those two glowing rods on the back end of th Enterprise and every other Federation ship? X-wings and other ships will simply use proton torpedoes to knock those out.
Only if the Federation ship takes it's shields down and lets the X-Wings repeatedly hit it with those crude little torpedoes.

Then again, losing a nacelle isn't that big of a loss. Notice the Reliant in the Wrath of Kahn lost one. Did it go BOOM? Nope.
REMEMBER the episode where the Enterprise is cuaght in a time loop? HAHAHA! Notice how a simple collision turns the Enterprise into a large fire ball. The star destoryers don't simply blow up. There is A DRAMATIC ENDING TO THIER SERVICE!
Funny, I seem to remember a Star Destroyer running in to the Super Star Destroyer in Return of the Jedi? End result, Super Star Destroy go BOOM.
Even is Q is power. Wouldn't that make him alive? It carries a personality, it responds to stimuli, and it exists therefore it is alive...therfore it has midicholorians...therefore it can be succumbed to the Force without any trouble. It won't even know the Force exists until too late to even think.
Midichlorins are biological. Q wouldn't have those since he's NOT biological.

Even then, bringing up something as stupid and mundane as parasites that give you magic powers doesn't really help your case.
Oh yeah, sure the Borg can adapt. What about a Imperial repeater rifle or a concussion rifle. Adapt to our variety of weapons. We even have rail launchers. They cannot adapt phisically.
Projectile weapons? You might as well try beating on them with sticks. Sticks, BTW, which is what the Ewoks used to kick those mighty storm troopers' asses in Return of the Jedi.

Borg > Muppets
Your ST people are too lazy to actually get down and dirty on a planet. All you do is push a button to make the enemy go away! Lazy assholds with sexualy attraction to each other. I wonder how you guys hide a erection in that suit.
Yeah, superior technology is such a BAD thing. How does this help your case?
Klingons are nothing compared to Wookies. Each Klingon is nothing. Wookie comes in and snaps the necks of three Klingons. Also, your warrior race is a coward! Why do your Birds-of-prey have stealth modules on them? WTF is that for? What kind of warriors your people are? Warriors? HAHAHA! Boba Fett and Jango Fett are the real warriors!
One shot from a klingon disruptor would make that Wookie nothing more than a pile of smoldering hair.

Then again, Chewie couldn't even beat a few storm troopers, which is why he got captured in Empire Strike Back. These are the same Storm Troopers who got their asses kicked by Ewoks, BTW.

Ewoks > Storm Troopers > Wookies
Nice X-wing clones
Star Furies aren't anything like X-Wings. Ever seen an X-Wing do an interial roll? Nope? Oh yeah, Lucas knows shit about physics.

Speaking of X-Wings, nice biplane clones.
You guys don't use light speed.
That's because jump gates get you farther, faster.
Your CGI sucks...very badly
As opposed to the arena scene in Episode 2? I haven't seen such wonderful animation... since claymation in the 1960s!
Those wierd hair doos make the ambassador look homo
Him having an actual personality makes up for any hairstyle he could have, versus the cardboard acting in any Star Wars movie.

Let's compare Narns to Greedo, shall we?
No matter how big your laser beams are or how long. They cannot penetrate SW shielding. I noticed when a laser hits, and it is twice the size of the small X-wing clone, it does not destroy it. It takes dozens of laser blasts to do enough damage.
Funny, because the big, bad weapon on Star Destroyers are what again? Oh yeah, Turbo Lasers. Ooooo.. Scary.
Your holograms are copies of the ones in ST
Like Star Wars didn't rip off Star Trek, see my "Proton Torpedo" remark.

Then again, the concept of a hologram has been around since at least the 1960s.
Gotta love that biosohere inside the station; the Yugovanslav will take care of that..
I assume that's from one of the Star Wars books? Let's stick to the original media, shall we? Not some silly book which was written by a third party.
hehehe, I told you we will EAT JOO!!! Didn't think I knew my B5 did you now, huh
The only thing you've shown here is that you're most likely 13 years old and a twit for your age.
Dark Xenomorph

Post by Dark Xenomorph »

VERY GOOD POINT! I LIKE UR THINKING! Star Trek is more political and peacefull but ST games sux ass and Enterprise was a huge fuck up, voyager and tng and the dominion war in ds9 was the greatest!
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Post by Sir_Funkalot »

If anyone's wondering I'm back in real life now...

Travelling faster than light is impossible as nothing (including spaceships) can be faster than it...

I'd happily be over-proven, but until that happens... it's impossible.

Also... my opinion of Star Wars will soon be found here

Now... I will leave this discussion, cause I think everyone can like what they want and that Star Trek and Star Wars are to far away from each other to be compared. The Star Wars movies are excellent IMHO, and Star Trek looks quite decent after what I have seen...
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Post by BlackDog »

I am in fact, a fanatic of star wars, but I also grew up with my dads love for star trek, so I'm going to point out a few things here.
Saint_Proverbius wrote:You'll never see a shield fail on a Federation ship with SW ships attacking it. Lasers are totally ineffective against Federation shields, this has been covered in nearly every ST show not counting Enterprise(which is a huge fuck up).
True about lasers, but the shields can't withstand a few concussion missiles or any sort of projectiles a squadron of x-wings, a-wings, b-wings or y-wings would happen to be carrying. Also, the Ion cannons would pound down those shields pretty quickly. Then once down, would ravage the federation ships systems. Score one point, star wars guys.
Which, by the way, was an obvious rip off of photon torpedoes. Let's just change one letter and reuse it! We'll even use the same special effects!
Partially true. I remember watching the original series, and didn't really hear anything at all of them calling them photon torpedos, just torpedos. But still, if you want to go that far, Star Trek just ripped the torpedo name off of modern day military ships and added a scientific theory to backup how they work in space. Which btw, Theories aren't factual.
Keep bragging about those lasers, I'll keep pointing out that lasers don't do squat against even early era Federation shields.

Size just makes you a better target too.
Actually, the very first enterprise had no shields I do believe. I may be wrong, as the show wasn't as interesting as any of the previous ones. Early Federation Era shields would be down with probably two or three hits max from star wars projectiles.
Only if the Federation ship takes it's shields down and lets the X-Wings repeatedly hit it with those crude little torpedoes.
Crude? Two took down the death star. Your federation captains fear.
Funny, I seem to remember a Star Destroyer running in to the Super Star Destroyer in Return of the Jedi? End result, Super Star Destroy go BOOM.
Actually, it was a Super Star Destroyer running into the partially completed Death Star II, b/c of the fact their bridge deflector shields were down and an A-wing rammed into the bridge, therefore cutting off much of the primary controls and command crew from life. I'm sure if the same happend to the bridge of a federation ship, it would do the same thing.
Midichlorins are biological. Q wouldn't have those since he's NOT biological.

Even then, bringing up something as stupid and mundane as parasites that give you magic powers doesn't really help your case.
So Q is like what, an alien magician? Granted Midichlorians took away some of the myth of the magic...but Q is nothing but a superior being with access to higher scientific knowledge than the humans he pesters.
Projectile weapons? You might as well try beating on them with sticks. Sticks, BTW, which is what the Ewoks used to kick those mighty storm troopers' asses in Return of the Jedi.

Borg > Muppets
Actually, one shot from a deathstar would decimate a borg cube or sphere. It does that to a planet. Either that or a slicer could hack into the borg computer and just insert a virus. Borg greater than muppets? Ewoks weren't muppets btw, but rather actual real people in suits. If you are going to try sadly to construct some sort of argument making star trek greater, at least do some research on the thing you are opposing.
One shot from a klingon disruptor would make that Wookie nothing more than a pile of smoldering hair.

Then again, Chewie couldn't even beat a few storm troopers, which is why he got captured in Empire Strike Back. These are the same Storm Troopers who got their asses kicked by Ewoks, BTW.

Ewoks > Storm Troopers > Wookies
Ok. So shooting somebody with a gun as compared to using hand-to-hand makes them a greater warrior race? Sounds more like a lazy race to me. Even if Chewie had beaten the legion of storm troopers, he wouldn't have got past a lightsaber. I'd also like to point out that in addition to ewoks, there were also Alliance ground troops aiding the Ewoks - and the Stormtroopers were probably not as well knowledgable in the lay of the land on Endor as the Ewoks would have been.
Star Furies aren't anything like X-Wings. Ever seen an X-Wing do an interial roll? Nope? Oh yeah, Lucas knows shit about physics.
...and Roddenbury did?
As opposed to the arena scene in Episode 2? I haven't seen such wonderful animation... since claymation in the 1960s!
...and I believe you could do better? I'm sorry, but if you think that the CGI animation done in the prequels is worse than either need your eyes checked, glasses, or see a neurologist to inquire upon why your eyes aren't properly connected to your brain.
Funny, because the big, bad weapon on Star Destroyers are what again? Oh yeah, Turbo Lasers. Ooooo.. Scary.
And the big bad weapon on the federation ships are...what...phasers? They have like what, a few sets of them and star destroyers (Imperial I class) have at least like 20-30? As well as shields?
The only thing you've shown here is that you're most likely 13 years old and a twit for your age.
And you've shown you are around the same age and mentality. Anybody can use the internet, Television programs or magazines and periodicals to come up with some of the semi-scientific theories and retorts that you did.

And St. Proverbius - as the classic picture says: "Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics. You may win, but you are still retarded."
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Post by MrWacco »

I like both for different reasons

but Babylon 5 is soooooo much better

also turbo-lasers can't be lasers as they fire 'bolts' of energy and are more like plasma weapons

any comparisons between both galaxy are futile as they aren’t science fact so you can argue all day and night without proving either way
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Post by Knight »

Yeah...your guys are probably right about my degradation...sigh...
To get ride of Q, ignore it. Done. It can't survive without attention and therefore will cease to exist.
Made of energy huh? EMP mines will take of that!
If it is sentinent it is living...therefore if Q is made out of pure energy, it is a being on a higher level. The SW Faction can destroy that annoying twit! Nothing is impossible.
On each FSS, you only have one phaser.
You said blasters fired lasers.
So what if I don't know much about your stupid little startrek, at least I tried to protect SW's honor.
Yes, we have SPAM!
You are an idiot to think shields can protect some one who wears them form physical damage! Your red-shirt-homo-ensign will be running around on fire right now!
Phasers don't vaporize. Disruptors do. Pathetic.
Books are NOT part of the star wars universe? Some of those episodes and movies out there are based on the book. Well...sometimes...
That giant condom shaped spacestation had a giant biosphere in the center. If a B5 fan does not know his facts, he does not get my respect. The Yogovanslov cannot be taken down by phasers and your each time your star ships fire a laser at thier ship. Many blackholes will appear to suck that energy in. Those ships can be grown very fast, in less than a month with good soil and slaves...hehehe.
Also the Yogvanslov have a biological virus that turns foilage into gaint vats of black goo! :twisted:
"The new world is a dangerous place." - Knight
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

dinoX wrote:True about lasers, but the shields can't withstand a few concussion missiles or any sort of projectiles a squadron of x-wings, a-wings, b-wings or y-wings would happen to be carrying. Also, the Ion cannons would pound down those shields pretty quickly. Then once down, would ravage the federation ships systems. Score one point, star wars guys.
The very first Federation ships, i.e. the Daelus class(let's just ignore Enterprise for now), used lasers and nuclear torpedoes.

As for Ion Cannons.. We're talking charged matter again, that's what Ions are. If Federation shields can absorb plasma torpedoes at medium-long range, I'd say they could handle an Ion Cannon or two.
Partially true. I remember watching the original series, and didn't really hear anything at all of them calling them photon torpedos, just torpedos. But still, if you want to go that far, Star Trek just ripped the torpedo name off of modern day military ships and added a scientific theory to backup how they work in space. Which btw, Theories aren't factual.
No, they were called "Photon Torpedoes" in the original series. Hell, Starfleet Battles, which came out in the early 1970s and is based around the original series, has called them "photon torpedoes" as well.

As for Star Trek ripping off the name, "torpedo".. Star Fleet is the Federation's "navy", navies have tradition, and after all, they are torpedoes.
Actually, the very first enterprise had no shields I do believe. I may be wrong, as the show wasn't as interesting as any of the previous ones. Early Federation Era shields would be down with probably two or three hits max from star wars projectiles.
If you're refering to the charged plating of the ship in the Enterprise series, that was pre-Federation. Also, nearly everything in that show refutes what has been said in previous Star Trek series.

Early Era Federation is the time of Kirk, BTW.
Crude? Two took down the death star. Your federation captains fear.
That's because the Death Star had a design flaw. Notice that all that fighter based fighting everywhere else around the Death Star didn't do squat to the thing.

It's also fairly silly that they designed the thing to defend itself versus large ships and not small fighters when you think about it. The Empire's main enemy was the Rebel Alliance, not another major empire with the resources to build and maintain huge battle fleets.
Actually, it was a Super Star Destroyer running into the partially completed Death Star II, b/c of the fact their bridge deflector shields were down and an A-wing rammed into the bridge, therefore cutting off much of the primary controls and command crew from life. I'm sure if the same happend to the bridge of a federation ship, it would do the same thing.
I stand corrected. However, I do believe there was a Star Destroyer collision in Return of the Jedi.
So Q is like what, an alien magician? Granted Midichlorians took away some of the myth of the magic...but Q is nothing but a superior being with access to higher scientific knowledge than the humans he pesters.
Q is an energy being, made of pure energy. No living tissue. There are other energy beings in Star Trek as well, the Organians being the prime, common example from TOS.
Actually, one shot from a deathstar would decimate a borg cube or sphere. It does that to a planet. Either that or a slicer could hack into the borg computer and just insert a virus. Borg greater than muppets? Ewoks weren't muppets btw, but rather actual real people in suits. If you are going to try sadly to construct some sort of argument making star trek greater, at least do some research on the thing you are opposing.
Considering how slow the Death Star is, I seriously doubt it would be able to fire on a Borg cube. Look how long the Death Star took to line up with the rebel base in Star Wars. It's hideously slow. Borg cubes are warp capable and can shoot from any side. All they'd have to do is stay away from that gun port and just chop up that Death Star with their cutting beams.

Though, given the low tech level of Star Wars, I doubt there would be much there to warrent bothering.
Ok. So shooting somebody with a gun as compared to using hand-to-hand makes them a greater warrior race? Sounds more like a lazy race to me. Even if Chewie had beaten the legion of storm troopers, he wouldn't have got past a lightsaber. I'd also like to point out that in addition to ewoks, there were also Alliance ground troops aiding the Ewoks - and the Stormtroopers were probably not as well knowledgable in the lay of the land on Endor as the Ewoks would have been.
Being a warrior doesn't mean you have to be stupid. Klingons have side arms for a reason.

As for a light saber, those work fine for things like blaster shots which have a slow travel time. I'd like to see a light saber stop a convential bullet which has no percievable travel time though, or even a phaser or disruptor shot which travel faster than light.
...and Roddenbury did?
I never saw Roddenbury screw up on the word, "parsec".
...and I believe you could do better? I'm sorry, but if you think that the CGI animation done in the prequels is worse than either need your eyes checked, glasses, or see a neurologist to inquire upon why your eyes aren't properly connected to your brain.
Go rent "Jason and the Argonauts", compare those monsters to the ones in Episode 2's arena scenes. The choppy movement of both is pretty similar.
And the big bad weapon on the federation ships are...what...phasers? They have like what, a few sets of them and star destroyers (Imperial I class) have at least like 20-30? As well as shields?
Phasers are much more advanced than lasers. In fact, phasers replaced lasers in Star Trek for several reasons. They're more damaging than any laser, and phasers can be fired at faster than light speed.

After all, the only speed a laser goes is the speed of light.
And St. Proverbius - as the classic picture says: "Arguing on the internet is like winning the special olympics. You may win, but you are still retarded."
You know, this statement works a lot better if it doesn't follow within a two page argument from you.

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Righteous Subjugator
Righteous Subjugator
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Joined: Tue May 21, 2002 1:57 am

Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Knight wrote:Made of energy huh? EMP mines will take of that!
EMP.. Electro-Magnetic Pulse. It doesn't "hurt" energy, it IS energy. The only thing is does that's damaging is that it induces a current in a closed circuit. Very bad for diodes and transistors, not much else.
If it is sentinent it is living...therefore if Q is made out of pure energy, it is a being on a higher level. The SW Faction can destroy that annoying twit! Nothing is impossible.
Maybe the Ewoks could, because they can defeat the mighty Imperial forces with sticks and rocks.

On each FSS, you only have one phaser.
No, there's gobs of them, all over the ships, even in the original series. The original Enterprise from Star Trek had several phaser turret banks all over the hull.
You said blasters fired lasers.
Funny they call them "laser blasters".
So what if I don't know much about your stupid little startrek, at least I tried to protect SW's honor.
What honor? Star Wars has rapidly devolved since Empire Strikes Back to being little more than two hour toy commercials because Lucas gets to keep all the merchandising money.
You are an idiot to think shields can protect some one who wears them form physical damage! Your red-shirt-homo-ensign will be running around on fire right now!
And, you're an idiot.
Phasers don't vaporize. Disruptors do. Pathetic.
They don't? Amazing that those phasers have that "disintegrate" setting then if it doesn't actually disintegrate anything.
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