The Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco thread

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

My eyes ache and I wonder why would anyone bother to type that much D:
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Post by Neon Dingo »

Subhuman didn't seem to have a problem reading it.

Was seperating it into paragraphs not good enough for you? I mean, you can take a break between paragraphs.

Since you seem to have such a terrible time reading too much, I've provided a convenient link with remedies for eye strain:
This sentence has thirty-two letters.
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Post by atoga »

Don't listen to Susan. That was a good story, I quite enjoyed it. :chew:
suppose you're thinking about a plate of shrimp. suddenly somebody will say like 'plate' or 'shrimp' or 'plate of shrimp', out of the blue, no explanation.
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Post by thckgb »

I disagree i think the moral of this story is to disguise your weed as tasty little cookies and brownies, and not too carry your highdollar grinding equipment, when roadtripping
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Post by Subhuman »

Susan is only happy when a post is two lines long without any formatting. Anything more complex and he goes catatonic.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

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Post by Corpse »

Kind of reminds me of one time many years ago; I was walking with one of my mates to score some weed, we were on our way to another mate's place for an overnight session so we were carrying a lot of equipment but no pot at this point. All of a sudden, a paddywagon with two female cops pulls over the side; they demand to search our bags and ask us to empty our pockets, so I start pulling all my paraphernalia out one after the other while my mate just casually strikes a conversation with one of his mates that happened to be passing at the time. All this time, the cops could do nothing but shake their heads and conceal smiles; by the time I was finished, there were at least 5 pipes, bowls, scissors, stems, many cones of various sizes, a small glass portable bong, and heaps of other bong-making and smoking equipment neatly laid out.

By this point, the cops were actually laughing and since we weren't carrying any dope they let me pack all my equipment away and let us go. This time we took the alleyways to our dealers and continued on our way laughing at our little incident.

Mmm, now that I think of it those two cop chicks didn't look too bad; maybe we should have invited them back to our session. :eyebrow:
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Post by thckgb »

you could alwasy say No. Were you breaking any laws? You can deny then acces to your belongings, and if they persist without any just cause then you can go to court and get the charges dropped. Know your rights, and defend them. Cops aren't superheroes. They are as good as the teenager working at jack in the box who doesnt give you your change unless you ask for it.
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Post by Megatron »

Yeah, except if you don't act like a fuckwit things would go a lot easier. What do they have to be suspicious about if you just empty a majority of your pocket and be a bit polite. You don't have to but bajajsgasdjkhrunashdawayfh

good stories :chew:
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Post by thckgb »

Yeah because acting on your rights means your a fucktwit. Cops dont control you. They are there for your protection. And there is no way an officer is gonna just let you empty a portion of your pockets. They will pat you down feel your belongings and either ask you to remove them or stick there wormy little fingers in for a feel. I know from experience. If your lucky three of there patrol buddies wont show up to give you a second or third reach around. Know your rights and use them to your advantage. If searched without reasonable cause then go to court and get the charges dropped. Not even the almighty drug dog can get you with out reasonable cause. The only time a police officer has control over you is when you have broken a law ofcourse. Stay away from parks, schools, or any other form of private or government owned property. But i mean if you dont think what im saying is correct you can go ahead and say please, thank you, and yes sir all you want.
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Post by Blargh »

As many people join the police for the imagined 'power of control', it's quite understandable that many officers et al tend to be irritated (putting it lightly perhaps) by potential miscreants who know their rights and refuse to be intimidated by both the situation and implications of the uniform into being as pliable as warm silly putty. If applicable (writing from experience and observation) they will often quickly turn such an encounter to a 'find as many ways to fuck said smart arse over A.S.A.P' situation. Due to their lack of vision, they tend to have great patience for such things, and grudges from this sort of determined, angry moron are unpleasant at best.

They like people to be unnerved by their position, and the implied influence they have over potential miscreants. They are the sort of wanker who gets off on giving you a ticket for being over the speed limit by an infinitesimal amount. They see protests as a chance to hone their brawling skills, and actively enjoy pummeling peaceful activists. The term 'resisting arrest' is their bread and butter.

Refusal to acknowledge their 'power' through obsequious and metaphorical fellatio is to some, a personal affront. A reaction similar to adding boiling water to coffee takes place, the result of which is that they will use every opportunity to bring you down as many notches as possible, as quickly as possible. It becomes a very nasty and serious 'game' indeed.

From personal experience and observation, I dislike such representatives of 'the law'. They are tools of the highest order, consequently they deserve scorn, misery, grief and suffering. :drunk:
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Post by Subhuman »

Wow. Blargh gets a gold star for that one.
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Post by Megatron »

That's alright to? But what I'm saying is if you just co-operate and be a bit polite, you won't have to do anything else. Yeah they will pointlessly harass you and all that shit, but if you don't act like a smartarse and keep your mouth shut they won't 'arrest' you for some petty minor crime. Let them go through your pockets, it's not like you're breaking the law.

Yes, you have rights. But he's just going to ignore them anyway, so fuck it. Even if you have commited a crime, if you just give him what he wants he'll probably let you go anyway. He wants you to give him respect, why not just show him a little so you can drive away before he can smell the bodies eh?
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Post by thckgb »

Even if they do persist the thing is you can get the charges dropped. Plus if you do have something in your pocket you dont want him to find it. The only reason i got off so easy the first time i got searched is cause they hadnt found anything on my friend yet. But as soon as i had told him i had some spinach in my pocket, he used that against my friend and started trying to beat it out of him. This was after my friend had been searched and showed up clean. But that didnt stop them from cop'n another feel. Dont give in too their "powers".

"Let them go through your pockets, it's not like you're breaking the law." And i was under the impression that we were talking about carrying illegal goods. So yes in my case you would be breaking a law.

"if you just give him what he wants he'll probably let you go anyway."
Yeah they will let you go alright, with a 260 dollar paraphanelia ticket, but hey atleast i didnt go to jail. My fee was a small one too. My friend got the same ticket but his paraphenilia was only a thing of papers, thats really worth $260 isnt it.

"He wants you to give him respect, why not just show him a little"
Becasue you should be worrying about it the other way around. You deserve the respect. And you have to keep it that way. Just keep your answers short and to the point. Oh and the first time they knwo they can get you they will pull you over everytime they see you forget to use a blinker, or happen to be driving around 20 minutes past midnight. "Hello sir, what are we doing out this late at night." *officer is slowly glancing around my backseat for any drug related materials* "I just got off work sir, notice the italian sauce scattered all over my clothes." Or the ever so popular im gonna shove a flashlight in your face that you dont know doubles as a breathalizer, good thing i didnt drink anythign at work that night. If there is one thign i learned from the police is that they want too search you at all cost, my 70 year grandmother was searched, little old lady 70 years old got searched for carrying illegal goods, well i mean i guess grandmothers have to smoke everynow and then too, maybe i should smoke her out sometime.
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Post by Corpse »

Well, since I wasn't carrying any pot I didn't see a point to resist. If I had refused however, they would have probably taken us back to the police station for a strip search or would have found another way to inconvenience us.

As things were, they couldn't do anything besides confiscating my equipment which they didn't.

Besides, if I had been carrying dope I wouldn't have been walking on that road in the first place.
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Post by thckgb »

They cant just take you back without probable cause and they will only do that if they beleive its worth there while. But if you make sure to enforce that you need to be somewhere, and that you are running late, blah blah blah. Then they usualy wont take you to the station. Make your self look as unprofitable as possible. They hunt by behavior. I am not trying to fight anyone here just sharing my 2 cents. I dont like hearing about my fellow thc bretheren getting searched.
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Post by Blargh »

One has no reason to cooperate if the officer(s) in question make demands without supporting evidence. Unfounded suspicion is (in most so called civilised nations) insufficient to provide the officer(s) legal sanction to search even involuntary bystanders. Word of mouth is not enough, that you look 'suspicious', 'nervous' or 'shifty' is not enough. Obviously this would be a different matter if the officer(s) in question happen to see you accept a package of cocaine (assuming they have evidence to support their actions, that they know it is a package of cocaine before they search you, detain you, and send it off to the lab for analysis/stow it away for the Christmas party), or knife a toddler etc.

My reference to 'smart arses' was in relation to the sadly common view that a potential miscreant who stands up for themselves and their rights, who refuses to blindly submit to any requests/orders without legal and moral grounding that the officer(s) might ask of them is not simply acting with (un)common sense ; but is instead a flippant, disrespectful fool who requires physical, verbal and often legal chastisement. While actual smart arses do exist, and may attempt to bullshit themselves out of dire and possibly deserved situations, this scenario is often perpetuated by arrogant, small minded police officers who power trip off the community they are employed to serve and protect. Such individuals are a discredit to their usually decent, fair, hardworking and level headed colleagues in my opinion.

Civic conduct codes universal to most so called civilised nations stipulate that civic servants should ideally maintain a polite and respectful demeanour towards the public at all times, even when faced with abuse (which, I might add, I believe is just as wrong as the officer driven abuse I am ranting about).

I maintain that one can act with confidence with regard to one's rights in the face of police (mis)treatment, and also be polite and respectful of the officer(s) in question, even if they are not. Yet, even this can often be enough to trigger an unwarranted hostile response, as in the 'smart arse' scenario above.

Respect should be mutual, and should transcend any piece of clothing or metal. We are sentient, hence a basic courtesy towards one another is a trivial and painless thing to give, no ?

Corpse - You were fortunate. Though no doubt the greater contribution to that result was that you acted with (un)common sense. Huzzah. :drunk:
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Post by Subhuman »

Hee. "Arse".
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Post by Megatron »

I was talking about smart arses who are gobby shits and try to make the officer look stupid. But yeah whatever, they must be standing up for there rights.

If you break the law, don't complain if you get caught either?

I agree with some of what you say and it's a valid point, but it doesn't make much difference anyway. You can be polite or a cunt, if they want to give you a ticket they'll give you one. I think it would be better if everyone knew there rights so they'd actually fight back against it but not enough people do so they end up being bla bla bla. You get the idea.
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Post by Megatron »

I was talking about smart arses who are gobby shits and try to make the officer look stupid. But yeah whatever, they must be standing up for there rights.

If you break the law, don't complain if you get caught either?

I agree with some of what you say and it's a valid point, but it doesn't make much difference anyway. You can be polite or a cunt, if they want to give you a ticket they'll give you one. I think it would be better if everyone knew there rights so they'd actually fight back against it but not enough people do so they end up being bla bla bla. You get the idea.
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