The Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco thread

Talk about music, movies, TV, books, other types of entertainment and what your vices are. Also, if you're addicted to the high you get off Aspirin, this is the place to talk about it.
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Post by Kashluk »

Tell me about it. Good thing you killed it, though.
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Post by Corpse »

Spazmo wrote:Megatron, smoke a pipe, you'll be totally distinguished and classy. Also, if you have a pipe, everything you say sounds more intelligent and plausible.
That depends on what you smoke in the pipe. :bong:
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Post by the guardian »

And whether or not it's colored in psychedelic colors.

Say Corpse, have you tried a pipe yourself? Got one right here, but it seems to be a lot more harsh than a joint. Beats a bong anytime, though. You were write about mixing with tobacco, too.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

He meant a Sherlock Holmes style pipe dealio. With unwacky tabacky.
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Post by Spazmo »

Obviously. Drugs are illegal and dangerous, sir! Besides, pot smokers are never distinguished and classy--just smelly and disheveled.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

They're also funny.
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Post by Corpse »

the guardian wrote:And whether or not it's colored in psychedelic colors.

Say Corpse, have you tried a pipe yourself? Got one right here, but it seems to be a lot more harsh than a joint. Beats a bong anytime, though. You were write about mixing with tobacco, too.
Many times, mostly during celebrations I sometimes pull my ceremonial pipe; I find pipes however a bit harsh while bongs feel a lot smoother to smoke IMO.
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Post by the guardian »

Pretty odd, for me it's the exact opposite. Joints beats both, it's just easier to inhale and generally, last longer.
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Post by Corpse »

When I started smoking I only rolled joints but once I got introduced to billy-bong, I didn't bother rolling as much again.

Nowadays I don't bother at all rolling joints because I find them too wasteful, and I guess I find it much easier to pack a small 15mm brass cone and smoke it in one breath.
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Post by the guardian »

My lungs can't realy handle a bong. Hell, they can hardly handle a joint. Speaking of which, we've got this nifty Israely invention called the bucket, where it sucks the smoke up and condenses it up, making it a killer hit... or so I've heard. Ever tried that?
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Plastic smells.
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Post by Corpse »

Ahh, love the bucket bongs, perfect smoking implement for a lazy bastard like me; however I like gravety bongs a lot better.

Gravety bongs are like bucket bongs, except that instead of slicing the bottle in half, you just fill it with water and punch a few holes at the bottom and plug them with your fingers; you then screw the cap with the cone, take your fingers off the bottom holes and let the water pull the smoke for you filling the bottle.

When the bottle is full, plug the holes again; suck all the smoke hard out of the bottle and unplug the holes again...... KAAaaaBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!

Is like being hit in the head with an atomic warhead.

EDIT: Cool, just looked at the pic; not exactly like a homemade bucket bong but the principle is the same. :bong:

Cool, one of my bong buddies just sent me this link through IM, does anyone want to learn how to make hash?


...and more

BTW, someone posted this link at NMA; is an interactive flash presentation from BBC informing clubbers about the safe use of drugs.:joy: ... _test.html
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Post by Gimp Mask »

the guardian wrote:My lungs can't realy handle a bong.
i can't remember if i've mentioned this before, but buy a bong where you can put ice cubes inside the pipe, so after the smoke goes through water it also goes past those cubes making the smoke cool. really easy on the lungs
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Post by Corpse »

That can be pretty bad actually; if you inhale too much moisture, it can build up in your lungs causing pleurisy. This happened to a friend of mine after a heavy session and he collapsed from the sharp pain thinking he was having a heart attack.
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Post by the guardian »

I manage it up by using menthol cigs(They're actually a lot easier to smoke), or the weakest blend of cigs I can find.
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Post by Subhuman »

Wait - so if you take lots of cocaine, you get....a nosebleed?! Oh, the horror!!!
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Post by Neon Dingo »

OK so uhhhh... I have an interesting story.

Me and three other people went to Big Bent National Park, hiked a lot, had a good time, tripped on acid, had some of the most intense open eye visuals ever, etc.

There is a U.S. Border Patrol checkpoint that we passed on the way there, but we didn't think anything of it since they didn't stop us when we went through. On the way back we are all being lazy and smoking it up not really paying attention to anything. Out of nowhere the checkpoint comes up, we drive up to a stop sign and the Border Patrol guy is like "Do you mind if we search your vehicle?" My friend says "Well, we are in kind of a hurry, do you mind?" To which he replies "Of course I mind, park your car over there, please."

It's OK to tell a local police officer that you don't want to let him search your car, but since this is a federal checkpoint, we really had no choice. Keep in mind we have collectively 2 ounces of marijuana, some empty pill capsules, papers, grinders, scales, a bottle of vodka, and like 4 pipes throughout the car. So we park, I put all of my weed (under $5 worth), pipes, and joint papers in my shoe and my grinder in my jacket pocket. They have us wait inside while they search the car.

So 5 minutes later the Border Patrol guy walks in with an oz. of weed and says "OK guys, where's the rest of the dope?" Having been busted for paraphernalia once before and lying to the cop saying I didn't have anything on me screwed me over before, so I took all of my shit out of my shoe (which on second thought probably wasn't necessary since they didn't search shoes) and put it on the table. Everyone else piles everything in their pockets on the table, they pat us down like 325 times, ask us how much we paid for it, where we are from, if we all US citizens, if we bought the dope in Mexico, etc. One of my friends is a Resident Alien from South Africa, so they spent a lot of time busting his balls trying to make him think he'd be deported.

Then they throw us in a white room with a toilet and some blankets and continue tearing the car apart. One of the guys is an asshole and tries making us feel guilty by telling us how he has guns pointed in his face so we can get high (which is retarded since that only happens because it is ILLEGAL).

So then after waiting forever, they call us out, one by one, and give us the talk. Before the asshole one leaves to continue tearing our car apart he says "DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO." The nicer patrolman asks "What were you guys thinking?" to which I reply "Well, we didn't get stopped the first time, so we figured nothing would happen on the way back. But yeah, we are pretty stupid." and then he turns me around, tells me to put my hands behind my back (this is where I figured everything out) and handcuffs me. "Bet you feel pretty stupid now, huh?" he says. Then he starts laughing, pats me on the arm, and says "OK guys, GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD. Go get all your shit on the table. And no, I don't mean the marijuana!" So we all gather our knives and wallets and they give us another typical "your drug use affects other peoples' lives" speech. We all shake hands, and then on the way out my best friend says in a really sarcastic way "Good job....I guess........" and the nice guy says "Good job? What the fuck man!?!?" and we all laugh and get on our way.

Conclusion: we somehow talked our way out of getting federal charges for 2 oz. of weed, paraphernalia, and open container of alcohol in the car. In fact, they put the vodka back in the car and they failed to find a joint in my friend's jacket pocket (which we obviously smoked on the way home).

Edit: My friend's excuse for the empty pill capsules was "I use this for valerian root." to which the patrolman replied "If that's a real excuse, it's pretty fucking good."
Last edited by Neon Dingo on Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:47 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Subhuman »

The moral of this story: Smoke the dope before you cross the border, for the love of crimony.

I'm suprised they let you off.
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Post by Neon Dingo »

The moral of this story: Smoke the dope before you cross the border, for the love of crimony.

I'm suprised they let you off.
Me too. I have no fucking idea how this happened. I guess because we surrendered so easily? Oh, and I forgot to mention that for some reason the nice patrolman really liked my foreign friend, probably because of his accent, so that probably had something to do with it.

The thing is, Big Bend isn't really across the border, it just touches the border way on the other side of the park, so we figured we wouldn't have to worry about that kind of thing. We were still well inside the boundaries of Texas (for thousands of miles, in fact) so it was a bit surprising, to say the least.

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