Here you shall find new sprites, made by various people, for use as-is.  Enjoy!  Let me know if you spot a broken link anywhere!

seraglio's pistol pack #1

A pack of pistol sprites made by seraglio.  Verrrry nice!  Be sure to thank 'im!

seraglio's pistol pack #2

Another pack of pistol sprites made by seraglio.  Be sure to thank seraglio.
seraglio's SMG pack A sprite pack from seraglio for SMGs.  You know the drill.
seraglio's rifle pack A pack of rifle sprites from seraglio.  Obey the drill.
macbeth's sprite collection A rather huge pack of sprites by macbeth.  LOTS of sprites in here.  Items, ammo, guns, and more!  Don't forget to thank macbeth for his hard work!
Requiem's Destroyable Doors #1 Destroyable doors make by Requiem_for_a_Starfury.  Pretty much every single door in the normal game now has a destroyable version of it!  Yay!

Don't forget to tell Requiem what a chap he is!

Requiem's Destroyable Doors #2
Requiem's Destroyable Doors #3
Requiem's Destroyable Doors #4a
Requiem's Destroyable Doors #4b
Requiem's Extendable Bridge A rather sweet door sprite of a working extendable bridge.  Make by some guy that makes a lot of stuff.
US Army Rank Insignia A pack of sprites for alternate rank insignias.  These match that of  the United States Army.  Instructions for use included.

Made by Req.

OTB's Fallout/Fallout 2 sprite pack #1 Fallout and Fallout 2 item sprite made by none other than the man himself, OnTheBounce.  Weapons, items, armor, it's all right here!

Don't forget to tell OTB how pretty his sprites are!

OTB's Fallout/Fallout 2 sprite pack #2
OTB's Fallout/Fallout 2 sprite pack #3