Ghouls, Mutants and Robots. Oh my!
DAC IRC chat and RSS feed


If you want to talk to many of the people you see posting on our forums, you can come to the official Duck and Cover IRC channel, #duckandcover, on the Gamesurge network.

In addition, there is the Fallout community channel, #fallout. This channel has been around for years, and is always populated. If anyone in the community wants to chat to other members, this is where they go.

The administrators on Duck and Cover are the channel operators in #fallout, together with some regulars and respected community members.


We're having some issues with our main site's RSS feed, so for the the time being you can find DAC's feed on Feedburner via our Facebook page.  All the same headlines posted on DAC are posted on Facebook (which then redirect back to the main site).

Link: RSS Feed on Feedburner

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You can now get DAC's news as soon as it's posted by using RSS.  For those of you with feed readers, such as RssReader, please point them here:


Fallout 4 Responses: What do you think of it?
I'm enjoying it! 17%
I like it, but I have a lot of the same frustrations from Fallout 3 17%
I'm not enjoying the new features/additions 5%
I'm dissatisfied and/or hoping Obsidian gets another shot 58%
Total Votes: 17