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Suckle These.

Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I got my nipples pierced....again...This'll be the 4th time they've been pierced total...I took them out the first time because someone ripped the left one out...Took them out the second time because I went to jail...Took them out the third time because I was switching hoops and couldn't get the new hoops through...

First piercing was two horizontal hoops..Second was the same...Third time was the vertical barbells, and this fourth time was the horizontal hoops...So now each nipple is basically a ball of pink scar tissue with metal sticking through them.

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Post by Megatron »

get one through your lip

otherwise, good? nice and...metal.
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Post by Strap »

mmm... Painful?

definatley get the lip
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Post by the guardian »

Hurray for you. Now you can be hung in an excruciating manner. Don't you feel lucky?
Hello New Jersey

Post by Kashluk »

Ugly. I dislike all piercings :P
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Post by Gimp Mask »

well all piercings dislike you, it's all good

Post by Kashluk »

Yes, they do. I'm too tough to be pierced omg?
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

My piercings love me..Except my tongue piercing..I took that out not too long ago...And my eyebrows don't much care for me because I had to take them out when I went to jail, and I never re-pierced them.
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Post by the guardian »

What's the fascination with drilling metal objects into your meaty parts? Tattoos are art, at least, but I never got the idea of why someone would put metal objects in himself other then to make himself feel special or rebellious, just like the other 3 million idiots who did the same thing before him.

Don't strike me much as that type of char though, care to explain?
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I just get bored..And with piercings, you can later get rid of them to appear respectable...With tats, you're stuck with them for life, and depending on location/subject they may not be appropriate for certain jobs..

Eh..Piercings don't make me feel special or rebellious...I was the first boy in my elementary school to get an ear piercing..Took a lot of shit for it, but after a few years it seemed most people had their ear pierced...I've always just been a fan of piercings...The whole punk thing really got me going when I was a kid.

Seriously, though...The nipple piercings are cool because they add sensation when they're sucked on..Before I got them pierced the first time, they were just nipples..When I got them pierced, like...A gust of wind could get me turned on....Now, however, after lots of scarring and such, they're back to having no feeling...

But they make a good impression when I'm wandering around without a shirt at a party...Chicks dig them..."He must be really manly if he can take that sort of pain" sort of thing..

Piercings got me hooked up with a Cheerleader for a while..She had never seen anyone with dyed hair or piercings..So I was a good experiment for her. Turns out, she now hates guys with piercings and dyed hair...But it was fun for me, and that's all that matters to me.

My current girlfriend didn't have any piercings (other than her ears) until she and I started dating..Now she's got her nipples and her belly button done...Mmm...I love chicks with belly button piercings...That's gotta be the sexiest piercing in the friggin world.

Piercings are just something to do with your spare time when you don't want the hassle of living the rest of your life with a tattoo of a smurf or something shitty that you think is cool at the time you got it.

Post by Kashluk »

Hm... I don't know, I still really really dislike them. If you ask me "is a belly button prettier with or without a piercing", I would definately say without. In fact, I think the only people who look better with piercings are ugly punks. But for them a black eye, or a few broken teeth would look good too, so...
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Post by Megatron »

so why don't you have any piercings kashluk?


I don't mind piercings, it's just another way to express yourself and present an image, like clothes, hair or make-up. I like tatoos more than piercings because they can be unique and look more imaginative, but I'm ok with any piercings really. I'd probably get a tat more than a piercing though.

I think you're being pretty close-minded kashluk? If someone wants to get there nose pierced because it'd make them feel good, why be so against it? I wouldn't judge someone because they wore leather pants and was in a metal band, why judge someone because they have a bit of metal through their skin?


Post by Kashluk »

Hehe, I got nothing against someone piercing themselves. They're free to do it if they want. I just pointed out I personally don't like them and I think they're ugly. Just like most people think I have an awful singing voice, it still doesn't stop me does it?

My opinion has nothing to do with moralizing "penis p13rcing is FROM SATAN!!!!1" or anything. I simply don't like them. Be it my close-mindedness and whatever, but some people prefer the mom and some the daughter ... uh, or something, you get my point.
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Post by atoga »

I don't really like piercings. I'd consider getting a tatoo maybe, since they're artistic and interesting, but a piercing is just a hunk of metal rammed through your skin that just gets infectious anyway. Big whoop. I've got nothing against people who pierce themselves, but I don't really see any point to it. It's the equivalent of stapling your finger (or in this case, your face, nipple, cock, or whatever), really.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

I think they look good
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Post by Lynxer »

You're kinky, you'd better like them.
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Post by Kashluk »

He doesn't like leather :( That makes me so sad.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

who's that on the background

Post by Kashluk »

His girlfriend, I bet. Looks a lot like a friend of mine... Creepy, I hope her name doesn't begin with " J " ?
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Her name's Katie...And I told her to smile for the camera, so she gave this big goofy grin...I'll never get a good picture out of her...Oh..Wait...I've got one right here...I'll scan it and post it later on.
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