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a couple of drawings I made... not Fallouty

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 9:14 pm
by Bane
look an' crit if you care

pic 1

pic 2

pic 3

pic 4

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 10:33 pm
by Strap
if you can draw like that, try making more that are more fallout oriented, i bet they wouldnt be half bad.

(unlike mine ;))

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 11:59 pm
by Smiley
#4 is by far the best.

I like the nose on #2, I say that because it really took my attention.

I see you're interested in drawing manga-style? If you want, I can write down some books I've bought about the subject. If you're interested that is.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:22 am
by avenger69ie
Cloud strife comes to mind!

Good stuff :)

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:11 am
by Bane
I got one book allready that is on general Manga drawin'. (but I'd appreciate it if you could name some good books)
all of the pics above have been done with internet step-by-step tutorials. I just changed them slightly...

I'm gonna go for a Fallouty pic as soon as I feel safer with the basic body drawin'

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:25 pm
by Smiley
Bane wrote:thankies...
I got one book allready that is on general Manga drawin'. (but I'd appreciate it if you could name some good books)
all of the pics above have been done with internet step-by-step tutorials. I just changed them slightly...

I'm gonna go for a Fallouty pic as soon as I feel safer with the basic body drawin'
I bet you have Christopher Hart's Manga-Mania.
It's a good beginners book imo, but it lacks on how exactly to draw the different pictures...
To be honest, he doesn't exactly draw superbly, but he has a lot of good examples which are good for testing out your skills.

The How-To-Draw-Manga books are pretty good, but a lot of them tend to show the same picture on about 10 pages at a time, from different angles... Which get's pretty annoying pretty quickly!
But the tutorials in some of them are very good.

Then there's one called "Super Character Design and poses, Vol 1 Superheroes, Vol 2 Superheroines"

It's got a lot of very good examples, but no drawing methods I'm afraid...
It's got examples on leg-placement, hand positions for guns, knives, glasses, cigarretes and more.
Both includes a cd-rom with all the pictures, so you can use them for photoshop colouring if you're not sure how to do that.

Then there's the robot-mecha section... well, Chris Hart has made a Mecha-Mania, and HTDM has a pretty good book about it as well. I find that a combination of both is the best.

There's anatomy as well if you're interested in that. Both Super cha--- books have good examples on that. Chris Hart has a how-to-draw-humans as well, but I bet you can find better for the same price out there.

These sites are alright for some quick tutorials:

if you know some that are better, please post them as well, I'd like to sharpen up my skills a bit more as well.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 6:51 pm
by the guardian
I'll be leveled with you : I find 1 2 and 3 rather crappy. I suppose it's ok if you're a beginner(pretty decent, even), but take number one for instance, the lines are too rough and sketchy, and not only that but you got lazy and forgot to fill in the dark spots, or clean them up a bit you know? The second is ok, kind of. I mean, I'm not much of a fan when it comes to anime, but I do have few books that talk about how to draw them, and as far as I can tell you got lazy again(and I'm realy not a big fan of japanese facial profile drawings, it looks bad to me whether the artist is talented or not). The third one is an improvement - You've got the idea on where to draw strong lines, and not to draw it too "shaky", but again, facial portraits look like something my little brother draws when I look at it, but thats a matter of taste.

The fourth one is rather good. I like human figure, and if there's one thing Japan hasn't fucked up its the human figure. Looks good, lines are strong at the right spots. It looks sketchy, but in a good sense, and the hands dont look too shabby either. Still, if you're looking for innovation, I'm not seeing it.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2003 7:00 pm
by Bane
@ smiley
actually I don't have <i>Manga-Mania</i>. what I have is called <i>Anime & Game Characters</i> (an' it's the german version)
<i>Super Character Design and poses, Vol 1 Superheroes, Vol 2 Superheroines</i> sound good, I guess I'll get that.

here is another tutorial site:

well, 1 and 2 are my very first attempts in Anime style drawin' (3 and 4 were made about three weeks after those), but I appreciate your detailed crit, I'll try to work those out...
btw, these pics are all ment to be received as rough, I didn't spend very much time on any of them. I wanna get the hang of the general stuff before I try to work out the details

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 3:10 am
by axelgreese
the first three look... well bad. But I suppose they show you can control your pencil moderately, you just need to practise. Spend some time practicing shading I would think. Problem with drawing people is you have to know a little anatomy (I think drawing your hands is a good way to practice, I might have read some where?). Try and add some more detail as well, flesh them out a little.

Number 4 looks good.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2003 3:03 pm
by VasikkA
I'm a terrible art advisor, your scetches look like masterpieces compared to my artwork. Anyway, here goes:

#1 looks nice, big armor is a positive thing. :) Maybe you should try to add some background or some action, because now it looks kinda unfinished.

#2 and #3 I don't like. I'm not into anime stuff.

#4 looks unfinished, not only the head. Same thing as in #1.