Starting over

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Starting over

Post by allan255 »

Hi all,

i just finished the game some time ago (i know i'm not very fast :roll: )
and for the fun, i'd like to restart the game with the team i had at the end
of the previous game.
I thought about using character editor, but with the one i got
i cant change charisma / kills (very important :twisted: ) / invetory.

Does someone havec an idea ?

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Post by ArchVile »

well who did you have in your final squad?
"If you can't beat 'em.....

Try with another weapon"

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Post by allan255 »

My team was made with "Me" (my custom char .. :D ) farsight, Stitch, Brian, Jo (made a long way with these ones) and Clarisse for a little more fire power at the end.

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Post by Valkyrie »

Hmmm... the changing charisma and putting stuff up in inventory, I can do with the Fallout Editor ( :D YAY!!), but it would be interesting if the "kills" table would be "updated" too... though the kill table is a somewhat trivial part of the game (no effect on gameplay, IIRC, except to see if you were a "good" killer or a "baddie"), putting it in would be really cool.

I wonder if anyone knows how to do this?

If you want, I can help you with the charisma and inventory editing. No idea yet on the kill table. Let's wait if someone knows... 8)
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Post by allan255 »

When you say "Fallout Editor", you mean fallout tactics official editor ?
If so, i would appreciate a tips or two, cause i tried to look at it to do it, but i was totally lost and dunno how to use it 8O .

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Post by Valkyrie »

Yes, the official editor.

I just got an idea.... theoretically, you can replay the game... if you copy your current character's .zar files over the old .zar files... hmmm... this way, you can theoretically get the "souped-up" Farsight and Stitch from the start of the game. I could be wrong tho...

If you wanna do it the hard way... It's really simple... all you need is the offical editor, a piece of paper and a pencil. It's just complex... a little...

Note: You may have to unzip entities.bos to get some files here. To do this, copy the entities.bos file to desktop, rename to, unzip to [fallout game folder]/core/entities. This creates many folders in the entities folder. The entities are the "characteristics" or stats of certain characters like Farsight, Stitch, Lilo... er, no, not Lilo... that's in Disney...hehehe...

1. Take note of your character's stats (SPECIAL), their inventories (including weapons and armor they use), and their skill levels (ie, how much % is small guns, big guns, etc.)... write this down on paper. Also take note who the character is. If you've taken the game characters, then just write down the name and you're done! If you've edited the characters before (or someone edited them), then you have to take note of which character corresponds to who in the .zar files. (Tell me if you've got trouble here)

2. Fire up the editor. (NOTE: I'm not sure if the entities would reflect their current state in the game. I checked and it doesn't, but I could be wrong)Open the Entity Editor, and look for and open CORE_prefab1 (it may be under the core/entities/Special/prefab folder). This should be your character (if you edited Mick).

3. Under the -Actor- part, click on "Inventory" then "add" and then find, select and put in all the stuff that character has (ie, armor, ammo, weapons, etc.)

4. Look at the top menu bar, there is a button there named "Make"... click on that. Here you are taken to the character creation screen. Edit the face, color, traits and SPECIAL here. Put in a name and age and click "done" you're done! Next, look for the button named "Level"... click on that. Click on the "+" sign to increment the character's level until it corresponds to the level your character was at the end of the game. You should have a lot of Skill Pts. by now, so allocate them wherever needed until you get the stats your character had at the end of the game. By now, CORE_prefab1 has the stuff and stats your old character had. Save!

5. Do the same for the rest of your party. Find and open CORE_rec_hm09 to edit Stitch, CORE_rec_hf03 for Farsight, CORE_rec_hm06 for Brian, CORE_rec_hf06 for Jo, and CORE_rec_hf09 for Clarise. Edit them as you did above. NOTE: the files here are under the recruits ([fallout tactics folder]/core/entities/recruits) folder, and are named just "hm09" or "hf03" or whatever.

6. You should edit something here to make Clarise come out at the start. Or you can just edit Torn's profile and rename her to "Clarise" (Torn appears in the recruit pool right after mission1). Torn's .zar file is CORE_rec_hf11. To rename her, go to the core/locale/game folder, open the characters.txt file, find the word "torn" (it should be beside a phrase "name_CORE_rec_hf11") and edit that. You can edit character descriptions here as well, so if you'd like to change Stitch's description to something like "a bad ass doctor" or something, go look for their names and edit the description underneath. Just be sure to keep the "{" and "}" brackets so that things run smoothly.

7. Things should be okay by now. Start up the game and enjoy!

IMHO, the game won't be too much of a challenge now since you can kill anyone without trouble... maybe you can up the difficulty level a bit, but I'm not sure what impact that will have.

I hope you can understand what I've written. :D If you have trouble anywhere, post again and we'll find a solution.

Hope this helps! :roll:
Last edited by Valkyrie on Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by TheReaper »

You should try editing your character with bosche, just save a game and edit it to give yourself the best stats that you want. Make yourself almost invincible if you like, no limitations. Because in FO1 and 2, if your stats were too high, nothing would fight you, only run away which was extremely annoying.
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Post by Valkyrie »

Weird... bosche doesn't seem to work for me... does it have a system requirement of sorts? It crashes my PC everytime I run it. That's why I had to learn the editor.
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Post by allan255 »

First, thanks for you answers.
I think i'll try with the "editor" solutions (perhaps it will motivate me to look deeper into it :roll: ) .. if i dont succeed .. i'll use bosche 8)

Some questions about the editor :
- what do you mean by copying char .zar files ? where are theses ones ?
- i dont have a /core/entities/Special folder

perhaps because i'm using a french version ?????


Post by TheReaper »

Valkyrie wrote:Weird... bosche doesn't seem to work for me...
Try installing bosche on a fresh version of Fallout Tactics, then patching FOT. Should get it working.
allan255 wrote:what do you mean by copying char .zar files ? where are theses ones ?
You don't really need to worry about them, those are the character portrait files.
allan wrote:i dont have a /core/entities/Special folder
Then make one. Just right click in the entities folder, highlight new, find folder. Click floder and name it to Special.
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Post by Valkyrie »


Maybe it doesn't work because I am using FTBOS on my notebook PC with a no-CD .exe? In that case, my no-CD is more important than bosche for obvious reasons, primarily bcoz I'm too lazy to lug my cd-rom around and if I do that, my teachers in school will know I'm doing something other than taking down notes.... hehehe...


Sorry, my mistake. I wasn't talking about the .zar files, I was referring to the .ent files. The .zar files are the pics of the characters you see on the game-screen, the .ent files control the character's actions, inventory, and basically everything about the character. Please refer to my edited tutorial above.

If you want to edit the pics, then you mess with the .zar files. If you don't care about the pics, then just edit the .ent files. The tutorial above is for the .ent editing. The .ent files are located at your [fallout tactics folder]/core/entities folder. In this folder, there should be various folders named Actors, Characters, recruits, Special, etc. The important ones here are the items folder (contains the game stuff like armor, ammo, etc.), the recruits folder (contains the CORE_rec_hf/hmXX files which are the people you can recruit) and the Special folder which contains the prefab folder which, in turn, contains YOUR character. If you do not have any of these folders, simply unzip the contents of the entities.bos file into your /core/entities folder. I have included unzipping instructions above. Though creating the folders will do too, what you really need here is the .ent files, so if you're missing some folders in your /core/entities folder, I suggest you unzip the entities.bos file. By this time, you should have all the folders I mentioned above.

Hope this helps out! As usual, for more problems, post here and we'll find a fix for it. :D
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Post by Walks with the Snails »

I like bos-edit better than bosche. You can edit your whole squad with it. It's got more options, too, I believe.
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Post by Valkyrie »

Hehe... I like the official editor coz, well, it's official. I'm don't like cheating, and the other "un-official" editors somewhat entice me to cheat, but somehow, with the official editor, the urge is easier to resist.

Hmm... I just gave my main character a decent boost to lockpick (20%) and made him a brown noser to start with, and my scout guy has 4 skills (to reflect him being jack-of-many-trades), and my assault guys have a 15% boost to guns (coz hey, they are assault guys), but the rest are "legal", so to speak. The changes I made are just to reflect their roles.
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Post by allan255 »

:D oh yeeaah :D it works !
well, i do as you said Valkyrie, and made a "little :twisted: " update on farsight for the first mission.

Now i think i'll have some work to update all chars...
Do you think entities files could be extract from savegame ?

and i think i'll spent some time to look deeper what i can do with the editor...
(so bad they didn't translate it ... now when i play i have a mix of french and english ... a little buggy some times)


Post by TheReaper »

Valkyrie wrote:Maybe it doesn't work because I am using FTBOS on my notebook PC with a no-CD .exe? In that case, my no-CD is more important than bosche for obvious reasons, primarily bcoz I'm too lazy to lug my cd-rom around and if I do that, my teachers in school will know I'm doing something other than taking down notes.... hehehe...
Sly devil :wink:

That could be the reason it doesn't work then, don't worry about it then.
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Post by Valkyrie »


Hehehe... can't blame me, tho. The lessons are quite boring. I could pick the lesson up in 10 minutes, but noooo! The teacher has to extend the lesson to an hour and a half to "meet the school requirements"... so that leaves me with an hour and twenty minutes to do some serious shooting. Sounds good to me. The moment my grade goes below A- tho, I'm hitting the books again. But that's quite far considering what I'm getting now. Maybe FTBOS is helping me there? LOL!! :lol:

"Now i think i'll have some work to update all chars...
Do you think entities files could be extract from savegame ? "

Hmmm... what update do you want? Here are some ideas. Notice when you select a recruit, you can read a little description about him/her? You can edit that to suit your liking. You can also change the portrait of your characters. And you can change their stats. I play with a squad of my "own" characters. They have the appropriate stats they should have, a cool portrait, and a nice description for each of them. So it is a "custom squad" in the whole sense.

I'm not sure what you want to do with the entities part, but from what I've noticed, the changes done to the .ent files will only reflect on recruits you have not hired yet. Once the recruit is part of your squad, changing the .ent file would not change the recruit. I'm not 100% sure of this tho, so I may be wrong, but from what I've done, it seems to support this theory. If you want to change stuff on people in your squad, maybe the bosche editor can help you there, but I have not tried it myself, so I cannot help you much there.

Hope you are enjoying your game! BTW, did you change the difficulty level? I'd like to know how the game turns out with your stronger characters :D
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Post by allan255 »

Well, i'm not really done with editing characters, but i found something strange :
I played the game in 1.25 version, then i updated in 1.27 (for the editor) and when i reload save game i got a little bug with the advanced power armor, it gave all my char bonus in strenght and agility, but if i took it off, agility bonus stay on...... any idea of what may have done that ?
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Post by allan255 »

An other question : how do you change the character portrait in the editor ?
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Post by Slider »

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Post by Det0x »

is there a way to make your main char a mutie or a ghouL and change the other squadies around too?
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