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Campaign problems...

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2002 8:29 am
by JaTe
Ok I have a problem.

I'm making a campaign. When my character leaves the first mission to the go to the map, then comes back into the mission it resets (IE all enemies alive, he starts in the same spot instead of the reentry spawn).

After the first "reset" If he leaves then comes back again, it then works fine.

I don't know if any of my other missions do it, I'm just testing this one.

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2002 8:47 am
by Max-Violence
I think OTB had this problem - he'll be able to help ya.

I think it has something to do with using/not using the world map to change missions versus using the GoTo Mission action in a trigger.

Sorry I can't help further...

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 12:01 am
by OnTheBounce
Yes, I had this problem, too. Basically, the problem w/the "GoTo Mission" trigger is that the trigger causes a mission to be loaded from the mission folder, and not from your saved game. Therefore, each time you use this trigger, the game loads up a fresh, new version of your mission file.

There are two work-arounds for this:
  1. Have your first mission load up your second one using a "GoTo Mission" trigger, but have the second mission place the PCs on the World Map, from which they can travel back to the first mission.
  2. Have your second mission go to an alternate version of your first map. Using Campaign Variables you can affect the events of the first mission on this alternate version.
There are some other issues that go along w/this, but I don't know the particulars of what you're trying to do, so I can't give any further advice.



Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 2:23 am
by JaTe
Ahh excellent. That first idea was the one that fixed it. Had to change the story a little, but it's all good.

Now I have to finish up some mapping (two maps and man I hate making buildings) and some play testing, then It'll be all done.

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 8:40 am
by OnTheBounce
Great! Good luck w/your work. If you need more help, you know where we are.



Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 9:48 am
by JaTe
Oh don't worry, they'll be plenty more questions I'm sure :D