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Reading habits

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:33 pm
by ApTyp

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:48 am
by Stainless
I tend to read when I'm on the train/bus. I also read for an hour or so when I go to bed, mainly because I find it difficult to fall asleep normally, so reading a book till it falls out of my hand onto the floor or hits me in the eye is a good way to make me fall into a deep sleep.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:43 am
by Megatron
I usually find it difficult to find a correct space to read in a comfortable position, but once I've got that sorted the rest rolls out. The biggest hurdle is usually deciding, right, im going to read, but upon actually sitting down and starting the hours FLY BY. I think it's good to train up with stuff you know you like or is an easy read, just to get you into the rhythm of it. If it's work related that could help as you could say, i have to read a book by so and so date then BAM

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:23 am
by Dogmeatlives
I use audiobooks. They rock pretty hard. I can draw for hours and just listen to a book. Other times I just lay down and fall asleep to them. I also have a job that requires driving so I put em on an ipod and listen in the car. The only books I actually look at right now are for art reference.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:18 am
by spokomptonjdub
I have to read before I go to sleep, or I won't sleep. I'll also read (or write) if I have some spare time. I am a bibliovore, I always have to be reading something, and I'll read just about anything, from the great works to worthless tripe.

At the moment I'm reading some non-fiction; Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar ( ... 037&sr=8-1 )

Ditto on the audiobooks. They're a must on long trips.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:49 am
by Redeye
When I read I become slightly obsessed, so it keeps me up until I am too tired to not sleep.
Then it is exhaustion sleep, which is only adequate.

Audiobooks help me trail off.

Just make sure the device is close enough to turn off or is on a timer.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:00 pm
by VasikkA
I read maybe 4-6 hrs a week during weekdays or some lazy saturday afternoon and a bit more frequently during summer. No fiction.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:50 pm
I haven't read a book for pleasure in a couple of years because I can never build up the desire to read a book instead of playing a game, watching a movie, watching TV, or surfing the internet.

I still have the desire to read 1 book before I got back to school and my time is quickly running out.

Also, how can you guys listen to audio books mang unless it has some really good voice actors or something? Even as a kid when I had trouble reading I would lose my attention within 2 minutes and dogmeat says he likes to draw while listening to them.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:15 pm
by Kashluk
POOPERSCOOPER wrote:I haven't read a book for pleasure in a couple of years because I can never build up the desire to read a book instead of playing a game, watching a movie, watching TV, or surfing the internet.
My feelings exactly. Plus, there are so many books to read (in the uni) not for pleasure, that it makes the idea of spending your spare time reading quite ridicilous.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:20 pm
by Dogmeatlives
POOPERSCOOPER wrote: Even as a kid when I had trouble reading I would lose my attention within 2 minutes and dogmeat says he likes to draw while listening to them.
It's odd but the two don't seem to ever be in conflict. I can listen perfectly to a book and concentrate completely on a drawring as well. I can't do much else, though. I definitely can't write and listen to an audiobook or surf the internets with one playing. Sometimes I do cleaning around house while I have one going.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 5:27 pm
by SenisterDenister
I like to read, a lot. I have a collection of well over one hundred novels and books at my disposal, ranging from non-fiction science books to Sci-Fi.

I like to listen to music while I read, kind of like when I type, it just helps me concentrate on what's going on because it helps tune out the white noise and surrounding racket.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:00 pm
by rad resistance
Read when i take a dump, it helps. Also read alot at work.

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:37 pm
by Retlaw83
Rad Resistance, I see you read at work. Is it difficult to read with some dude boning you from behind?

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:55 am
by Manoil
He's been doing it for so long, he can barely even notice it.

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 11:50 am
by Tingel Tangel
Whenever I am not either reading up on studies or in actual classes/at lectures, my 'fun'-reading mostly takes place on train rides, or a few minutes before going to bed. Also, I always have my current book of choice with me in my purce/bag/backpack, so that I can grab a few pages if the time occurs - mostly when having appointments with friends, if I happen to show up early.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:58 pm
by atoga
read some sort of novel on the subway to work every day, and for an hour at lunchtime. also read periodicals/blog posts/essays/news etc pretty much nonstop while i'm working.

i almost never have time to sit down & completely focus on reading something for hours on end.

can't stand audio books - too goddam slow :gnasher:

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 4:12 pm
by johnnygothisgun
i find time to read at both my day and night jobs, mostly on breaks. but if things are slow, and they quite often are, i can put my feet up and relax. i subscribe to a few periodicals so i typically keep one rolled up with me so im never in want of reading material.

i do the same when im on campus for the day, taking some time in a quiet lounge or a hidden section of the library when i have some downtime. i read larger works like histories when im on campus or at home in the yard or on the porch

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 5:16 pm
by Manoil
Just started reading Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for the first time. Legit.

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:08 pm
by Psychoul
I find it hard to read in a moving vehicle.

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 5:45 am
by Manoil
it's not a tumah