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Fallout 2 file expander...

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 3:23 pm
by Ed the Monkey
At one point I got a file expander from what i think was this site... it allowed me to expand all the Fallout 2 files (or was it fallout 1, long time ago and my memory is bad) so that i could open and view them with other proggies. The question is, does this utility still exist? I can't seem to find any refrences to it anywhere... how could I expand the Fallout 2 dat files so i can get into them and snag some sprites (guns and such)... i know theres a dedicated program to do that but......
anyway, if anyone has some clues i'd be really helpful

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 3:41 pm
by Kashluk
Try HERE... It's one of the most reliable sources of FO-data :?

Posted: Sat Jul 20, 2002 4:06 pm
by Ed the Monkey