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FO3 storyboard. Just my idea...

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2002 1:58 pm
by Icabod
Here is my idea of what FO3s story should be. First question to tackle is how the third installment would fit in with FO1, FO2, and FOT? Perhaps FOT doesn't count since it took place in the US midwest (and wasn't a *true* CRPG). I think the idea of incorporating the old maps is faulty, seriously... how much can be done in areas already explored?

Maybe move the story to Canada (lots of information on how the US annexed Canada before the war in the backstory to work with) or perhaps even an entire new continent, such as Eastern Europe or Asia.

Perhaps the first half could take place in Alaska and then sail from the Aleutian islands across the Bering straight to Russia? Its only 50 miles or some such so the boat would not have to be very high tech.

As for the reason to sail to Russia I'll throw out a few ideas. After FO2 the chosen one finds out from the (now disbanded) Enclave computer network that there is an evil A.I. in control of a power grid that spans many square miles on the very north eastern end of the former Russia, and is attempting to trick the locals to believing America is still prosperous and was never harmed throughout the war. Therfore, the PC must find out how to get to Russia and stop this evil new menace before it can incite a second nuclear holocaust.

So the first half could be the great grandchild of the 1st vaultdweller living in a very lowtech frigid enviorment. Perhaps he has traveled all the way from Arroyo (northern cali) to the coast of Alaska and the Yukon. Another thing, perhaps rain and snow could be incorporated as well. The boat he/she needs might be frozen in a fresh water lake until summer where it then thaws and floats downstream to the harbor where the PC is waiting to take it. And while waiting can gather various quests and weapons exp and a few traveling companions etc..

There would need to be refrences to what happened here before the war, such as a Canadian Extremist opposing remnants of the Enclave. Along with all the 'normal' people, maybe a few towns could be assorted casinos or trading centers controlled by the various factions. The PC would also have a good/evil path (Canadians=good, Enclave=bad :wink: )

This area hasn't had contact with the rest of the world due to their hostile enviorment for so long that they think there is still a war on. Maybe the opening cinematic could reflect this right at the beginning with the brand spankin' new PC being caught in a battle and therefore breaking his fathers/mothers powerarmor that he traveled so far in. Or maybe the armor simply runs out of juice, like the tinman special encounter in FO2.

He/she could then be saved by some friendly locals...Eskimos perhaps? This is where the PC learns of the boat that is frozen in place. After this he must find pieces to make the boat operational (sail has rotted away, must find many gecko pelts to fix, missing rudder etc..). Another required quest would be to find a certain translator npc to take along, or maybe some kind of technology to allow the PC to understand the peoples on the other side of his boat ride.

The second half of the game would be sailing to the Russian side of the Bering Straight where he/she would be stranded on rocks, effectively destroying the means of returning to Alaska. The now experienced PC gets off the boat with only that which he/she was carrying.

This half of the game could start with finding a camp of dead super mutants (the masters army spread far, no?) and a few clues as to what happened here and therein progressing the story to the evil A.I. There would certainly be more quests in various locales (One idea; a city of intellegent robots that have free will and thought, the same ones who killed the super mutants. They were also given this free will and thought by the evil AI, however gaining morals at the same time. Leaving their creator is something the evil AI didn't expect

Another idea; a city of local peoples who are being fed propaganda by this AI, therefore you must make them realize they are being brainwashed. the story would then lead up to finding this A.I. and destroying it/reprogramming it.

If evil, the PC could instead reprogram the computer to be his slave and therefore enslaving all of the area affected by the power grid (can you say dictator? :twisted: ). Of course none of these paths would be easy. There would be other limitations, perhaps a certain key or hacking device to further the game.

Damn I'm good.

[i]The Township[/i]

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:42 am
by Icabod
Arrival on the asian continent triggers the Stiedman quests. The first encounter with civilization could involve... surprisingly enough... nice people. Too nice, mayhaps, by contemporary Fallout standards.

Why you ask?

Stiedman implants micro plastic explosives just above the brain stem in all of steidville inhabitants and forces them all to play to his amusments by never feeling whatever the chemical outcome of dopamine is for negative emotions (no scientific name afaik) which supposedly is the catalyst to set off the bomb.

Someone else is already claiming the franchise so I'll leave it alone, from here no more detail is required


Bethesda, try to remember the siberian expansion pack even if this doesn't sell. Oh yea, the people in Steidville are such a dichotomous people who are assuaged by Angels and devils who make them their own, that they simply desert once the quest to destroy him is finished. :chainsaw:

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 5:36 am
by MadBill
And then you have the one that kindly, gently vivisects you all the while with a slack grin of pure bestial pleasure dripping from his face.

.....Static anyone? D:

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 7:53 am
by Icabod
Boris Karloff in The Ape, if you haven't seen it yet, pls do.

Re: FO3 storyboard. Just my idea...

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:02 am
by Blargh
Icabod wrote:Damn I'm good.

That said, I shall endeavour to be entirely honest :

'Tis the stuff of prepubescent fan fiction.

Nonetheless, perhaps Bethesda will recognise the likely superiority of your own tripe to anything they might muster, and in 'adopting' your eye-gouge-inducing mind filth, might spare us all the fruits of their diseased collective.

Might ?

How I, will, laugh ?

YES. :drunk:

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:53 pm
by MadBill
At the end it turned out Siberia was a distraction and you have to ride an ICBM to Chile where the real enemy is a rainforest-gone-bezerk. :minigun the trees:

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 4:04 am
by Icabod

You mean avenge the trees?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:55 pm
by Koki
My idea is: Just don't make Fallout 3 at all.

And I'm not even kidding. How would that even work?

Fallout and Fallout 2 pretty much ended all storylines. Master was destroyed; no more mutant threat. Then Enclave was destroyed; no more human threat. Vault's secret was uncovered; FEV mystery as well. Humanity was shown to be able to survive in the Wasteland; Vault Dweller legend lives on.

I mean, what do you want to have in Fallout 3? Another Vault Dweller child? Another superforce threatening the wastes? Don't make a fucking Throne of Bhaal out of Fallout, please. Who will be the bad guys this time? Fucking Ghouls? Fighting with what, sticks? All the baddies had tech advantage going for them. I mean, there is only so much "OH! BUT IN THE MEANTIME, NOBODY KNEW THAT..." stuff you can use. Just don't.

Why not overseas? Russia, Europe... well here's why: '70's. You see, that period looked as Fallout depicted it only in USA. Europe had different culture, so did Russia. China is a given. The point is, it wouldn't work in these places without looking artificial. And you wouldn't want to see it gone alltogether, right? That's one of Fallout's charms... the game wouldn't "feel" the same without it.

So I say, let it go. We already have two kickass games. Anything more would be pushing it even if original team was making it. And with them gone, any trials are just frightening possible scenarios.

Hell. Name one game which benefited from more than one sequel.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 7:35 pm
by Jesus Christ
Koki wrote:Name one game which benefited from more than one sequel.

But really...

Great post eh! :chew:

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:41 am
by Icabod
Koki wrote:My idea is: Just don't make Fallout 3 at all.

And I'm not even kidding. How would that even work?

Fallout and Fallout 2 pretty much ended all storylines. Master was destroyed; no more mutant threat. Then Enclave was destroyed; no more human threat. Vault's secret was uncovered; FEV mystery as well. Humanity was shown to be able to survive in the Wasteland; Vault Dweller legend lives on.

I mean, what do you want to have in Fallout 3? Another Vault Dweller child? Another superforce threatening the wastes? Don't make a fucking Throne of Bhaal out of Fallout, please. Who will be the bad guys this time? Fucking Ghouls? Fighting with what, sticks? All the baddies had tech advantage going for them. I mean, there is only so much "OH! BUT IN THE MEANTIME, NOBODY KNEW THAT..." stuff you can use. Just don't.

Why not overseas? Russia, Europe... well here's why: '70's. You see, that period looked as Fallout depicted it only in USA. Europe had different culture, so did Russia. China is a given. The point is, it wouldn't work in these places without looking artificial. And you wouldn't want to see it gone alltogether, right? That's one of Fallout's charms... the game wouldn't "feel" the same without it.

So I say, let it go. We already have two kickass games. Anything more would be pushing it even if original team was making it. And with them gone, any trials are just frightening possible scenarios.

Hell. Name one game which benefited from more than one sequel.
There's always going to be the human threat... unless were talking about real nuclear apocolypse, then there wouldnt be a human threat.


Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 3:50 am
by atoga
Make a prequel (considerably lower-tech than both of the others) or something. And make it short and sweet, with as few ties to the originals as possible.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:10 am
by Redeye
Explore the midwest, as Cassidy suggested.

Have The Wanderer as the theme song.

Perhaps make it all the way to the Mississippi and explore New Memphis.

Maybe even intrigues between east and west Memphis. (It is on both sides of the river.)

Given how strategic Memphis is- chokepoint on major river/etc. it should probably be a crater named Lake Memphis.

Maybe some buildings were hardened before the war and poke up through the surface of the lake.

Tether hundreds of huge rafts together with the surviving buildings as accretion points.

River City caught between east and west New Memphis.

Maybe go down the river and get lost in the Bayou.

Maybe there would be a jerry-rigged steamboat with gamblers/etc.
Ride it down to New New New Orleans. ("Mudtown")

Praps take a look at this. Not Fallouty, obviously.
Just kinda fun to look at.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:14 pm
by St. Toxic
Koki wrote:Why not overseas? Russia, Europe... well here's why: '70's.
70's is Quake 2 and Interstate 76'. Fallout is 50's.
Koki wrote:You see, that period looked as Fallout depicted it only in USA. Europe had different culture, so did Russia.
Not did, do. Wandering about ruined future Siberia, looking up towards statues of Stalin and drinking vodka is not a Fallout experiance, not to mention it being a pretty popular ( too popular ) idea for post-apoc games and fiction.
Koki wrote:So I say, let it go. We already have two kickass games. Anything more would be pushing it even if original team was making it. And with them gone, any trials are just frightening possible scenarios.
There's space to fill between Fo1 & Fo2, and there's the all popular Pre-Fo1 experiance. In such cases, bad guys are resurrected, albeit the decided outcome would be partial failure or mediocre success, in defeating these threats. One could also experiment with, for once, doing a game where THE WHOLE UNIVERSE isn't threatened by some ancient evil, and instead make the top priority survival, that is threats to your persona only, escape from x, saving a town or a group of people ( on which you in one way or other depend on ) and a million other "oh god it's like teh wasteland apocalypse" scenarios.

Koki wrote:Hell. Name one game which benefited from more than one sequel.
Hell, name one game which benefited from one sequel. Name one game which benefited from no sequels. It's like an argument, only really dumb eh.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:39 am
by 4too
Location, Location , Location ....

Suggested this region from time to time, over the years.
Am resubmitting the pitch to confuse and bewilder the world wide web coven of - right - swinging, Nex Gen group think fellow travelers, that only putrid wells of negativity ooze from any fan sites CRACKS OF DOOM!

If a BethSoft FO3 story-line requires real-estate to conform to what BethSoft knows how to do best.

If a BethSoft FO3 story-line needs a location that dove tails the BethSoft toolset engineered for the walking window frames of the First Person, Morrowind and Oblivion.

If a BethSoft railroaded quest network can only crawl in the dark shadows of subterranean and pseudo dungeons, then I suggest the eastern U.S.

The surface may be smelted to radioactive glass the closer one gets to cities like Washington D.C. The survivors would be underground along the Appalachian mountain range: in Vault Tech "Holiday Inn'' cookie cutter designed communities,
in Bureau Of Mines excavated military - industrial complexes, in coal mines, in the natural network of limestone caverns that would link these dens.

For a salty change of venue, exploit the lead lined 'jeep' carriers that were prepared to take helicopter borne Senators and Congressmen, their friends, cronies and camp followers, safely out to sea,
while the huddled masses died of radiation and starvation.
Yes the sure, slam dunk money maker of Pirates of the Chesapeake!

The odyssey could start on the shores of Redeye's ""Lake Memphis"".

The heroes journey could be rendered in economic tile sets, the stalagmites and stalactites lined highways of a Luray Caverns that never ends.

The perfect real-estate for an action focused dungeon crawl.

Eastern U.S. limestone cave network,
the perfect - perfect - perfect / location - location - location for economy of scale, assembly line engineered design and manufacture.

Throw in a cameo appearance of a Lost Mutant Army questing for a rumored FEV source at the HQ of the Tennessee Valley Authority and onto the ruins of the Smithsonian secret parking garage and the profit curve just arches exponentially!


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:42 am
by Dogmeatlives
I say FO3 should start out with the main character as an initiate in BOS. Himself and a squad of more experienced BOS are sent from Cali into the midwest on an extremely important mission so the first part of the game you already have a team to work with and get you off to a good start. Once you get a state or two in your team is wiped out, forcing you to go along with this super important mission alone.

You are given a time line maybe and some details on the objective but you are still somewhat in the dark. so you head east alone. Adventure ensues. The mississippi river has overflowed, creating eerie underwater towns. It's tornado season and post-nuke tornadoes are really angry, causing general devastation and mayhem in the survivor towns. You eventually find out your purpose and complete the first half of the game. But in completing your goal, you have unknowingly caused the destruction of many of the towns you have visited on your journey.
You realize that those who gave you this mission were really trying to clear the way for a larger ground force to move in and take control of the area that you travelled through. So you head back to where you started, going through the same towns that you visited before but this time most of them are in chaos because of whatever destruction your initial goal brought upon them.

When you make it back to your BOS base you are no longer an initiate, your one bad mutha. and the game ends with you killing all the BOS elders at that base and pretty much blowing it to hell.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:51 pm
by St. Toxic
How about we skip on the BOS, like, forever. The last two spin-off's have made the "mystical pre-war tech non-combative undergrounders" synonimous with a "fighting force supreme military bonanza crackpot tankwielding retard corporation", as proven by the post above.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:36 pm
by minigunwielder
Koki wrote:My idea is: Just don't make Fallout 3 at all.

And I'm not even kidding. How would that even work?

Fallout and Fallout 2 pretty much ended all storylines. Master was destroyed; no more mutant threat. Then Enclave was destroyed; no more human threat.
Caesar's Legion(ehh)
The Reservation(Dialogue options present :clap: )

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 3:53 am
by PaladinHeart
It's funny. I was just glancing through this and noticed there are (mostly) no good ideas. Or just more crappy satire. (barf)

The first one mentions it taking place in Canada/Alaska, but mentions the Chosen One.... Can't we get away from the previous two stories? All connections should be broken. Then I noticed a BOS skit. As St. Toxic mentioned, it's been done and redone. As he also mentioned, if it's not in the US then it's not Fallout.

The best idea I saw was the survival thing. If I was going to make a Fallout game, I would go with that. Side quests here and there but generally keeping the idea that the player lives in a very hostile world where people want to use him/her to their own advantage and/or kill him/her. There doesn't need to be an evil force at work. An interesting twist could include you either taking over a place similar to Vault City or going the good guy route and freeing a bunch of slaves. Or both.

Indeed, the main focus could be just on becoming the Hero of the Wastes, or Evil Incarnate. :-P

A dynamic world where new people move into towns you've slaughtered, such as vagrants, ghouls, etc.. would be interesting. After you've killed them off so many times though it should just be generic NPC's that run from you on sight. Or you could just establish an empire through fear.

Alternatively if you want to play the good guy route you could become mayor of your own town or something.