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Fallout Replay with Low Int

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:44 am
by PaladinHeart
I'm replaying the first Fallout with a low int. character. Even though she has high charisma, people still don't like her. :-P

I'm hoping I can use mentats and get inside the BOS and get her Int up to 3. Or will she still be dumb as a brick? xD

A low int character is probably the most difficult way to play the Fallout games, considering the limited skill points. I chose gifted as well. Haha! 4 skill points per level.

At least some guns give a nice bonus to your small guns skill....

It's interesting as I have encountered some scenarios I'd never have gotten to see otherwise. I got a free Rad X from the other guard at the BOS base, along with a funny convo. Haha! "No! Don't eat it now. Wait until you get there..."

Since she has high charisma I thought it'd be funny to make the game even harder by tagging Barter, Speech, and Throwing skills.

I used my only two grenades to kill a group of rats (3+ kills per grenade).

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:46 am
by atoga
i think if you have in < 3 and you want to get into the brotherhood, the fella there just pities you and lets you stroll on in.

but i might be lying?

still, the pity of others will get you far.

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:02 am
by PaladinHeart
atoga wrote:i think if you have in < 3 and you want to get into the brotherhood, the fella there just pities you and lets you stroll on in.

but i might be lying?

still, the pity of others will get you far.
Actually that's the only case where I've gotten something for free. Aside from the crazed gang member in Junktown cutting himself to pieces after I talked to him a few times. xD Free loot! The best of the loot being the leather armor he had.