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Could use a bit of help with scripting

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:56 am
by Flotsam
Hello there everyone! I'm quite sure theres been about 500 of these threads before mine, and the scenario is probably as old as the thread.

I'm a fairly adept map maker, and I enjoy making or changing some areas quite a bit. But I've hit a wall here. For all the maps, changes and whatnot i've made, I haven't been able to make a single script. The script maker won't even launch. So i've been improvising, but at some point I would like to be able to either script them myself or get someone to help me here. The things i've been tinkering with aren't a complete overhaul, but just extensions and changes, so it wouldn't be too terribly hard to figure out what to do here.

Can anyone lend a helping hand or two?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 1:06 am
by dude101
I know nothing of modding but:

There are two "Tutorials"/"References" listed there for scripting that might be of some use for starting off.:

and you could always ask here: