Auto Assault goodies at RPG Vault and jolt

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Auto Assault goodies at RPG Vault and jolt

Post by Jinxed »

<strong>[Game -> Interview]</strong>

<p><a href="" target="_blank">RPG Vault</a>&nbsp;has a long 3 page <a href="" target="_blank">interview</a> with Scott Brown of Netdevil. Quite frankly, after reading this interview I'm under the impression that this game will have many problems. Partly because I've never even heared of their previous game, Jumpgate, (which probably sucked) but because Scott admits that balancing the game and actually making things work will be pretty tough. Hey, at least if it will suck we won't call him a liar. Here's a bit: </p><blockquote><em><strong>Jonric: How challenging has it been to implement, tune and balance the game's selection of abilities and skills?

Scott Brown:</strong> We are still very much in the balance phase of the game and it is quite the challenge! The trickiest part is that because Auto Assault is the first game of its kind, we can't see what others have done to overcome the problems they've faced. A lot of our ideas have just gone through trial and error. Some ideas work out great, TacArcs for example, while other ideas, though great in theory, were not so great in practice... especially anything involving a long charge-up timer being used against a moving target.</em></blockquote>
You can also find some hi-res exclusive screenshots that go with the interview.

<a href="" target="_blank">jolt</a>&nbsp;on the other hand, was busy <a href="" target="_blank">previewing</a> the game. While most previews are hype filled crapfests, this one is moderately reserved. I found this bit interesting: <blockquote><p><em>In a time when it seems that practically everybody is attempting to jump aboard the MMOG bandwagon, this is one of the very few we actually have high hopes for. Stepping away from the traditional fantasy trappings of a thousand other role-playing games is a great idea in itself, but holding onto the RPG undertones underlying a premise as tantalising as what is basically Mad Max online will hopefully ensure that Auto Assault doesn&rsquo;t suffer the ignominy of becoming another also-ran. Mark our words &ndash; there are going to be a lot of those over the next twelve months&hellip;</em></p></blockquote><p>While I applaud them for actually trying something different from a random fantasy world,&nbsp;a good idea is only just that - a good idea. </p>

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