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Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:52 am
by USMCFritz
one single new feature i would have to say it would be a larger selection of weapons that can be customized such as trigger weight,scopes,weight reduction(bullpup design)

in the original fallouts you had a varied selection but it all came down to as soon as you found the plasma rifle or the laser gatling gun you stopped caring about the other and almost every upgrade was more ammo capacity or a scope i am sorry but u cant tell me that a man that is only as good as his weapon couldnt figure out how to adjust it or add something as simple as taping on a flashlight!

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:16 pm
by DaC-Sniper
i agree on more weapons, if every weapon offers you different tactics or some advantages, which other weapons dont have. usually they just change the damage factor without adding some extras. a old rocketlauncher should make damage to everything which is behind him(and to the front, of course), while a new rocketlauncher just shoots without much problems. different ammunition possibilities is a must.

i hope they dont forget the good old tommy gun and eventually some mafiosi suit, which i kind of missed in the Fallouts. Also you should be able to smoke cigarrets and cigars :che: (addicted). And all those small items should effect gameplay slightly like a new dialouge option or some very small changes, so those items arent senseless like the flower(there was no use, as far as i know).

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:08 pm
by Mechanurgist
Lots and lots of convoluted conversation trees that are modified by your attributes, skills and previous game choices.

The dialogue options and weird/humourous responses are what made Fallout a classic RPG rather than just an interesting combat game.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:24 pm
by Mechanurgist
talesfromthecrypt wrote:Something else comes to my mind, the travel system. It always seemed a bit too easy to just click on the map and get where you wanted, regarding the fact that youre traveling trough the wasteland. A random encounter or a bit of radiation was the worst that could happen to you.

Anyone maybe played the Realms of Arcania games? Those games had a great travel system displaying the different aspects of traveling, like resting, supplies, injuries, the need to guard your camp at night etc. and it was realised trough a worldmap just like in Fallout.
That's a very good idea. The game is about wandering in the Wasteland, so they really should spice that part of it up a bit. Then again, I really wouldn't want to be doing micromanagement of supplies and guard rotation cycles every 2 minutes while moving around on the map. Perhaps the scale of the overland map should be larger (zoomed in) and you would have more interaction with the various terrain types?

For example, your car might get stuck in a swamp or trapped in a winter pass, or if you're walking on foot you might need some special equipment to get past a few impassable zones.

I'd also like to see some type of salvage rules. There is so much junk and so many old artifacts in the ruins of old cities that you should have a skill that allows you to exhume them for your own use. Salvage + Repair = Systolic Motivator that you could build on your own without having to rely on NPCs for everything.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:57 pm
by Dreadnought
Soil Erosion.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:49 pm
by CloudNineGT
SDF wrote:For example, your car might get stuck in a swamp or trapped in a winter pass, or if you're walking on foot you might need some special equipment to get past a few impassable zones.
While attempting to ford the river your wagon tips over! You lose 100lbs of meat and break an axle. Jimmy succumbs to Pnumonia later.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:20 pm
by VasikkA
The power armor could have a fear effect on enemy AI. For example, when you step into a bar NPCs kinda look 'wtf is happening' and shut their yaps than if you'd enter in a vault suit. Rats and other weak creatures should run away or you could simply squash them without entering combat. Also the movement should be more clunky and mechanized thus giving an advantage to more mobile enemies.
CloudNineGT wrote:While attempting to ford the river your wagon tips over! You lose 100lbs of meat and break an axle. Jimmy succumbs to Pnumonia later.
Sounds good. Events like that would make you think twice before travelling long distances. Roaming the wastes like superman on speed kinda brakes the illusion of perilous wastelands.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:00 pm
by jetbaby
How do you pass the impassable? I can understand passing otherwise impassable terrain, but to actually pass impassable terrain is mind boggling

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:04 am
by Carandiru
strippers I can throw money at like in Duke Nukem 3D baby.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:42 am
by VasikkA
Radiant AI

If I strike down a woman's husband I want to see her get surprised, shocked, shriek and run to her dead husband and then totally flip and become aggressive.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:49 am
by TelemachusSneezed
Undoubtedly this idea has already come up but... I'd really like to see the ability to fix yer stuff when it's broken if you have invested in some sort of technical trait -- i.e. "scientist" or "engineer." This would imply that stuff breaks, which would also make the game more interesting. I seem to recall that FO2 implemented a "stuff breaks" sort of thing, but it was only limited to certain items, like the Gauss-rifle or som'ut.

Truth be told though, I'll be happy with whatever BS puts out (:chuckle:) as long as Fallout 3 looks something like this:



Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 4:04 pm
by VasikkA
Diablo style combat but much, much slower.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 4:19 am
by mixmastermind
VasikkA wrote:
CloudNineGT wrote:While attempting to ford the river your wagon tips over! You lose 100lbs of meat and break an axle. Jimmy succumbs to Pnumonia later.
Sounds good. Events like that would make you think twice before travelling long distances. Roaming the wastes like superman on speed kinda brakes the illusion of perilous wastelands.
He was making it seem like it was the Oregon trail.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:13 am
by Yossarian
Motorcycles for PC and allies

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:22 am
by Redeye
DaC-Sniper wrote: so those items arent senseless like the flower(there was no use, as far as i know).
The flower? You mean the Followers of the Cathedral flowers?

Or the one with the crashed whale? (which was a Hitchhiker's Guide reference)

And no, you can't feed the flower to Algernon.

That was something I made up on the old FO2 boards 9 years ago.

Then I did another myth about the bag in Modoc.

They still live on, lol.


Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 11:44 am
by Urizen
what i would really like is for new loot to be more different than better.

in FO1 & 2, everyone wants the power armour. if you're a trader you want it for the carrying weight, if you're a fighter you want it for protection, if you're anything else you want it because there isn't anything else. i always loved the robes, and i wanted to wear them and roleplay a super-intelligent sniper hermit, but i couldn't, because there wasn't any stats-based justification for it.

that's something they actually did better in obliveous. i only ever finished the dark brotherhood and the thief questlines, but i remember holding on to the black robes from the brotherhood way longer than i should have, just because they looked so cool, especially when i was riding that black horse and all. :infamous +40:[/i]

Posted: Mon May 28, 2007 12:34 pm
by PsychoSnipers
I still aint played oblivion. Nor do I intend to.

Tho Ive heard there are some mods for morrowind that actualy make it more RPGlike, so Im almost tempted to DL it for the PC for that reason alone.

One thing that'd be cool is for your appearnce and armor/weapons to affect NPCs reactions to you.

Youre traveling the wasts, randomly encounter a small group of raiders, and youre wearing hermits robes and have a cheap weapon, they might just tell you to fuck off (youre a waste of ammo)

But if youre dressed in leather armor,and carrying a nice weapon, theyll attack for your loot.

But if your in power armor and carrtying a minigun, they'd be more likley to just get out of the way.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:15 am
by maglalosus
I'd like to see:

Vault 13 jump suit again... perhaps as an easter egg or something...

Weapon animations... like the gauss weapon ones in tactics

Companions... again like tactics, with more AI, but obviously not as many as in tactics

More quests related to groups.. such as if you become a ranger, there are then quests involving being a ranger etc

A few places on the world map that are Trading centres, where you have to buy 'most' of the stuff, so saving your money for that 'special' item is worth doing (i always think its too easy to steal in fallout)

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:59 pm
by DaC-Sniper
Considering the fact, that it is going to be a FPS anyway and that i actually don`t like to give Bethesda ideas, but fuck it:

-Make it possible to shoot.
-Make it possible to walk.
-Make it possible to jump.
-Make it possible to use melee attacks.
-Make "Multikill" "Megakill" etc sounds.
-Make a funny Vault Boy face for every new kill "THUMPS UP!"
-Make Bunnyhopping
-Make Rocketlauncher with gore effects and much blood
-Other big weapons like Minigun, Plasmarifle, Sniperifle, Flamethrower
-Powerarmor gives you 150 Armor
-Cheap Version of Powerarmor 100 Armor
-Stimpack gives you 25 HP back.
-Different Modis in Multiplayer like Assault
-Funny ingame Voices like "Double your gun, double your fun!"
-Use SPECIAL to define (+more speed or +higher damage etc.)

""Which Side Are YOU On?""

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:23 pm
by 4too
""Which Side Are YOU On?""

Single NEW feature in FO3 ....


Truth in Marketing.

The necessary qualifiers AND WEASEL WORDS, from Bethesda-Zenimax and their fellow travelers in the professional and semi-professional press, on the rag and on the web.

The necessary qualifiers AND WEASEL WORDS, that will accurately portray FO3, to the majority of the ENTIRE computer game marketing demographic.
The sweet nothings whispered to the console scribblers will never FOOL but openly INSULT the PC demographic.
So as they rhetorically slam at ""The Codex" ""WHY DO YOU LIE''''.

Well. PETE and TODD and EMILE, ET AL, these qualifiers have the noble and sympathetic rational of validating your crafting and presenting a multi-media entertainment vehicle. A few qualifiers would suffice to direct our attention to the actual product of your blood, sweat, and YEARS ...

May PETE and TODD's pitches be the pro's sliders, curves, and spit balls.
[ You World english gesprachers, seek yee the Google on American Baseball ... you Nex Gen'ers. hooked on the graphic, kool aide acid trip of IMMERSION,... teh hard, ... so quit pretending to care about the issues, don't try to grasp at a last gasp of reality ... for ''' dust be diamonds, and water be wine, happy, happy , happy all the time - time""' TTT...turn on and tune out, hippy.]


Qualifiers like ""action rpg'' or ""nex gen rpg"' or the simple eloquence of ""FPS with action RPG Elements"", und so weiter ...

Even FO:BOS --- might --- have sold more copies if accurately labeled ... third person gauntlet run shooter, a 'POOTER'.

We KNEW the gaming possible from the Snowblind "Gauntlet Upgrade".

We waited for the the PLAYER REVIEWS!


Sic Semper Tyrannous.

When writing reviews, remember,

Roshambo was his most brutally eloquent when he proclaimed that ''opinion is not fact''.

Whose motivations should one trust?

Player reviews, perhaps ...*

The trend to consulting player reviews is well under way.


No endless repetition of OPINION, until it is MAGICALLY misrepresented as truth....

Gamespot and Gamespy and all the others that get thrown the bones of calculated marketing propaganda, are as vulnerable to the Need For TRUTH as Game Informer and the rest of the glossy print extortionists.

The print media and the web media have sided with the Market'eers. They are know purveyors of the Nex Gen Double Speak. All sources of information will be sought and analyzed.

Once again: NNNEEEWWWW--- NEW- FO3 Feature?


Player Reviews ....

and may the Liars, and the Lying Liars, freeze in the dark, in the dust bins of hysteria ...

""Which Side Are YOU On?""

'War. war never changes ...'

There is a class war.

Always a -- class -- war ... faring ... human nature is a predatory ecology ..

One needs to to choose who is THEM, und, who is US.

Your mellowed pal,
