PC Gamer UK Top 100 Games dealie!

Comment on events and happenings in the Fallout community.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Nethack's a damned freeware dungeon hack that people played on VT100 terminals. Good for what it is, but better than Fallout 2?!
People still play it. *I* still play it, and it still gets updated. And I believe it is the most versatile game out there. Difficult, but versatile. I mean, in how many games can you dip a towel to water and spank your enemies with it? Or die because of kicking a wall? Or see invisible things after eating a floating eye and putting on a blindfold? Or scaring the monsters away with your camera's flashlight? And it generates the levels every time you play it, so it can be very different on every playtime.

Yeah I'm a Nethack geek but still, it's a good game so don't mock it. :cry:
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Post by Rex Exitium »

It's amazing how many great games they left out.

Oh, where do I start? Let's see now...

Crusader: No Remorse. Why the hell isn't it on the list? Crusader is by far one of the best, if not the best isometric action game of all time.

And what about Diablo, or Diablo 2? Why aren't either of them on that list? That's completely unacceptable. Millions of people still play those two games and there's absolutely nowhere to be found on that list. These couple of games are by far two of the most addictive games I've ever had the (mis)fortune of playing, each of them over a period of a year.

It's also really quite strange how they somehow forgot to include Master of Magic on that list, which was quite simply one of the best turn based strategy games. Oh, and what about Colonization? It was pretty damn good, don't you think?

Dune 2. Who could forget Dune 2? Dune 2 is after all the precursor to all of today's real time strategy games. And why the hell is Command and Conquer not on that list, but rather Red Alert 2? That doesn't make sense.

Red Alert 2 was nothing but a blip on the radar, in any case.

Who could forget Syndicate Wars, Populous, Populous 2 and Theme Park? It's not understandable how any of Peter Molyneux games while with Bullfrog could be left out like that. If anything, they're still better games than Black and White.

Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries. Who the hell forgets to put that game on the list? They remember Mechwarrior IV but not Mercenaries? What the hell is wrong with this picture?

Finally, where the hell is Fallout on that list? It should be number 1 for being the best game of all time, and I'm certainly not lying to you about that.

P.S. Sacrifice doesn't deserve a place on the list.

Update: Where the hell is Raptor, or at least Tyrian? They have tempest 2000 and not either of those two?

Commander Keen IV? Where the hell is that?

Doom's at 20? Half Life's at 1? CS is at 5? What the hell!
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Post by Rhombus »

Hey Matthew!

Must congratulate you on a mostly nice top 100 games list. Just wanted to comment on somethings. I will try to be polite and civil, and please excuse my english as it isn't my first language.

"Could we think of a better game when pressed to come up with it?"
Your choice of Half-Life as the best game ever, well, I could have thought of many other games that were better in their time. Sure compared to Half-Life Doom might not seem so much, but it was really much bigger and had greater impact on the genre. Now that you choose a FPS as the greatest game ever really doesn't surprise me, it merely confirms my suspisions about most game-reviewers being the stereotypical FPS player.

I'm really glad that your number three on the list acutally was, what the general public would agree on, a CRPG. Being a rpg gamer myself the reasons for this joy should be appearant. Though it quickly dimished when I saw that it was Baldur's Gate 2 you had choosen. If you have to choose a crpg, couldn't you have picked a better one?
"not to mention the replay value inherent in the many choices you can make along the way. Evil or good? Fighter or magic-user? Thief or druid?"
Oh my, such effects these choices have on the outcome of the game! Even in Fallout, which surprisingly didn't even make it onto the list, the choices you made at character creation had more impact on the game than any choice you could make in Baldur's Gate 2. Did you ever notice how the dialouge options always were the same? Being good or evil, smart or not, fighter or thief, didn't have the slightest thing to do with that.

The first real positive thing I encountered going down the list was "PLANESCAPE TOURNAMENT" as #26. But wait, isn't it Planescape:TORMENT? Come on, at least get the names right, please. Anyways, I'm glad that such a awesome game even appeared on the list and shouldn't complain. Now here is a game that can rightly be called an rpg. I wish you could have placed it higher though.

Now for some real complaining. I mentioned a game called Fallout earlier. I really don't know what to say other than that it is really strange that Fallout and it's sequel Fallout 2 aren't place amongst the top 30 games atleast. Personally I would have placed Fallout as number one, but then I'm not the who made the list. These games are still the best crpgs out yet. And to find that Fallout 2 was on place 90 was really an insult against it and BlackIsle. The fact that Fallout didn't even make it on isn't just an insult to Interplay, it's an insult to a whole gaming community, of which I consider myself part of.
"There were a few frustrating, stumbling block puzzles that upset"
I have to ask if anyone of you even played the game.

cheers, David
I'll keep you posted on replies... if you want...
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Your english = good
Leaving Fallout out = bad
Insulting IPlay = good

Post by Guest »

Well at least PC gamer put the fallout games in like 5th out of 100 games! they have some brains unlike the UK retards :x
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Anonymous wrote:Well at least PC gamer put the fallout games in like 5th out of 100 games! they have some brains unlike the UK retards :x
Errr... what?
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Post by Rosh »

Rex, I can sum up PC Gamer UK in one simple phrase:

"Newbie gamers who get paid to be 'professional'."

Yes, I know a lot is missing from their list. They were definitely out to lunch when this list was made, or just drew out of a hat.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Meh, "Newbie gamers who get paid to be 'k00l'" I'd say.
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Post by Saint_Proverbius »

Anonymous wrote:Well at least PC gamer put the fallout games in like 5th out of 100 games! they have some brains unlike the UK retards :x
Then again, PC Gamer UK didn't write an editorial about how Fallout 3 should have time travel, huge mega-cities, more of a cyberpunk/hacking feel, etc... PC Gamer did.

In short, I think it's safe to say that anything with the words, "PC Gamer" in it can easily be dismissed as rubbish.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Heh, didn't know about that. And PCG was good in my book until this.
Oh well. I AM an ignorant fool.
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Post by Det0x »

you can't blame them, they're british, they think differently than normal people
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Clearing things up

Post by starshiptrooper »

As a Brit and staunch reader of UK PC Gamer, I feel a defence is in order.

1) For starters, the list is old, it was in the September 2001 issue.
2) Another thing is that the website is shit. I mean that, it's never updated and is not worth checking for news. The guy who put it on the site doesn't write for the mag (a copy of said issue is now in my hands,) and the spelling of Planescape: TORMENT is correct in the mag. It's just some crappy translation for a crappy website of a year old list by some crappy guy who doesn't write for the mag. Matt Pierce doesn't edit the site, so he's not responsible for the shit translation.
3) Fallout isn't included for the same reason Quake 2 isn't, they only allow one of part of a series for obvious reasons, I mean, if it was full of sequels then it would be a shit list. I agree about the inclusion of some crap titles and think a Fallout game should be higher in the list, there are Gamer UK writers that feel the same, as there was a discussion on the forum about it. Since they had to make a joint decision though I think they did pretty well under difficult circumstances, and at least they included it - its not as if it's a mainstream game is it?
4) Finally, don't insult Brits as we're pretty much the same as you guys (except different accents obv.) And just for the record, no-one here talks posh like you see in films either, (apart from certain Londoners and everyone hates them cos they always blag the best monuments and think they're above everyone else.)
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Post by Spazmo »

Yeah. I was honestly scared when that idiot at PC Gamer suggested Fallout 3 should have a 'Blade Runner feel'. That's just sad. Of course, the same guy (Rob Whatshisface) also gave Quake 3 a perfect ten, worked at PC Accelerator, a magazine known more for its shock value and pictures of scantily-clad women (the cover story of one of the issues: 'Is gaming better than sex?') than actual gaming journalism, and on top of that, he's British. I think there's a conspiracy in England to stop Fallout being recognised as the excellent game it is. Maybe they're angry because their versions had no children...
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

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Re: Clearing things up

Post by Rosh »

starshiptrooper wrote: 1) For starters, the list is old, it was in the September 2001 issue.
Idiocy in any form is inexcusable. Leaving it up is just an embarrassment.
2) Another thing is that the website is shit. I mean that, it's never updated and is not worth checking for news. The guy who put it on the site doesn't write for the mag (a copy of said issue is now in my hands,) and the spelling of Planescape: TORMENT is correct in the mag. It's just some crappy translation for a crappy website of a year old list by some crappy guy who doesn't write for the mag. Matt Pierce doesn't edit the site, so he's not responsible for the shit translation.
They should hire better chimps. Yes, both in reviews and webmonkeying.
3) Fallout isn't included for the same reason Quake 2 isn't, they only allow one of part of a series for obvious reasons, I mean, if it was full of sequels then it would be a shit list. I agree about the inclusion of some crap titles and think a Fallout game should be higher in the list, there are Gamer UK writers that feel the same, as there was a discussion on the forum about it.
While Half-Life and Counter-Strike are up there together? Tell me another line.
Since they had to make a joint decision though I think they did pretty well under difficult circumstances, and at least they included it - its not as if it's a mainstream game is it?
Bullshit. Fallout has been mainstream as the one who sparked off the CRPG genre again. The Infinity Engine and more owe their inspirations to Fallout. For a joint decision, I'd say that ten idiots are worse than just one. Whose brain-fucked responsibility was Star Wars: Racers?
4) Finally, don't insult Brits as we're pretty much the same as you guys (except different accents obv.) And just for the record, no-one here talks posh like you see in films either, (apart from certain Londoners and everyone hates them cos they always blag the best monuments and think they're above everyone else.)
For national integrity, I'd suggest you get the editors and put them in front of a firing squad before the twats further embarrass your country.
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Post by starshiptrooper »

Can't do that I'm afraid, I'm not legally allowed to own a gun :)
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Post by Rosh »

starshiptrooper wrote:Can't do that I'm afraid, I'm not legally allowed to own a gun :)
I'll hire Heston to do it. At least he has a medical excuse.

"I'm sorry, I honestly don't remember anything of that sort." :lol:
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Maybe I'm late, but there is only one word to describe that list : Shit.

I didn't check all the 100 games, but just by looking at the top5 you can see they suck : HL #1, CS #5.

The only positive point is : Shogun at #4.
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Post by NeamhShaolta »

I was ready to defend them as it was only there top100 and thus there opinion.

But after reading through it thoroughly and how they talk as if it is the definitive top100, there a bunch of fuckwits.
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Post by Bulldog »

Saint_Proverbius wrote: Then again, PC Gamer UK didn't write an editorial about how Fallout 3 should have time travel, huge mega-cities, more of a cyberpunk/hacking feel, etc... PC Gamer did.
Mother of fuck.

This is the first I've heard of that.

I can't even begin to express...
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Post by Dan »

Deathy wrote:I find it funny, since, the very same magazine gave Fallout a glowing review back in March 1998, that it would not make the list.
http://www.pcgamer.co.uk/games/gamefile ... tem_id=402
"Interesting" review, espacially the part about turn based combat:

"Yer picks yer weapon, aims it at yet
foe - not difficult, seeing as they’re motionless - and hope your accuracy and strength is enough to take them out. Which it will be if you’ve picked certain characteristics for your player."

They are actually saying that the TB system is stupid and boring and that RT is much more of a challange. :!:

Which is quite true if you consider the physical stress your finger is expriancing...

I found CS to be fun. I played it for a few months untill it got boring (because it is a kinda shitty game), but I realized that it isn't a game. It's just a time filler, and how can a time filler fit in the 5th place?
The only mod I like in Half-Life is DOD, which is quite nice, again, only as a time filler.

And where the hell is MOO???
It's one of the best games I played!
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