Fallout 3: Your thoughts

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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

PiP wrote:
ExtremeDrinker wrote:I'm still too torn up about that lame duck Spore
Spore was an overhyped waste with no replayability. Making cool creatures is only cool if it has some effect on game play. I played to space stage 3 times with totally different characters and characteristics (economic, religious, military) and noticed no difference. Spore tore me up. It was lame, and I'm ashamed to say I eagerly awaited it's release for so long. Spore was a smack in the testicles. Not a kick or a punch..Those hurt...But just a simple smack that stings for a horribly long time without causing so much discomfort or internal hemorrhaging as to require a doctor's visit.

My worry is that Fallout 3 will leave me smacked in the nuts.
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Post by PiP »

aww the one game I thought shouldn't turn up a disappointment. What a shame.
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Post by MadBill »

ExtremeDrinker wrote:Spore was a smack in the testicles.
This is the single most concise review of Spore I have seen.
Bravo sir.
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Post by Stainless »

Nofu wrote:*snip*
Pretty much on the money. The game has about as much personality as a wet paper bag, much like every other Bethsoft product. But hey, I expected that as soon as Bethsoft got the rights in the first place.
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Post by Psychoul »

I am editing all of this:

I got to part i didnt like and freaked out. It is not recorded whether or not i have ADHD, but it seems liek it.
Last edited by Psychoul on Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:37 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by entertainer »

Your posts say you have adhd.
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Post by Doc Hill »

Well, I suppose it's time for me, the black sheep fo black sheep, to throw my two cents in.

I like Fallout 3. Before I continue, let me state that I liked Oblivion too. This is not to say I'm blind to both games shortcomings. The Animations can be...well, shitty, the dialogue, at times, comical for all the wrong goddamn reason, and frankly, I'mnot allowed to blow away little snotnoses.

There are other faults, but those are the ones I actually notice. I'm actually having great fun with fallout 3, like I did oblivion (minus those goddamn oblivion gates, fuck you oblivion gates, fuck you in yout stupid ass)The Side quests are amusing, the further chance to explore the history of the fallout 3 universe (granted beth changed some things, but I'm still interested) And basicly just the joy of being in the wasteland.

I can't tell you precisely why I enjoy it so, it's liek Oblivion, I'm aware of it's flaws but still have hours upon hours of fun with it, making me question my own sanity at times. But under it all there is a GOOD game there, and it doesn't piss on all of fallout cannon, at least not intentionally.

High Points:
Vault 106
Vault 112
Dunwich Building

Those for arease, and any quests that may or may not be included with them, I found the MOST engaging.

And yes, the Dunwich building is Beth's token H.P. Lovecraft love not, less hamhanded then the one in Oblivion, and it actually manages to be...not scary, but spooky.

So, I suppose it's about time for me to shut up again. It's a decent game, it has flaws, but it's not crippling, and frankly....I like it.
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Post by Smiley »

Doc Hill wrote:It's a decent game, it has flaws, but it's not crippling, and frankly....I like it.
*prepares to be stoned to death*
It has some nice parts, but as a whole the game is fairly bad. I mean, set aside the fact that in 9 hours of gameplay I'm up to around 300'ish crashes(I've shut down the game myself TWICE since I got it.), there's still the poor dialogue, voiceacting and a shitload of things that makes it feel like a generic FPS rather than anything fallout or RPG.

And as a Fallout successor it's not very good at all, let alone decent.
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Post by Doc Hill »

Weeeelll...I have a shit computer so I broke down and got it for the 360, and after roughly 60 someod hours of gameplay (I am about halfway through a second playthrough) IT's only froze twice, however I will agre instability on other platforms shoudl NOT be an issue in this day and age.

I think the voiceacting itself is mostly okay, what kills it is the deadpan faces. Same for the dialogue, most of the time. We take alot of our cues from the face, and without any real change...it's...disconcerting.

As for standard fps, no. First vats. okay it's flawed but not badly,and it turns what would be a run and gun into something attempting to be turn based. And of course skill affects accuracy.I'm sure some people hat that but I like it.

I'm not a beth fanboy by any means, and I walked into this experience with eyes wide open, and I've found a decent game, in my opinion.

Not as good as fo or fo2, better then tactics, nowhere near POS.
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Post by Stainless »

Was chugging along today when I came across the "omg fire ants are owning us" quest. On finding the little shits Dad, I went back to him and told him to suck it up and go away. Lo and behold, that's a no go. You get told you're an arsehole and back to the dialogue tree. So I thought "ok, 2nd harshest option", and again I get rail roaded into dialogue tree again, with every option except the two that basically said "I WILL HELP U KILL TEH ANTS" forcing me back into the loop. Fuck you Bethsoft, learn to write fucking dialogue and stop forcing me to accept quests I've got no interest in doing.
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Post by Doc Hill »

Weeeell, I agreee that sucks, but you get a boost to one of your special stats at the end of it, and if you REALLY hate the little shit, you can say you'll find him a home and then sell his dumb ass to the Slavers in Paradise falls. 300 caps aint bad for a useless little shit^__^
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Post by Nofu »

Doc Hill wrote: Vault 106
Vault 112
Dunwich Building
Cool, I'm looking forward to these, except Greyditch which I've already done. The quest to retrieve the declaration of independence was good enough, I had a companion I actually gave a crap about and some nice touches in the installation I was exploring, nice surprise at the end too. Having said that this was after wading through metro after metro and street after street of Washington. I'm positive I gunned down more muties and ghouls in DC than I did in FO 1 + 2 combined.
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Post by spokomptonjdub »

About 11 hours in, and now the game decides to crash every 30 seconds to 10 minutes, so it's basically unplayable.

As for those 11 hours, the game is mildly entertaining, in a mindless sort of way, but it is by no means great.

It's one part watered down shooter and one part watered down rpg. So in essence, it combines into a pretty mediocre experience. I've had some fun with it, but I can't really see myself remembering the experience fondly as I do the first two fallouts.

Just like Oblivion, much of the game is novelty that quickly wears off (VATS, gory decapitations, etc) and after a boring as hell intro the game gives you a pretty good first impression, until you arrive at megaton and actually start interacting with the mundane, lifeless, cookie-cutter npcs.

After a few hours, I realized that this is basically an average action game, where super mutants, ghouls, and raiders simply see you and immediately start charging at you; there is no diplomatic way to get through this game, you have to fight and there is no way around it.

Even if you put little to no points in things like strength, melee, small guns, big guns, explosives, or what have you, you can perform all those tasks just fine in real time, with great effectiveness. Just like Oblivion, character skill means little, player skill trumps all.

Every time I play I feel like I'm playing an Oblivion mod, rather than a fallout sequel. Even with things reskinned, the game still cannot escape the feel of an Oblivion/Morrowind sequel. There are a few token references to the first two fallouts, but thats about it. Ghouls are basically zombies, with the exception of a couple intelligent ones, super mutants are trolls, and the Brotherhood of Steel are noble do-gooder knights in shining armor. Also, there are swords, and mudcrabs that walk on two legs.

The art direction they took with regards to the environment is pretty solid, I can't fault them for that. With characters there is much to be desired, they still all look like their made from some sort of rubbery texture, and the animations are piss poor.

All in all it is exactly as I expected it to be, oblivion with guns, with a few fallout references, so I can't say I'm particularly disappointed with the game per se; I was already disappointed when I heard that Bethesda was developing the "sequel" to one of my most beloved franchises.

Just like Oblivion, it can be fun for a little while, but it wears off rather quickly. Hopefully, again just like Oblivion, the community can make some mods to greatly improve the game.

In conclusion, I've decided that Bethesda makes solid budget games that sell for 60 bucks. They make average shooters/hack n slashers and roll it up in an poor man's rpg coating that looks pretty, but has no substance. If this game wasn't named fallout and was in a bargain bin for about $15 I'd eat it up, but thats about all it's worth.

I'm just glad my pal Davey Jones let me "borrow" it, and I'm not one of those poor saps who forked over $50-$60 for a budget game.
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Post by Psychoul »

yea... i change my mind ...

Fallout 3 is a great game. I jsut wanted to play it this morning and that is what i loved from the old fallouts. It just brings me in. Yea, i went a little ADHD on this post before the edit. It was because i came across 10 people with dialogue that reminded me of oblivion. I was like "NOO!!, please don't have the rest of everybody with crap dialogue". but you can't talk to everybody.
Fallout 3 is getting better, i thought i already got to the end. But it got hella fucking better.

2nd Edit: I dislike the crappy animation that the people posess/ sliding around corners and such.

And the crashing that occurs, normally when i have like 1000 saves stockpiled in my save folder. XD
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Oh shit, just started playing; the tutorial is totally wrong and sucks shit.

"Enjoy the party and speak with the guests"

What a fucking exciting quest.
Last edited by S4ur0n27 on Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

I rented it for 360. I was the first renter, and it has crashed like four or five times so far.
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Post by Nofu »

OriahUlrich wrote:yea... i change my mind ...

Fallout 3 is a great game. I jsut wanted to play it this morning and that is what i loved from the old fallouts. It just brings me in. Yea, i went a little ADHD on this post before the edit. It was because i came across 10 people with dialogue that reminded me of oblivion. I was like "NOO!!, please don't have the rest of everybody with crap dialogue". but you can't talk to everybody.
Fallout 3 is getting better, i thought i already got to the end. But it got hella fucking better.

2nd Edit: I dislike the crappy animation that the people posess/ sliding around corners and such.

And the crashing that occurs, normally when i have like 1000 saves stockpiled in my save folder. XD
I actually like the occasional NPC - the Nuka cola nut was a nice inclusion, though unfortunately I don't think the dialogue structures ever improve. The android quest @ rivet city actually gave me a non-combat oriented quest that also held my interest enough to want to finish. Seems to be few and far between; almost all the other quests had me knee-deep in bodies most of the time.

Also, yeah, I'm having difficulties myself with crashes.
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

There's a non-combat solution to the vampire quest, but unfortunetly it's a vampire quest so naturally it's amongst the worst ideas known to man. I've run into about 2 or 3 non-combat solutions. They're there, just not very good.
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Post by Haris »

This game is starting to grow on me more and more.

Might be that i hated oblivion so much that i could not play it longer than 15 minutes without turning the game off. So i cant see the similar shit from it in fallout 3.
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Post by Nofu »

Wolfman Walt wrote:There's a non-combat solution to the vampire quest, but unfortunetly it's a vampire quest so naturally it's amongst the worst ideas known to man. I've run into about 2 or 3 non-combat solutions. They're there, just not very good.
Yeah, I can remember that. I think the resolution I got was the rapprochment between them and the settlement. What I was driving at though was that most of the time spent fulfilling the quests seems to be spent in combat, I mean to just get to the vampire gang took some doing.

I agree the pseudo-vampire thing was a bad angle, possibly a contamination, I'm still wondering whether I should go back and purge the place, they're bound to have Twilight novels that also need burning.
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