"Roadkill" UT2003 mod

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Mad Max RW
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"Roadkill" UT2003 mod

Post by Mad Max RW »

I spotted this thing at planetunreal a few minutes ago. It looks and sounds like it might be cool enough for me to want to buy UT2k3 and keep it. Basically you're in a Road Warrior type setting with cars and battling over fuel tanks. Everything about the mod is inspired by the Mad Max movies. Here's a list of gameplay types to give you an idea what it's all about:

-Team Deathmatch (Standard TDM gameplay)
-Steal The Fuel (Locate and steal the Fuel Containers from enemy territory and return to homebase location. While carrying the containers you cannot use your weapons, but be cautious! The others can shoot at the conatiners and make it explode).
-Last Man Driving (Get a vehicle and crush your opponents with it, the last man wins the round).
-Desert King (Protect your base from incoming Bloodhunters (computer controlled).
-Steal The Truck (Locate the Fuel Truck and drive it to a specific location)
-Sabotage (Infiltrate the other team HQ and plant explosives to blow up the base but remember, the other team has the same objectives so u need to protect your own base too...)

The Roadkill homepage has a handful of screenshots and other stuff.
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Post by Snake »

Looks promising
Hope it gets made
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