Cyberpunk 2077 preview.

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Gimp Mask
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Cyberpunk 2077 preview.

Post by Gimp Mask »

Since I have donated a little bit of money I now get to dictate the direction of this website so this is officially a Cuyberpunk 2077 website now. Anyway the developers really liked my prequel pitch so via my new industry contacts I was able to acquire a playable beta of the game, here is a short preview.

Character selection screen. Johnny Silverhand, Nadia, and Butt Hole are available in the beta

First you must choose a character and its "lifepath". I went with "Broad in the Daylight" which lets you play as Nadia, a bodacious bimbo from a rural village who has moved to the big rotten worm ridden apple called Night City and works the day shift as a prostitute at various truck stops throughout the outskirts of the city. The primary gameplay mechanism is very similar to stealing a car in Grand Theft Auto, but this is Night City remember, everything is about jacking in and out of stuff, so instead of hijacking the car you are jacking off the drivers. It might sound easy, and it actually is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. You just press X to enter a car and yank the thumb stick up and down. Act fast and under the Night City law the driver is obliged to pay for your services. Act slow, and, well I don't know what happens because I'm like a greased lightning when I'm in that passenger seat. Get rich or die trying is the name of the game here; with enough money you can buy cyber boobs and cyber butts, pretty much anything with cyber in it as long as it's one of those two because that's all you get. The Night City is a doggy dog world and there are no more free rides better believe me.

Instead of limiting you to the more traditional 1st and 3rd person perspectives, Cyberpunk also has 2nd person perspective to provide you with the ultimate immersion. There is nothing like watching yourself jack off a middle-aged man through the eyes of the said man, the future of gaming has finally arrived ladies and gentlemen.

"Haydee", one of the sexually enhanced babes in the game

I tried playing another character called "Johnny Silverhand" as well and the lifepath and gameplay were exactly the same as Nadia's, so I don't think there's much else to the game really. I did not see Keanu Reeves in the beta but I would assume you get to jack him off eventually too. There were a few bugs I encountered, I got stuck in a jack off loop a few times and had to wait until the truck driver got to his destination so I could get out. so they still have some kinks to iron out before the release. Other than that this is a very good game and if you liked the Witcher 3 then you will definitely love Cyberpunk. Whereas The Witcher was mostly about galloping around on your stupid fucking horse with some occasional hanky panky, this one is a rocket-fuelled dystopian jack-off jamboree through and through, and it is nice to see a developer learn from their past mistakes and keep raising the bar never settling for anything less than the absolute best. I would give this game a Certified Fresh rating and cannot wait for the upcoming prequel.
Last edited by Gimp Mask on Tue Dec 01, 2020 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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