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Post by Redeye »

Manoil wrote:You think any of our members-- maybe ones that have been out in conflicts, like Carib-- have died by now? Other than St. Proverbius, I suppose

Awfully morbid to consider but it's a curious reality
Pretty sure Carib is still around. Just left because DAC was a forewarning of the Alt-Right.

At least we got over it.
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Post by LlamaGod »


im in my 30s now lmao
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

I'm in my 30's now too. I'm married, have a delivery job now, and design board games in my spare time.

What do y'all think of the culture wars in the U.S. these days? Pretty interesting stuff, but also exhausting, imho. I've found a lot of friends on the right and left have checked out entirely.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I'm not a very political person, but everyone attacking southerners over fucking statues is annoying as hell. God forbid, as a southerner, I want to let them stay where they are.
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

I'm nearly, wife, kids, etc. Being oldish rules.

As for the political climate, I'm a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. I vote for both Republicans and Democrats depending on the issue.

Half the things on r/insanepeoplefacebook could easily come from my extended family. Hurts my brain knowing some of my family members completely believe so many wacky conspiracy theories and pray to the altar of "Q" and Alex Jones...Then I've got other family members who are Scientologists or anti-vaccination urine therapy hacks.

Takes all kinds, I guess.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

You live in California or something? Where they hell do you find scientologists nowadays?
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Actually, the Scientologists were originally in Dallas. Now they live in some random tiny town in Tennessee where they have to drive an hour to get to the nearest Walmart.

They tried to get me to read Dianetics when I was about eight.
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Post by Redeye »

So we go some non-deaders.

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i am posting from inside ur house

Post by Megatron »

I still look at the forums now and then when I can remember password and want to read dumb advertisement ~~

I think now and then to the good old days of DAC, but also the internet between 97-2017, wild frontier times. Now everythings all connected to your face and name and for posting hot takes and DUNKING and that.

The glory days were when it was more anonymous and less heterogeneous. People would just bring their own weird shit rather than chugging from the same pump of YouTube politics, tutorials, criticism. Course, there's still those spaces, but the overall atmosphere is different, particularly how the internet has more of a feedback loop on society. Think a lot of peoples brains arent built for it really, maybe nobody.

Most people on this forum probably remember olden gamespy forums, irc, 56k modems and bla bla. you remember when? Do you remember when? Do you remember when? Old internet was a lot smaller than it is now.

I think particularly insular groups, like this one, were fun. modern parlance ~ safe space / proto alt-right um...culture wars?


I still come here now and then to see whats new, any old heads coming back from the dead. who knew we'd be here in the future? I keep 'tabs' on RexExitium[ian cheong}, famous computer game critic and social commentator - I like to imagine other various posters rising through the ranks of social media, politics, corporate law, hiding in plain sight.

um, me, me? I worked on arts programmes for 10 years including VIDEO GAMES, I live in the countryside with my girlfriend & lifes alright. Peachy, some would say,

See you again in 25 years.
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Post by Hyacinth »

Ha-ha Mega is Old!

Show me your girlfriends tits and what arts you have made, I am a fan, after all. �
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

Holy shit, I had no idea Rex was internet famous. That's crazy.

Yeah, the internet has changed so much since the DAC days. No anonymity anymore, which is a good and bad thing I guess. I'm not as sure about anything outside my own little world anymore. I feel like Reddit is THE Forum now. The only gaming forum I really post to these days is the Battle Brothers subreddit.

Anyway, I miss you guys. I'm still close to my buddy, Manoil, and we talk frequently. i don't really give much of a shit about Fallout anymore, which is a bummer. In the end I'm actually sort of glad Bethesda brought some of the themes and stylistic elements from the first two games to a larger audience, even if the get unwarranted credit for inventing shit they didn't come up with.

I'm married now. In my thirties. People actually pay me to draw pictures for them now, so I feel like I can finally call myself an Illustrator. I post most of my shit to insta @ohalloren if anyone is interested in checking out my newest work.

As long as we're reminiscing, the DAC crew was the first group of people outside my family to give a shit about my illustrations and encourage me to continue despite the fact that my work was terrible at the time.

At the moment I'm working on a Wasteland Radio 'choose-your-own-adventure' game I hope to release on Steam later this year. I kickstarted a board game that failed miserably, but taught me how to see a project to completion. I made a short post-apoc film, which was a nightmare to make and taught me that filmmaking is a pain in the ass and not worth pursuing.
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Post by Megatron »

Good, nice to keep working - I had fun making stuff and this forum was encouraging - and good that most of us seemed to end up happy and that. Some of us must be pretty old now but not me of course, I am the eternal wonder-child.

actually i feel incredibly decrepit and have slowly eroded over time without me realising until one day a tooth cracks and just goes and you can't see up close any more and your bones ache and

It's funny seeing how popular Fallout became, Pipboy tattoos and merchandise. part of the pitch for 3d fallout probably talked about existing fanbase as potential customers. in an office people held up posts from dac to reduce investment risk :chew: :goatse:

now I guess you could say im an internet vagrant, a digital nomad, flaneur de nette (I never really got reddit so just read the news and shit?)

ART wise.I studied it at university then went onto working in offices on government arts programmes and had a lanyard. I also worked dozens of other shit jobs in between but its been alright. Still been making stuff, started getting into 3D modelling, thats pretty funny

watch chernobyl (bill)
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Post by Hyacinth »

Stop bragging lol and show me your shit already. :chick:


Cool too see your Instagram Tom, I guess I will have to make an account to lurk it, not that I will reveal myself this early but I can't say that I remember seeing your drawings back when, I can vaguely remember a soldier of some sorts maybe.

It's interesting how many creative people who in some degree pursued ART was hanging out here on DACK, myself I pretty much stopped being active after Highschool (aerts-school). I can still sketch pretty well when I get in the mood, very rarely though I must admit.


Chernobyl is scary shit, I wonder if it is preprogramming for a coming nuclear holocaust now when China is going to block Amerikas REM's supply after the whole Huawei thing.

Uuugh better go sleep, I have patients tomorrow.
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Post by Dogmeatlives »

Meg, I'm actually in pretty good shape even though I somehow also feel decrepit. Been working a delivery job which is like constant on-your-feet running around, which keeps me active and to myself so I've liked it.

Every once in a while it does hit me how surreal it is that Fallout became a thing. Like my child and young adulthood is littered with dead franchises, but against all odds this weird rpg becomes a household name.

One thing I don't know if I'd ever have the patience for is 3d modeling, so congrats to you for even stepping foot in that water.

Hyacinth, thanks for checking out my work! My drawings were crap back then so its best you dont remember. Yeah, we had a lot of creatives hanging around.

Haven't seen any Chernobyl yet. Probably never will. My patience for dramatic television is at zero. Politically, I feel like I don't know anything anymore. As the world gets weirder I find myself trying to find core beliefs I can hold onto. I don't know if I'm just getting older or we are really in a stranger time. I'm fatigued on almost everything except my own life and illustration.

I'm in my mid-thirties. Anyone else feeling similarly?
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Normally I would chalk it up to being older but I genuinely think the world is getting off the rails. Not even 30 yet myself and this shit is getting crazy.
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Post by Megatron »

I am 31 now, I have survived. I'm in shit shape but im not fat yet, once upon a time i could flex but now i dont move around as much whilst retaining my drinking volume. ~

~ Generally I've felt enormous ennui towards various types of media, and culture generally. I'm not sure if its because I have spoilt myself caning 'da best' when I was younger and now everything seems shallow and more meaningless (gosh) - or if the way I watch things itself has changed and the work seems smaller in some way, off tempo? PUT THE SUNGLASSES ON

but nature is still pretty nice. I like being outside, :chew:

as for the world, politics, and such. Ive always been left wing, i might have put shit on here about everyone having guns or whatever but uh, redistribute wealth, animal rights, unionise etc. etc. - i focus more on what difference i can make around me rather than getting het up on pedantics or outrage or crumbling democracies. do some volunteering, collaborate with people, do summat you can see makes a change for others, {or not w/e}

Your work is nice Dogmeat, good stuff - and good to make h $$$

I have been practicing photogrammetry recently, I like using technology in its early stages whilst also not being very good at using it :fakefuturism:

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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Megatron wrote: watch chernobyl (bill)
I actually went this spring, before the serie came out and it was crazy. Kinda glad I got to go before the hordes of dumb ig shits taking selfies came in. Ukraine countryside somehow does feel like a blend of Fallout and black-and-white WWII footage. Mad place to be.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

Megatron wrote:in an office people held up posts from dac to reduce investment risk :chew: :goatse:
Man maybe we were the reason it took so long for a Fallout sequel to come out?
Megatron wrote: now I guess you could say im an internet vagrant, a digital nomad, flaneur de nette (I never really got reddit so just read the news and shit?)

~ Generally I've felt enormous ennui towards various types of media, and culture generally. I'm not sure if its because I have spoilt myself caning 'da best' when I was younger and now everything seems shallow and more meaningless (gosh) - or if the way I watch things itself has changed and the work seems smaller in some way, off tempo? PUT THE SUNGLASSES ON
Internet et al became so mainstream that we as a society tend to look at it as a mirror (you watch the news on TV and they talk about comments on the internet wtf), but we forget that it is NOT. More like a deforming lense, but everyone looks at it. It slowly eats everything and kill originality by ironing out people's mind. We used to be kids, products of our very own specific little space, sharing our differences on teh web, on the original and subversive and sublime DaC forums in our case. Now people are products of teh interweb totalitarism. This is the beginning of the end. The hemlock is slowly making its way down the oesophagus. Soon, the legs will be devoid of any feelings.
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Post by S4ur0n27 »

SenisterDenister wrote:You live in California or something? Where they hell do you find scientologists nowadays?
They're here : ... 384!8i8192

Well for some reason that url is shit. Gotta copy paste it all D;
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Post by Redeye »

Took some of my last fireworks out tonight. I like explosions. Twas a Meh New Years.
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