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Post by SenisterDenister »

Its not even a matter of PC and Consoles as far as online communities go, I think its the genre of the game more than anything. In a game that pushes cooperation like military simulators like ARMA II or games like Natural Selection, you're going to meet nicer folks who actually want to work together with other players.
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1 : 'YOU CANNOT UNDERSTAND.' 2 : 'Little Book of Trite.'

Post by Blargh »

Hey so apparently Assassin's Creed 3 has followed the path of Mass Effect 3, with regard to a satisfying conclusion. :lol:

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AC3's AI prolly makes for good jootub. SALIVAR LINING!

Post by Tofu Man »

Eblert wrote:Assassin's Creed 3
So where's that "plot" analysis? Should be a riot.

Speaking of which I wasn't all that pleased with the Springsteen revelation. Or the news of DLC. Regardless, it's good that the Cacti are getting their game's worth. All the best to 'em even if that was definitely too :hollywood:.

I like your bespectacled man hypothesis, even if the face does look too unstandard for it. Fits in with why the rafiosi are all alike (along with having less shit to animate) Moreso than the "guy with the payment" theory I read somewhere.

But that's the problem with ending 3.0. Whereas first you had the feeling things were exactly where they were supposed to be, as clues for something bigger, :springsteen: to me suggests that the psychotic part of the story simply just wasn't all that well thought out. What was it? OVERTHINKING? Bah.

But I salute your lobbying of time travel into apparently everything featuring both a vest and a DeLorean. Certainly would've made for far duckier an ending. :drunk:
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Post by jimmypneumatic »

Two questions about AC3, is there a working Flux Capacitor? And do I get to become a Free Mason? If no to either, I will pass.
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Wake up . . and smell, the - CLEANUP IN AISLE FIVE.

Post by Blargh »

The Atheistic Stone that Lifted Itself wrote:"plot"
The summary it deserved, not the summary it wanted :


. . .


Mass Effect 3 : 'YOU CAN SAVE EVERYONE (not really) WITH A BUTTON BUT IF YOU DO YOU'll DIE³ (for reasons² you couldn't ever hope to understand¹) AND PLAY RIGHT INTO MY NEFARIOUS MILLENNIA SPANNING PLOTⁿ.

Assassin's Creed 3 : LOTS OF SPECULATION FOR EVERYONE. :beret:

There is one point in Ubisoft's favour : at no point did they sell AC as a reactive narrative/THE PLAYER'S OWN STORY.

While I could argue that it's only fair that Desmond receive(d) a terrible ending because he, too, <strike>is</strike> was (:dance:) terrible . . . I won't.

It doesn't mitigate the dénouement being bloody egregious.

It's consistent, though. 3 is easily the weakest of the franchise (that I've playedº), weaker, I suspect, than even the various shovelware portable cash-ins.

At least the (plentiful) bugs are (often) highly entertaining.

Might go into detail In The Future. Haven't the heart to do so at this time. Giddy your anticipations.
Asphyxiation by Unchecked Laughter wrote:revelation
It's a switch. In (any/most) other game(s), you'd have to leap through the flaming hoops of arbitrary collection for the sundering of the fouth wall/developer shoutout/easter egg(s)/TRUE ENDING. In this ? You do it, perhaps hoping for something to make sense, and are graced with a (deliberately) profoundly unsatisfying unconclusion. Meta-trollery. Quite inspired, in a way.

At least you earn an AWESOME MASK for hunting down the purple cubes.
Yacht Lust IV wrote:unstandard
? There are perhaps a dozen characters/entities who have dialogue/portraits in Hotline Miami. Would consider it particularly jarring for there to be no face to the retail mouthpiece, in light of how often they are encountered. There might be some higher significance to the fact that you don't have to speak to them/collect their 'gifts', but I suspect that it was a decision made with replay in mind, and nothing more.

A Fleeting Nadir wrote::duckie:
YES, it would. Still can. THEY know what to do. :drunk:

³Desmond's dead !:dance:

²REASONS, a.k.a - the magical developer arsepull : HARBINGER OF NONSENSE, HERALD OF SCHADENFREUDE.

¹Reasons we couldn't ever hope to do justice to, with our meagre, overstretched abilities. Oh shit. Oh shit. OH SHI - Wait ! They wouldn't understand ! Brilliant !

&#8319;I'm confident that Juno/Minerva are actually breaking out the (TOTALLY ALIEN, REALLY) champagne after their indisputably masterful eleventh hour manipulation of the Stupid Humans. Pretend to be enemies ? Brilliant !

ºYes, it exalts the shameless filler of Revelations merely by existing. It's that underwhelming.
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Post by Manoil »

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Post by SenisterDenister »

Reddit tier swell guy. Play SCP-087-B or Containment Breach. Nothing like some Radical Larry to make you panic.
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Post by Manoil »

These all play on different fears, particularly well. I don't know if I'd be more afraid of being alone in the woods with a supernatural killer or in a facility where everything wants to kill you and you can't see ten feet away. They both play well on suspense and they both catch you off guard in big ways. Though it's scary as fuck as is, SCP's scare factor will fucktuple when they get a graphics update, and you may disagree with it but I feel like they're too into the uncanny valley. Half-Life 1 graphics are hard to take seriously today.

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Been playing red dead since every other game out so far seems to be quite redundant and boring, cough cough Assass creed 3.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

I got Hotline Miami, and the game is a mindfuck and a half, if you ask me. The thing that gets me is the main character, not Bikerman, flashes to being an old man with grey hair. In Trauma you're an old man, but when you get back to your apartment and put your letterman jacket on you look like you're young again. I don't think the game pretends to be any deeper than it is, it just leaves a lot to interpretation. Kind of like the ending of The Thing, its left open so you can talk about it with people to try to figure it out for yourself, and there's not an actual defined "what the fuck is going on" by the guys that wrote it. At least from the perspective of Roosterhead. The Bikerman ending is a different thing entirely, though. The guys telling Bikerman that everything is a game to them and they did it all because they were bored is probably a direct 4th wall comment to you, the player, and not the character they're speaking to.

The soundtrack is pretty goddamn awesome after playing the game for a few hours, and the overall aesthetic of the game is cool. The graphics don't feel like its "lol-indie-16bit-retro" like everyone who copies Cavestory or old NES graphics to be cute or whatever. The game is downright violent, compared to anything. Just damn brutal.

The bossfights were the only parts I didn't enjoy. What's bad is I defeated the last boss with the dual SMG's twice, but the bullet from his suicide passed through his brain-pan and took a stop in mine, making me redo it twice before I figured out what the hell was going on.

All in all, I give it 9/10 would buy again. It is different in a great way. Big bang for your buck since its only ten.
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Space is the Place.

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They're bandages.

And being killed by the suicide bullet is practically a rite of passage, really. EMERGENT GAMING. :drunk:
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Ah, bandages make sense. Also helps the story from being too convoluted for its own good.
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Post by Stalagmite »

Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai

I like it, it's better than the original Shogun 2 which, despite having better AI than the previous games, streamlined the battles with ridiculously fast killrates and unit movement. The naval battles also sucked. FotS retain the fast speeds but the game itself plays better, with much better units and tech, and slightly better naval battles.

Still, nothing tops Empire Total War with Darthmod installed, not the greatest AI but the naval battles are fantastic and the variety of ranged units complete with artillery support and smooth campaign play, all without the ridiculously fast paced warfare.
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Stalagmite wrote:Still, nothing tops Empire Total War with Darthmod installed, not the greatest AI but the naval battles are fantastic and the variety of ranged units complete with artillery support and smooth campaign play, all without the ridiculously fast paced warfare.
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Oh blast, not Red Dwarf lite...

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Blargh wrote:<strike>is</strike> was (:dance:)
You don't mean... surely not...



On the other hand, there goes the bestest argument for "Games are art? HAHAHAHAHAno." Oh well, I'm sure we'll manage.
Blargh wrote:arsepull
Oh wow. Strike that, I don't want to know how the "plot" ends.

If one hadn't already realised common sense is in short supply on the AAA market, maybe now one could hope for a definitive "screw Dan Brown, let's just have assassinations of people in 13th century Jerusalem for no reason (LIKE WE EVER NEEDED ONE), only without the fucking half hour cutscenes". But no. And on the assassination note...*
Blargh wrote:Quite inspired, in a way.
Cue Cacti for Tim "Monkey" Burton pointless mindfuck of the year award. Whatever gets people talking, right?
Blargh wrote:no face
Not no face, rather, if you're going for :everyman-face:, drop the :intellectualstoner-face: and go with :genericbland-face:. Or, if you prefer, a :Desmond-face: ( :dance: )

Oh, Clippy, if only they had <strike>listened</strike> FUCKING EYES AND EARS. :drunk:
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With a strong commitment to learning nothing . . .

Post by Blargh »

Have read that they've truncated the entire point of the game into cutscenes. You could, for example, be disguised (ha !) as a 14th century samurai, brandishing a sledge hammer, step through a door, and then be shown 47 shooting the target in the face in his usual suit, before returning to armour and hammer a moment later, possibly in an entirely different room ( !).

Pretty fucking disappointing, if true.

Also, the latex nun brigade. I must confess a morbid curiousity as to (if ?) how they'll reconcile that whole mess with the gameplay/narrative.

Also, Deponia is terrible. Have read that it might be less awful in the native German. I haven't the patience to verify. Avoid. :drunk:
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Post by jimmypneumatic »

Beyond Good and Evil (HD) is cute and surprisingly brilliant. No I take that back, it's not cute, it's every bit as tongue in cheek cynical and produces just as satisfyingly humorous situations as the original Fallout series. Ok so they are different genres, but the societal implications in the premise of both games carry a serious warning about the reality they mimic. A game made way back then taking a poke at warmongers, corruption and xenophobia which are all issues becoming more and more relevant today. It's refreshing, best 10 bucks I've spent in a while on a game that also doesn't take itself too seriously. That's what the industry needs so desperately right now, a little horse tranquilizer of humility straight to the keister.
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get lost chumley

Post by Blargh »

what have they done to you 47


apparently you can kill the danny trejo impersonator in a couple of other ways that circumvent being seen by dozens in the flesh and thousands via youtube


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Post by Tofu Man »

On the plus side I get a shiny new avatar.

Ah, <strike>consoles</strike> <strike>designers</strike> <strike>developers</strike> <strike>publishers</strike> <strike>shareholders</strike> gaming. :drunk:
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At least it's not MLP. :drunk:
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