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Discuss anything from Age of Empires to Wasteland. Any gaming talk that isn't Fallout-related goes here.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

The game isn't combat centric, but the gunplay would be realistic and not like a first person shooter, and the gun's properties and properties of the ammunition would act like they do in the real world. Its not being combat centric, its just being thorough.

You could play the game as a pacifist or any other way you could think of (within the game's parameters of course), but not having a gun might make things more difficult down the road as society would continue to break down. Bullets would also increasingly become more scarce, and after a year or so I imagine the game would stop generating them for scavenge, leaving you to stockpile and manage what you have, thus placing more emphasis on melee weaponry or bows or crossbows or whatever.

Basically after a year or two the game would devolve to Mad Max with zombies and maybe no cars, with a few people with guns (with only a dozen shots left) running around in charge of a bunch of people wielding machetes and axes and stuff.
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mexicans cant die theyre immortal

Post by Blargh »

i cant tell you that you would just steal it

dont lie

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Post by Taco-Hero »

Space Invaders but where you play one of the Space Invaders.
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