DaC's Random Mash-up #2

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DaC's Random Mash-up #2

Post by Tofu Man »

<strong>[ Community -> Article ]</strong> - More info on <a href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Pete Hines">Person: Pete Hines</a> | More info on <a href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Bethesda Softworks">Company: Bethesda Softworks</a> | More info on <a href="http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Doom 4">Game: Doom 4</a>

<p>So wilkommen back mein friends to ze show that ends whenever my time does and this, episode ACHTUNG! ZWEI! of DaC's gaming mashup, brought to you by [ZIS SPACE FUR RENTZ - CONTACT HERR KOCH]. Now, to business, SCHNELL!

<strong><span style="color: #ff6600;"><span style="font-size: medium;">EIN)</span></span></strong> As you may well have heard, the dolts at <strong>Kotaku</strong> shocked the whole gaming world (not really) by reporting that, according to "some bloke",<em><strong> Doom 4</strong></em> had been indefinetly postponed. Unsurprisingly, that turned out to be bullpoo, at least according to our dear friend at the <strong>Besthapo</strong>, mr. <strong>Pete Hiney</strong>, who had <a href="http://twitter.com/#!/DCDeacon/status/1 ... 9872">this to say</a>. Nevermind then, here's <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">the Sex Pistols</span> something else that's of actual interest, a question <strong>Rock Paper Shotgun</strong> posed to its viewers: <a href="http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/10 ... m-4/">What do you want from Doom 4</a>? Predictably, people wanted an actual <em><strong>Doom</strong></em> and not <em><strong>Doom III</strong></em> part 2 (don't ask me, I thought it was ok). Release unknown.

<span style="color: #ff6600;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>ZWEI)</strong></span></span> What's looking to be the most loved/hated game of the near future, <em><strong>Diablo 3</strong></em> got its cinematic cherry popped midway through last week and because I can't be bothered bringing you MMO news on time, here it is now. My memory isn't the best but if it wasn't for the title, I'd never have guessed that pertained to <em><strong>Diablo</strong></em> because it looks nothing like the old cinematics. Couldn't they at least have dressed <em>shiny-mouth-starcraft-alien-with-bony-wings</em> in a cloak? Coming out Q1 2012.</p>
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px;" width="100" height="100" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/nlhWqmVeDno?ve ... detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
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<p><strong><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #ff6600;">DREI)</span></span></strong> Disappointing game du week for me, <em><strong>Payday: the Heist</strong></em>, got a slightly favorable <a href="http://www.destructoid.com/review-payda ... >review</a> from <strong>Destructoid</strong>'s<strong> Jim Sterling</strong>, who's supposed to be a <em>bit</em> of a cunt.</p>
"(...)I've played the two versions of PAYDAY across a number of hours and haven't even succeeded in a large number of heists, but that hasn't stopped me having a real laugh with it. PAYDAY: The Heist is a classic example of a diamond in the rough, a game that is just too enjoyable at its core for any of its issues to remain unforgivable. I have a feeling that, with continued support, it will only get better and better, and I think that shooter fans looking for something both different and perversely empowering will get a real kick out of what PAYDAY: The Heist has to offer. It has most definitely stolen itself a victory."</p>
He's on the take! The interloper! Naaah, but seriously, the game isn't that hot, far as I care. <strong>Metacritic</strong> seems to be <a href="http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstat ... ">slightly confused</a>, though. Low average on PS3 but high on PC. It is a game that, like<strong> L4D</strong>, might improve severely given a decent community, so keep that in mind. Out now.

<span style="color: #ff6600;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>FIER)</strong></span></span> IS OUTTA CONTROL WE GONNA BU- Right, I wanted to do one for the 'murkans here, like a halloween game or something but I messed up for several reasons. One, no-one gives much of a crap about halloween outside the U.S.; Two, it's late and I can't think of anything; Three, everyone already knows that if you want a laxative in computer game form, all you have to do is play<em><strong> Amnesia</strong></em>. And bring some Milky Ways. Out like a century ago.</p>
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px;" width="100" height="100" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/_Cch0rEMqOA?ve ... detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
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<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="color: #ff6600;"><strong>UND....RANDOMSGEFLUGEL!)</strong></span></span> Hmmm, random ends up being a two-in-one recommend off of a film I watched recently, called <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0993842/">< ... strong></a>, which follows a teenager tasked to kill a CIA agent. Film itself is pretty good (and features a heck of a one-camera-shot fight scene) but it's the OST, courtesy of <strong>Ze Chemikal Brothers</strong>, that stands out. Stands out because it doesn't belong in that movie and because it doesn't need any damn movie to be good enough for lis'ning purposes. A small comfort since <strong>Justice</strong>'s last album turned out to be absolute merde.</p>
<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px;" width="100" height="100" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/HBmwcuLa1as?ve ... detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
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<p> </p>
<p>And yes, all the Doom 4 <em>I</em> want is none at all.</p>

Post by Kashluk »

Why would anyone want "an actual Doom"? What does it even mean? I doubt anyone's longing after the 2D graphics and a gun stuck in middle of the screen. Otherwise I don't really see much difference between Doom II and Doom 3 gameplay - it's First Person Shooters, not rocket science.
Tofu Man wrote:Hanna
Hiding in Finland :salute:
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Post by Retlaw83 »

The original Dooms were about fighting hordes of demons in mostly well-thought levels. Doom 3 was bumping into walls in the dark while zombies flooded in behind you from the area you just cleared. Their design philosophies were totally different.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

Why would anyone want "an actual Fallout"? What does it even mean? I doubt anyone's longing after the 2D graphics and Vic stuck in middle of the screen. Also I don't see much difference between Fallout II and Fallout 3 gameplay - it's Role Playing Games, not rocket science. :chew:

(yes i am being a dick, fallout 3 was real tiem and isometrique so hugely different gameplay whoa. Retlaw pretty much nailed it though)

Post by Kashluk »

Ach, I admit that I haven't played Doom 3 for more than 10 minutes total. I thought it's just the same stuff with updated graphics.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Well, Kash's not wrong when he says FPSs aren't rocket science. Whatever it ends up being, Doom 4 isn't likely to be a new System Shock or Deus Ex, which is why I reckon we could do without. And if I'm not mistaken, Syndicate (which is turning out to be just a straight FPS) and its reception by PC gamers is going to show just that, particularly since it's gonna come after DEHR.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Syndicate is going to do just fine if they make it a competent shooter. I don't see DEHR's release making people upset with Modern Warfare 3.

Sure, FPS isn't rocket science, but Fallout 3, the most popular FPS of 2008, didn't even have iron sights. People are stupid enough to put up with a lot.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Oh, I'm not questioning whether or not it'll sell, though I'd admit that any mainstream shooter'd do well on hype alone, at least on console.

But can you really compare DEHR with MW3? One's a sp futuristic shooter with RPG aspirations based on a dead franchise that had its zenith on pc and the other's a prominetly mp modern basic shooter whose lcd console-centric audience has let the publisher know they're happy to gobble up the same game every year with minimal changes. Sure it doesn't make them upset, why should it?

What I'm saying is that what you have in DEHR is a game that's convinced even most of the old guys that it's possible to revitalize a dead franchise properly (unlike Fallout 3, however successful) and that that doesn't bode well for a Syndicate that's already abandoned the original style and that has to be launched after a game that, despite its dead franchise status, was such an achievement, particularly when they're both strikingly similar, visually, thematically and in terms of genre.

If Syndicate ends up having nothing but the suicide power-up on DEHR, console pundits may not even notice it but no way is that shit going to fly with the PC audience I was specifically referring to above. I'll compare them on a personal level, but that's because I can't really see myself playing straight FPSs anymore.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Tofu Man wrote: But can you really compare DEHR with MW3? One's a sp futuristic shooter with RPG aspirations based on a dead franchise that had its zenith on pc and the other's a prominetly mp modern basic shooter whose lcd console-centric audience has let the publisher know they're happy to gobble up the same game every year with minimal changes. Sure it doesn't make them upset, why should it?
You'd be surprised how much crossover there is between DEHR and MW3 players - I know several of them. A lot of them were disappointed DEHR wasn't action-y enough; Syndicate's straight-up FPS gameplay won't be a turn off for most of the market because that's what the market has become.
If Syndicate ends up having nothing but the suicide power-up on DEHR, console pundits may not even notice it but no way is that shit going to fly with the PC audience I was specifically referring to above. I'll compare them on a personal level, but that's because I can't really see myself playing straight FPSs anymore.
As much as I hate to say it, game developer's don't give a shit what old time gamers or PC gamers think about things. You don't have to go much farther than the recently botched Steam launch of Dead Island to realize no one gives a shit about the PC. Long-time fans are going to hate Syndicate and X-Com, but the developers won't give a fuck because they'll be rolling around in their millions of dollars of revenue. It's the Bethesda Principle - release a dead franchise as a first person shooter, talk in your promotional materials how the originals are gaming masterpieces, ergo your game is also, and then rake in the cash.
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Post by Tofu Man »

Walter, man, I don't know where you're coming from with this talk of market and developer intent.

What I said above was as simple as this: I don't care for a new Doom because it'll end up a straight shooter. As far as I've cared to follow it, Syndicate looks to end up a straight shooter itself which I won't be bothered trying it. I will, however, try to find out the opinions that I think are of value (those old pc gamers) to find out how good it is and my prediction is that it's going to be compared unfavorably to DEHR (which is fortunate, since that's the last "FPS" I enjoyed playing), thus providing an example of why I could care less about yet another bog standard FPS.

Feel free to give me the pessimistic world view on gaming if you want, I thought I'd made it clear in the past that that's a view I share. That and, like you, I don't really give two shits about sales figures when it's time to judge the real worth of a game, otherwise we'd both be pining for Skyrim or whatever else's the lcd crap du jour.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

What I guess I'm trying to say is, Doom is the only continuation of an old franchise that should be a straight-up shooter and I want to be a straight-up shooter.
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Post by Cimmerian Nights »

Retlaw83 wrote:It's the Bethesda Principle - release a dead franchise as a first person shooter, talk in your promotional materials how the originals are gaming masterpieces, ergo your game is also, and then rake in the cash.
It's sad but true, they have great PR acumen, can't make an RPG worth a shit, but goddamn if they aren't great pimps.

They positioned themselves really well with all that "we're big fans too" when what they were really saying is "we like some parts of the setting and will use them as token placemarkers on top of out already existing dumbed-down, watered down McRPG formula."

Why would you want to cater to some small, demanding angry niche gamers like old-school PC RPG fans when it's so much easier and profitable to keep shoveling the same over-hyped, shallow, shiny shit down the konsole kiddies throats?
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