What exacly has Obama done that he hasn't promised?

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Cimmerian Nights wrote:
(really pollution here is the big issue, the idea that we have finitive - as opposed to infinitive - resources is in the longterm incorrect)
So your model takes into account only production not operation? I'm pretty sure 100 cars in a garage cause less pollution and consume fewer finite natural resources through operation than 100 cars on the road do.
Gimp Mask wrote: 420
good call.
That's logic backwards.

What you really have is 1 car worth the resources of 100 being driven around.

I'm sorta in the same situation that mismatch was before here, writting from internet café or library as my computers power source has gone dead. Buying one today so hopefully I'll have more time to write a decent reply later.

Post by Kashluk »

Mismatch wrote:In Sweden we are actually losing much of our freedoms. Massive surveillance, laws suppressing free speech. There was even some guy working in the migration office who got fired because he supported Israels right to exist.

Also the eu is slowly taking our liberty away kash. I'm surprised you haven't noticed.
Yes, I've noticed that it has been the general direction of things ever since 9/11. But it's first and foremost a global thing - things are changing (for the worse) everywhere. It's a matter of fighting against it and turning 'the darkness into shades of gray' :angstpoet: Comparing country to country I believe Nordic Countries still have it better than most of the world.
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Post by Superhaze »

Wolfman Walt wrote:Superhaze- Not to interject anywhere, as this is obviousily a conversation of the utmost importance that will change humanity, but I honestly think that America's view on organizations may have a bit to do with how America was founded. We technically came into being by rebelling against the biggest organization around in those times, so American culture kinda grinds that into us.

Alternatively - America actually had a lot more....I suppose "belief" in their government until right around the 60's when the anti-government/anti-vietnam/anti-authority movements really started occuring. I always felt that the Kennedy assassination really marked where citizen belief in their government started taking a downturn. But I suppose that's my personal opinion. It's always kinda hard to take a REAL context of political feeling without actually living in the time. Occasionally I've read newspaper clippings from the 1800's and it was like reading something from Planet X as if you didn't understand particular things, you wouldn't understand it.

Also - I won't say that it's all of America. The problem nowadays is that parties have seemingly been seperated into "liberal" and "conservative" without people remembering what the parties really represent. Democrats, traditionally, believe in larger central government power whereas Republicans believe more in smaller central government and more in State rights. Libertarians, on the other hand, are the far example of what you're talking about. That's why it's kinda odd nowadays when you have a canidate who is A. a democrat and B. conservative like Joseph Liberman. He's conservative in his social and most of his political views, but believes in stronger central government to control those rather then handing things down to the State level.

Edit: Oh shit. I posted in a political thread. I'm fucked.
I said all that, but in fewer words. But yeah.. pretty much what I had in mind. Being norwegian I prefer to stay out of american political clusterfucks so... thumbs up? :?
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Post by Wolfman Walt »

I felt like possibly explaining why it was that way though? Who knows. Carry on. Thumbs up.
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Post by Username »

Mismatch wrote:So this is the post I promised Username. Before I actually start I'd like to point out (since it does seem to be sensitive) that what I write is from a european perspective as I am not an American. But I do like to pretend that I have basic knowledge about the world.
Nigga you just wrote an essay.
Also, I am no economist mr username, but I like to think that I know the basics. Which is what we are going to discuss. Yeah, and I do simplify things a bit, because I'm not writing some serious chit.... I'm posting in a forum.
Nigga you just wrote an essay.
Do note. This is a big post and I can't be arsed to read through it all. May be typos or even errors.
Nigga you just wrote an essay. And it's great that you do not bother with the typos and minor errors of sorts. I like you already, let's see how long it will last.

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1. E-cum-onme
Lets start with the economy part shall we Username?
To examin whether Obama has handled or mis-handled the economy during the recession, let's go back to the beginning.
The seed of the recession was planted, not by Bush or capitalism as many would say, during the Clinton years when the government decided that everyone should own a home. This splendind idead was realized by forcing banks to lend people money even though their ability to repay the loans was in question.
Forcing eh? I was under the impression that they de-regulated laws just like they did in Sweden. Clinton de-regulated alot, like allowing for corporate conglomeration in the media sector for example. I did a quick google and it seems I'm right. If I'm not then I'm sorry but I'd like you to source this stuff before further commenting.

Of course I am in favour of increased regulations. Further more that isn't the root of the crisis. I wish I could bother going deep into things but clearly the root of the crisis is ordinary people not having the purchasing power to buy a home after working for 10 years. Working families living with their parents in the 30's is a sight not to uncommon in the US. Part of the reason is the decreasing wages in relation to inflation and part of the reason is the housing bubble created by ever more lax banking rules.
The banks, now being forced to do things they didn't want to, soon realized that these loans were not a secure source of income. The banks needed to limit the hazard and their possible losses (after all, their purpose is to make a profit) and did so by bundling these loans with other less insecure loans and selling them off.
Oh no, there's no chance banks were forced to give loans to people without incomes. What happend was that a recession of dubious forms occured and this got people out of work (like it always is). Then they couldn't repay their morgages. A more protectionist market that actively combats outsourcing and foreign cheap goods would have protected the nation against such events and people would have loans and banks would still be making huge profits.

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So what happend next?
Jörg bush, mighty pirate, came swooping in with... Tadaaaa, a stimulus package!
What these packages do, really, is artificially helping compåanes that should have gone down. Now they can stay in business, and keep loosing moneys. Great.
Now, a stimulus package doesn't HAVE to be a bad idea (imo) provided that your country actually has the money to do it. In this case the US of A did not. Bush financed his package by loans, and printing money.
So now we have the government doing what was a bad idea for individuals. Taking loans to consume.
Jumping over some mumbo jumbo since you got the crisis backwards.
I tend to agree here. But I'm not smart or educated enough to comment on shit my professor wouldn't know about. Look. Today we have an evil, wicked, neo-capitalist economy built on non existant money. So if a bank was to suddenly collapse because it reloaned its savings capital 10 times or 100 times fold then you'd have an even bigger crisis on your hands. EVERYONE would take money out of various banks but not everyone would make it.
Soon bank after bank would collapse and peoples savings would evaporate.

The result of no stimulus packages would be a radical leveling of the economy. Which is in fact good. But I say that as a radical leftist.
The rich, who had savings and capital funds would see them disappear while the poor who had loans would see those loans disappear. Possibly taken over by the government which would facilitate national recovery.

So indeed what you are seeing is the last dying breath of the capitalist west, pumping itself full of printed money, devaluing it for everyone else.
The only risk is that it might also create an extremely rifted community.
The elite usually have their funds in stocks and other valuables, not in banks or funds (collective investment schemes - had to google this translation) . The upper middleclass and lower upperclass would cease to exist and you'd have an elite and a very broad working class. Then again this would help make apparent the class struggle and a revolution might occure.

This is not just a rambling. Re-examine the text and try to find what isn't true if you can. The stimulus package saved the capitalist system for now.

So we have a crisis caused by government intervention (at least made worse, there's no saying that no crisis would have occured without clinton, but he sure as hell made it worse).
And the government responds by more government intervention in the market. And yeah, they actually keep things afloat for awhile longer. But at what cost?
No the crisis was caused by a recession (which occures naturally in a deregulated market economy) - the ups and the downs -. The crisis was intensified by the chain of reactions you mentioned when people lost jobs, couldn't pay loans, investements went broke etc, etc. The government package kept the boat floating and assured that peoples savings weren't destroyed. The easiest solution to this problem, at least in short term, is to do everything you can to remove fractional banking. Fractional banking makes these chain reaction-recessions possible.

This way you'll save capitalism far longer than through stimulus packages.

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Enter Obama.
A time for change? Yes we can... but you didn't, did you?
Obamas economic policies for crisis handling are more or less the same as the ones Bush had. But MORE, and BIGGER... more EXTREEEME! Does this make Obama the Todd howard of politics? Obamas stimulus packages are bigger, and there are more of them. And guess what... they're still funded by loans. And by stealing from american citizens.
How you say? By printing money.
We have the FED, they're printing money. This makes the dollar worth less (surprise!), which means than the average amwerican actually has less money. With the printed money the FED buys bonds. Which means that they print money, and lend it to themselves. Then they hand it out as stimulus.
With a weakening dollar this actually means that when they get them money back for the bonds they will get less (worth less) than what they actually bought them for. This is what we call a bad investment.
On top of that, everyone else flees from the bonds because they can spot a bad investment.
More or less yeah.

So Obama is doing the exact same thing that Bush did.... only worse and more.
<i>He thrusts his fists against the post and still insists he sees the ghosts</i>
Again I'm not sure you'd call this bad. There's still alot of value to suck out of the dollar. It's still a decent currency. The stimulus might have saved the entire country but not in the way most people think.

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Now that was the economic part. People wanted a new more responsible monetary policy, but got more of the same bad one. See what people don't like?
Nah people mostly wanted free healthcare and less government surveilance and higher taxes on the rich to finance the first one. Most people don't know jack shit about monetary policy. Oh and nigga you wrote a bloody essay. :flamed:
2. Grasp of reality.
Let's go to this part. Why are people not very happy with mr. Obama. Still I write this from a European perspective, so I might be wrong, but this sums of what I've understood from the current situation.

As the newly freed people of USA threw of the shackles of their European overlords they wrote the constitution. The sole purpose of this document was to ensure that USA would never again become what it had been. The purpose of this document was to ensure freedom.
One part of how to do this was to limit the size of the federal government because, as firsthand witnesses of this, the founding fathers knew that the government (regardless whether it's a monarchy or not) is in fact the biggest threat there is to the citizens of a country.
Many of the things Obama is doing, like the healthcare program are bloating the federal state, and steals power away from the states. The healthcare program is one part of this, but I'm sure there are others (perhaps you americans could enlighten us).
the founding fathers weren't as unified as you think. Some warned very deeply for unwarranted and unwanted influence in terms of corporations and banks. Corporations were outlawed in america up until the 18th century. Others said that the government should be there to protect the affluent minority from the poorer majority. Americans paint a way to pretty picture of their cute little early poiticians and most people don't dig below the dirt to find out more.

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Now people are getting the impression that Obama is undermining the constutution when he is transferring power from the local to the centralized big government. Probably because that is what he's doing. With this people feel that their liberty is under attack.
And I agree. The last things you people should aim for is to become like Europe. The president of the EU is not even elected by the people &#40;AND  on top of that he's Belgian&#41;, and many european countries &#40;I know mine is&#41; are becoming more like Democraships &#40;Democracies & Dictatorships&#41; where people feel that anything goes as long as you vote for it... But it doesn't it's still WRONG, you can't vote about human rights. But we do, and they go away. What is great with the US constitution is the power it holds. Our european counterparts are not worth the paper they're written on. They are for show only and I envy you.
I hate the EU as much as any selfrespecting bloke out there. It's a massive bureaucracy. But the thing about the EU president is mostly false. He's elected by the elected party leaders of the representative nations.
Also the US is leading in the western world together with Britain when it comes to mass surveilance, governments and corporations breaking peoples integrities, pushing for RFID chips, bank transfer monitoring and so forth. And yes Obama made it worse. But as I said in my first post, this is one of the things the republicans would have done as well. They even started it under the Bush family. It's not a reason to vote for the other side and instead you should abstain from voting or waste yoru vote on a third party. If enough people waste their votes the votes won't be wasted. That's the only logical reasoning.

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As for the rest of the whole healthcare thingy, I won't get into that right now. Much of what I have to say has been covered already, and frankly... this post is growing too long.
But I do hope that this explains why some people are not happy with Obama. But as I said, I may be wrong.
Kinda...But still not really. Even if I would to agree with all your things they are still things that the republicans (exception healthcare) would have done.

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3. Morals - Taxes
This part is related to the previous one. Taxes is what enables a government to grow big. And at the heart of taxes we have a problem. The government force you to pay them. I think we all can agree that some sort of taxation is needed to enable us having a government.
And we need that &#40;currently&#41;. A government doesn't need to be a bad thing. The state has one responsibility, and one responsibility only. To ensure the the rights of its people. That's it. That and nothing more.
What a person produces is his property. If you build something it's yours, and noone has the right to take it from you by force. Now in todays society, actual production has been repolaced with the monetary system.
When you produce something you get money for the value you produce.
And noone has the right to take that away from you against your will. So, with taxing being morally questionable from the start it should be kept to a minimum. This will also ensure a small government. However when we start taxing people differently depending on income we are even worse off. By what right? We do NOT, and will NEVER have the right to vote on whether we should steal certain peoples money. And yet that is what we do. Rich people should pay more &#40;they already do, and I find the % of income system despicable&#41;. What's now stopping us from forcing black people to pay more. Or men, or women. Or how about we have a vote on killing all rich people. Or killing all poor people.
See what I'm getting at?
Why don't we have the right to vote to "steal" someones money? Rights are decided by one and other. If a community grows sick of their ever more greedy corporate elite then it is its duty to excersise its discontent through taxation, if not worse.
That was about it I suppose.
Remember America was the promised land once. The land in which you could settle anywhere, take the land you need and build yourself a home from scartch. That's no longer the case. Someone owns that forest, someone owns that mine, someone owns that oil field and some people have way more than they need or can work on. That IMO was not what America was about once upon a time. That more resembles the old monarchies that the americans fled from.

Now I'm done. Thanks for reading ;)
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Post by Megatron »

Username wrote: Nigga you just wrote an essay.
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Second of all, an alien born out of burgers?
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Post by Megatron »

it what happens if you force open a pokeball on your mamas face thats what goes down at the throw down, the political quote pyramid? make like a banana and fuckk off b4 mg deck your nonce bonce whit da sick kru
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Post by Mismatch »

So, username, clearly you are my communist nemisis.
Forcing eh? I was under the impression that they de-regulated laws just like they did in Sweden. Clinton de-regulated alot, like allowing for corporate conglomeration in the media sector for example. I did a quick google and it seems I'm right. If I'm not then I'm sorry but I'd like you to source this stuff before further commenting.

Of course I am in favour of increased regulations. Further more that isn't the root of the crisis. I wish I could bother going deep into things but clearly the root of the crisis is ordinary people not having the purchasing power to buy a home after working for 10 years. Working families living with their parents in the 30's is a sight not to uncommon in the US. Part of the reason is the decreasing wages in relation to inflation and part of the reason is the housing bubble created by ever more lax banking rules.
Well, I beg to differ. In the 70's Carter instigated affirmative action banking laws. And during the Cretin (Clinton) years these laws were given more muscle and banks were forced, by the government, to lend people money regardless of their ability to repay them. If you can't find any information on this I am, indeed, surprised.

So I'll insist that the government caused this chit.

Would there have been a recession anyway?
Yeah, as you said, since these things tend to go in cycles. However with out all the sub prime mortages It wouldn't have been a bad one since there would have been less malinvestments. Recessions are natural and nedded in a free econnomy since they purge bad business decisions. I was a tad sloppy when using the word recession for the crisis.
Why don't we have the right to vote to "steal" someones money?
ehue... did I mention that it's immoral?
Any moral system, which really is what we make our decisions based upon, has to be founded on a few basic rules. In the western society these rules are, more or less, the charter of human rights.
If you accept these rights no laws and must never be allowed to clash with these rights.
The ONLY way to build a morally coherent society is to start with a few base premises (we have accepted the human rights charter as such and deem this charter good), and from these deduce laws.
Any society / country (person) trying to pass laws which are not logically coherent with the basic premises is thus... evil.
You are evil Username.
Rights are decided by one and other. If a community grows sick of their ever more greedy corporate elite then it is its duty to excersise its discontent through taxation, if not worse.
And I was right. I'm not even going to try to tell you why you are wrong. If it's not obvious to you after my last post then you are a lost cause.
You almost seem utalitarian to me. creepy.
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Post by Username »

Mismatch wrote:So, username, clearly you are my communist nemisis.
Forcing eh? I was under the impression that they de-regulated laws just like they did in Sweden. Clinton de-regulated alot, like allowing for corporate conglomeration in the media sector for example. I did a quick google and it seems I'm right. If I'm not then I'm sorry but I'd like you to source this stuff before further commenting.

Of course I am in favour of increased regulations. Further more that isn't the root of the crisis. I wish I could bother going deep into things but clearly the root of the crisis is ordinary people not having the purchasing power to buy a home after working for 10 years. Working families living with their parents in the 30's is a sight not to uncommon in the US. Part of the reason is the decreasing wages in relation to inflation and part of the reason is the housing bubble created by ever more lax banking rules.
Well, I beg to differ. In the 70's Carter instigated affirmative action banking laws. And during the Cretin (Clinton) years these laws were given more muscle and banks were forced, by the government, to lend people money regardless of their ability to repay them. If you can't find any information on this I am, indeed, surprised.

So I'll insist that the government caused this chit.

Would there have been a recession anyway?
Yeah, as you said, since these things tend to go in cycles. However with out all the sub prime mortages It wouldn't have been a bad one since there would have been less malinvestments. Recessions are natural and nedded in a free econnomy since they purge bad business decisions. I was a tad sloppy when using the word recession for the crisis.
Why don't we have the right to vote to "steal" someones money?
ehue... did I mention that it's immoral?
Any moral system, which really is what we make our decisions based upon, has to be founded on a few basic rules. In the western society these rules are, more or less, the charter of human rights.
If you accept these rights no laws and must never be allowed to clash with these rights.
The ONLY way to build a morally coherent society is to start with a few base premises (we have accepted the human rights charter as such and deem this charter good), and from these deduce laws.
Any society / country (person) trying to pass laws which are not logically coherent with the basic premises is thus... evil.
You are evil Username.
Rights are decided by one and other. If a community grows sick of their ever more greedy corporate elite then it is its duty to excersise its discontent through taxation, if not worse.
And I was right. I'm not even going to try to tell you why you are wrong. If it's not obvious to you after my last post then you are a lost cause.
You almost seem utalitarian to me. creepy.
The charter of human rights if I am correct also gives you the right to work, to health, to education and so forth. It's a pitty you do not even attempt to adress some of the other points I've made, I know it was a long post but darn it yours was longer.

We seem to agree that in general the housing bubble intensified the US and in parts the world crisis. What ever caused it should be fixed but you refuse to see the background issue here. If (and I'm still asking you to provide sources for this) the Clinton administration authorized such measures then that is simply a further developement of the fractional banking. Modern day capitalism feeds itself on paper money, on non-existant funds. It EXPECTS growth and high such to repay these loans that do not have backing in savings.

Clinton must have expected capitalism to be able to to facilitate such growth that even the meager wages of the workingclass american would be enough to repay the loans the banks gave in the future.
Even with it and prior to the crisis you had working families living in their PARENTS homes. Make that go around one more generation and you have 8 people living in one home, that is once again a situation that calls for revolution. That is the situation of the industrial age.

Capitalism is somehow expected to facilitate the betterment of working class while increasing their wages ever slower because of the idea that capitalism provides extremely high growth. But it can't , it won't go beyond 5-6-7% and at some point the growth (and thus efficiency in produciton, etc) is not enough and the purchasing power of the working class that falls and falls has fallen to far. Goods that do not decrease in cost such as housing despite growth become unatainable and this creates a permanent and ever worsening crisis.

edit: Part of the reason why you do not see the same sort of crisises here in Sweden is because our workers have up to the 1990's had a wage growth following inflation. So if a workers wage rose with 10% so would a bosses wage (with 10% not with the workers equivilant) . This has formed a stronger working class WITH savings and assets that does not collapse as easily despite our system having addopted the fractional banking idiocracy as the US. (Thank god not for the Federal Reserve of Sweden - Riksbanken - )

Forsaken the system before its to late ;)
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Post by Superhaze »

The problem is not the rich being too rich, but the poor being destitute. Capitalism does not ease their situation one bit. Ideally for a 100% capitalist nation (not the US btw) workers wages would be as low as possible, somewhere around subsitence levels.
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Post by Username »

Definetly not. Idealy for (some) capitalists maybe. But for the capitalist system to survive that is not the way to aim. But we are definetly going towards there.

Capitalism is a very paradoxial ideology but it is not inherently evil if regulated well. The free market + capitalism mix is inherently evil though as it puts people in a permanent state war of all against all. Bellum omnium contra omnes. (Just learned this fancy sentence when reading about a book here in the forum).

Really what is the problem is the corporation. Capitaism makes the corporation possible and the corporation is evil so it needs to be regulated but that's slightly like playing with fire.

Now the free market itself ain't bad but then you can't have capitalism. Then you have to have some form of limited economy where everyone only own that which they work. Then there's no need to try and take over our destroy your competitors and push down wages and so forth. The improductive will fall anyway.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Capitalism, corporations, governments, and everything else are not inherently evil. They are tools used by people who may or may not be evil. This stuff is evil the same way a hammer is. It could build a house, or you could smash somebody's head open with it. Ultimately its the wielder's call what to do with it. Those are where the problems occur, they do not start with the tool itself. The tool only becomes a problem when people can't manage to take the hammer away from the crazed carpenter.
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Post by Username »

Actually a corporation is evil by law. It must disregard the benifit of those it deals with if it does not benifit the owners to regard their benifits (such as Public relations).

At least in Sweden a corporation may not do anything that is not in the interests of its owners. Further more a corporation is not considered primarily the responsibility of its owners. It is its own responsibility, it is "a person". An evil person.

Further more a corporation is immoral and evil because it is a form of ursury. Making profits from previous profits. Making profits out of nothing. Making money out of nothing. It is not doing your duty on earth but profiting from other fulfilling theirs.

Many, if not the vast majority of stock owners today are short term traders and barely bother to come at a meeting or even mail in an idea. Many of us are in the game because we have to be in the game so not to fall behind, I'm not sure if that makes us evil to but we sure as hell don't deserve anything from it.

Post by Kashluk »

The first time someone mentioned 'evil' in this discussion, I completely lost interest. Sorry, guys.
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Post by Username »

I'd figure you and most here would find it outdated. But I do not consider evil subjective.
Doing things with disregard for others is evil.
Corporations are forced to do this by law and by conception.
Thusly corporations are evil.

Change evil if you want for bad or for wrong or for what ever suites you if you want. Either way it leads to things like those Superhaze is describing.
Last edited by Username on Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Retlaw83 »

Username's view of the corporation is so much in disagreement with reality I'm not shocked that he wants to give Obama oral sex.
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Post by Username »

You're so deep up what can only be described as Palins ass that you are unable to see or grasp reality at all as demonstrated by your complete ignorance of what a corporation is - by disagreeing with me ;)

Just to make things clear if you simply were ignorant of facts and not of reality. A corporation is not a simple firm. There is a clear and important distinction. A firm is as Senister Denister suggest entirely based on its owners own moral framework and society overall. The corporation is not.
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Post by Superhaze »

I do agree that it is bat-fucking-shit crazy that corporations by law are required to earn the maximum amount of cash for their investors. This is made worse by the pathological abuses many corporations are responsible for around the world. A good example is all the oil-spills on the coast of nigeria that makes the BP spill look like a little puddle of mud. Did I mention it happens all the time, and nobody gives a shit? Because its africa, and corporations have no memory, no conscience, and rightly so because that would only hinder them in earning money for the shareholders. Wont somebody think of the shareholders?!?

Secondly capitalism at its core regards humans as a resource, and a resource that is abundant and easy to replace. Case and point is bangladesh that is a small nation with hundred of millions of poor destitute workers that will continue to be destitute as long as large international corporations can rape them for 5 cents an hour. But as long as the so-called "invisible hand" decides its all good I guess. Put your faith in an invisible entity and you are scott free and can kiss you childer good night. Blame free. Care free, and loaded with cash.
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Post by SenisterDenister »

Kashluk wrote:The first time someone mentioned 'evil' in this discussion, I completely lost interest. Sorry, guys.
Meh, I fell into the same boat. It basically became the "forum vs username" in the same fashion of the "forum vs Mr Snake."

Must be something about Swedes.
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