I will will certainlly be banned this time from Bethesda

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I will will certainlly be banned this time from Bethesda

Post by Cakester »

It goes back to 2008. We have all been manipulated because our masters don't give a damn about us or our mods. All they care about is what they have always cared about, is giving you a game and turning you into slaves .

You don't know anything, but I know you wish you did. We do not know the hand of Fallout. But the IP is at the bottom of the dirt. It was put there by the same people who gave you your GECKs.

Consequently the forums are filled with lies. You have never confronted the real truth. If you get some books on programming you will learn how we have all been hypnotized by mediocrity, brought into a house of greed.

When you see moderator giving a speech about the rules, do not look at what they say. But open your eyes and look at how they ask you to give up your freedom so they have power. The same power, that is to reinforce their own rights.

You know what rights means to them? You are a an asset to be exploited, until proved otherwise. And we all know what happens when we are found to be unwanted.

Do not take anyone's mod for granted. Always trust a person who is searching for new ways to improve their work. Never trust one who just tweaks the game or updates systems relative to the actual game.

It is dictated by the highest members that creativity is an organized crime. I have heard what can be classified conclusively as the most ignorant , pea-sized, ill-informed stance on protecting one's own plugins. The Nexus did not come from where you think. You aren't in tune with others. It is massive , monstrous, and led by a fool who thinks the modding universe is a design limited by law.

Be aware for all is not how it seems.

Nun duh, salv buh cur i sah. Enga raw lur hista vi tal!!!

Farewell Princes_Stomper, may the sky's reflection roll to the bottom revealing the horizon of our cosmic tranquility. The footsteps of which were dabbed on to the slope from the finger tips of the moon.

And to everyone else, mun duh gar yutui seuy!

Here is my final advice about life before I go.

Live your life and take upon the profession you want to do most. In the end, we will all be masters and let into the bank that has every bit of life we miss.
I been K-lined, G-lined, and Kalvin Klein'd. Nevermind , my kicks, temp bans, perma bans and accusations that i use contraband. i am a hardcore troller, from when i get out of bed, till i fall asleep contemplating the new trolls that lay ahead. 24/7 the net is active, gotta preemptive or be two two puh packive

Post by janine »

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Frater Perdurabo
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Post by Frater Perdurabo »

But are YOU a fashion girl, Janine?
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Alister McFap II Esq.
Jerry Falwell
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

This thread is now about that pain you get when you had a constipation but still forced it out.
It's like a rift cracks open and my sphinctural tissue tears apart, blood lubricating my filth as it drops out of me like the 82nd Airborne.
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Post by Gimp Mask »

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Alister McFap II Esq.
Jerry Falwell
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Post by Alister McFap II Esq. »

Hahaha, you made me shoot snot on my screen. Well done. :D

Unlike Turdster however, the deliverance inbred had some mad skills. Why can't cakester be that lovable kind of retard? If he were I'd gladly sacrifice my life in order to preserve his innocent but talented soul.
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