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Tingel Tangel
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Post by Tingel Tangel »

Ah well, maybe I should take up murder then. Seeing as I cannot, in fact, be leaving semen on any crimescene. At least not my own, eh?

So far I've stuck with the chewing gum and drinking lots and lots of water and reading. I was a bookworm before, but now I sometimes force myself to read one more chapter so I wont think about smoking. I had sort of nasty day yesterday, where my mind was on it all the fricking time, but didn't touch one, yay. So I'm on day six now.
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Post by Haris »

Why would you stop smoking? If you got no medical reason to stop smoking than just dont. Its not worth it, addiction never dissapears. You have to learn how to live with it, meaning your life sucks untill you die.
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Post by T-900 »

Key to it is realising the cigarettes never, ever did anyone any good.. Once one truly grasps the realisation that they simply cause and relieve stress in a constant seesaw effect, giving you only what they stole from you to start with, there's just no urge left bar the physical.

If your mind is remotely logical, this will work.. It depends on someone actually truly wanting to quit, however, not upon someone quitting for fashion reasons, their girlfriend, or a period of health paranoia.
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