Some "Nifty Tricks" (TM)

Mapping & modding Fallout Tactics and reviewing maps thereof.
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Some "Nifty Tricks" (TM)

Post by Max-Violence »

Using Red's editor, it's easy to make tile versions of entites - including doors and vehicles.

Let's say you have an area of the map that you only want the PCs to access from one particular area, but you want to have more than one door to the area. Instead of locking/blocking the extra door/doors, you can use a tile version of the door/doors.

Another use of a "tile door" would be if you have buildings that are outside the camera bounds. Instead of having an empty doorway, you could put a tile door instead, and the player won't be confused (since mousing over an entity always results in the pop-up description of that entity, and the player might think, "How the hell am I supposed to get over here?"). And, IIRC, entites outside the camera bounds don't get displayed at all.

Even more awsome is the fact that you can make tile versions of the vehicles. Say you want some vehicles to spruce up the map's looks, but you don't want the PCs to be able to use any of 'em. With a "tile Hummer" or "tile APC," there's no problem.

You can also make tile versions of a vehicle's "busted up" look. That would definately complement the Wasteland's "nothing freakin' works" feel.

Note that Red's viewer/editor's inability to make a .til from a .spr and have all four layers is not a problem when it comes to either tile doors or tile vehicles. I know that most (if not all) doors only use the "base" layer (i.e. layer #1). I'm not 100% sure about the vehicles, but I'm pretty sure.

Well, anyway, here's to some new, sweet maps!
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Post by Section8 »

Vehicles have a couple of layers :(
Only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible, or the physiology of fear - the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or heriditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.
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Post by Max-Violence »

Section8 wrote:Vehicles have a couple of layers :(
:cry: indeed...

Oh well, at least doors only have one layer! (they only have one layer, right? :mrgreen:)

Any progress on that map I sent you, S8? If you can't get it to render at all, just lemme know so I can change the maps' story to "jive" with the lack of a minimap render.
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Post by Section8 »

Nope, no luck. It crashes out for me before it even begins to render, so something strange is going on. And damn you for screwing up my 100% record. ;)
Only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible, or the physiology of fear - the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or heriditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness.
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Post by Max-Violence »

*curses* Oh well, so much for a minimap... thanks for trying! :D

Just checked... sure enough, the Hummer uses layers 1 and 4.

Sorry fellas, I wuz wrong...

*bangs head against wall*
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Regardless of where we hide. <--- Updated July 10th, 2006
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