Some drawings

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Scarf-wearing n00b
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Some drawings

Post by Shino »

Well, I registered to this forums just a few days ago so hello everybody =]
I noticed that the drawings aren't only fallout related, thats good cause I don't yet have any fallout stuff at hand :D (maybe later). Here's some of my drawings, hope you like it, comments & critic are welcome =]

didn't finish the colours yet.. obviously :D
.. ah and btw. it's based on those skeleton knights you encounter in act5 of Diablo2: LoD

this picture is almost finished now but I don't have a up-to-date version of it online, here's an early version

this one is kinda old but I still like it somehow
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Post by ExtremeDrinker »

Original..Clean..Refreshing..I like.

I'm wondering about the wolves/heads on lupis.jpg...Are they just floating around? Are they going to be tied into the finished product?

I like #3 the best...Reminds me of Samauri Jack, but more refined...

I dig it.
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Post by Shino »

thanks for your kind words :)
about the wolves, I imagined them fading into shadows and darkness (looking at the pictures as it is atm..) hmm but everything is still way to bright here... If it should ever be finished (yep, it still isn't finished, but it's close to it ;-) ) I will try to post it again.
Ghetto Goose
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Post by Ghetto Goose »

Kewl stuff. The one with the wolves is my fav. For me it's hard to draw dogs/wolves. :/

Good work.

Post by Kashluk »

Skelle's feet are a bit fat. And I can't get what that thing on his right arm is supposed to be. Sword's great.

The third one is kinda.. well a crouching Indian, hidden Samurai whatever makes me kinda confused.

But the wolves rock. That one is perfect... The wolves fading to the white background make it look like it's winter and snow storm. Real cool stuff.
Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by Shino »

Thanks for your c&c. Actually I thought the feet would be a bit too small, could you please give me a hint on where exactly you think the feet look too fat ? (don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they aren't fat, I just want to understand the critics I get so they are of use to me :) )

About the arm, I imagined it to be some kind of ill swelling, something evil that has fallen upon the arm of this undead, giving it more power, spreading pest and decay whenever it cuts its way through the bodies of its mortal enemies *g*. Taking a closer look you might notice that this evil grwoth has started to infest legs and head of the skelleton knight, maybe one day it's whole body will be covered by it.

Nice idea about the snow storm =) never saw it that way. Btw. the guy was meant to transform into a werwolf any moment ;)

Post by Kashluk »

Ach, not the feet! I meant the *legs*. The upper parts of the legs look huge compared to the rest of the Skeleton(?).

Hm... now the arm makes sense. It would be even better if you colored the whole drawing, though.

And yeah, I'm a winter fan. That's why I see snow everywhere :)
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Post by Shino »

hey you're right! legs and arms should almost have the same length but my skelli guy doesn't seem to care about that ;) thx for the hint anyway. About the colour, I'm working on it =) (but don't expect to see results any time soon, I'm kinda lazy at times ;) )
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Post by Shino »

here's an old more coloured version (from a non-lazy period so to say ;) ). Maybe you guys can tell me if I should continue with this kind of colorization or if I should change it, and if so in what way. Thx in advance.

Post by Kashluk »

* gasp *
I... can't... breath...

That coloring is fantastic, I really dig it.
Though, it's not much of a skeleton, is it?
Reminds me of those "zombies" from Silent Hill 2 :)
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Post by Shino »

wow, thanks Kashluk didn't think I'd ever get such a positive response =)
You're right about it looking more like a zombie, still I always reffered to it as "the skelleton picture" or so =P
Well alright, I'll try to colour the complete body the way I did in that picture, but as I said, don't expect to see any results too soon. =)

Post by Kashluk »

Do you color these by hand? Because... they look really natural, not computer-made.
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Post by Shino »

nope, the colour is completely photoshopped :). I need a lot of trials to get a picture done and while its easy and clean to erase some pencil lines with the rubber the same doesn't apply to any kind of colour so I almost never encolour my drawings by hand. Hail to the photoshop layer concept and the undo functions :D !!!
(in case you have photoshop:
The "drawn by hand" effect you see at the zombie/skeleton/undead thing is achieved by using coloured crayon tool. Just select one of the natural tips and reduce the opacity to somewhat between 6 and 10%. Now draw along the directions of what you want to encolour. For example the leg of my undead goes from upper left to lower right so I also colour it using this directions. Let the 'lines' overlap each other a few times, just watch that they don't create visible edges where they overlap. After you did that a few times just use a filter to sharpen the picture and you will have the same effect as it can be seen in my pic =) )
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The Gaijin
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Post by The Gaijin »

Nice color job...use a tablet or mouse? My only tip--you might want to get rid of the unecessary "garbage" lines leftover from scanning or erasing next time, (I'm not trying to be condescending)and if you don't know how I can give you a tip I learned from someone else. (who happens to be one of my favorite online artists)
Scarf-wearing n00b
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Post by Shino »

well I had a try with a tablet once but it didn't work out right (maybe I just wasn't used to it) so I do good ol' mouse painting =)
About that garbage removal thingy, would be nice if you would share your wisdom with us ;)
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