Greetings from Iceland

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This is also the forum for all of you blossoming Camus' to exercise your brain power by writing and posting fan fiction.
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Greetings from Iceland

Post by Icelandic-Boy »

Hey guys, I'm a fan from Iceland.

For several years I've checked out the 'Duck And Cover' website, and is one of my favorite Fallout website.

And so, finally, I've decided to sign up on the forum, to chat with other Fallout fans.

To me, playing Fallout always gives me a special feeling, though I became a fan after playing F2, and not F1, though I now have played them both and Tactics.

I've also now just started writing a Fallout fanfic, though the story is something that I threw together in a quick moment, and am not sure if I'll be able to make them stick together, and make something out of it.

I've tried my best to give it a fallout feeling, though I got no clue if I succeded, or gave it enough description in it.

If any of you guys are interested, I could try and post it here, and maybe you could give me hints?

Well gotta go now, got some stuff to do. See you around!
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Vault Scion
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Post by Bloodgeon11 »

Yeah, post that mo'fo'!
"Science fiction wiggers" is my new favorite phrase.

"You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."
-"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"
"Ask a glass of water."
-Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Post by Icelandic-Boy »

Ok, I've just opened microsoft word, and am planning on copying and pasting the entire story here, so there's a chance it might get screwed up.

Oh, I almost forgot.
Since I'm Icelandic, my english isin't 100% And I don't have a spellchecker to correct typing errors, you might stumble on couple of misspells.
Also, about the story, I might add some things later on, so it's not finished, at least not to me.

Here goes....


I left my small town on my 18’th birthday.

At that time, I had no idea where exactly was my town’s location was, asside from beeng somewhere in the big land that was once called ‘America’, wich everybody knew. And beeng lousy at geo-graphics didn’t help.

My town was called ‘Whitestone’, named after the founder.

You see, Whitestone’s ancestors came from a bigger town that had a missile silo next to it. And when one night it was discovered that America was beeng nuked, everybody fled out of fear that the town would also be hit because of the silo. That is, except from the silo’s staff. For some really fucked up reason, they stayed behind. Probably so they could launch they’re missiles.

Anyways, those who fled ran into several directions, some probably hoping to get into one of those Vaults I’ve heard so much about, while others were probably too scared to even care where they were running.

But one group fled towards the mountains and finally stumbled on a small, completly empty town. The town had some buildings, a gas-station and an industrial building or two, but it was there that they settled, with the mountains behind them and as time passed, build walls to protect themselves.


As for they’re original home, no-one left to find out if it had been hit, or if something had happened. And as time passed, the exact location was soon forgoten, the only thing left of it was that it was ‘somewhere south.’


‘course, when I left, the buildings that had been there when Whitestone had been created, were nearly collapsed out of age, so some had to build they’re own homes.

Truth to be told, Whitestone was an-okay place. Peacefull, the only outside contacts were from traders and travelers. We traded some of our food and water, and got medicince and weapons to defend ourselves against wild animals and raiders.

Oh, and it was sssooooo ddddaaaammmmnn boooooooorrrriiinnng.

Wich was the #1 reason for me to leave and explore the land.

I was curios about the outside world. I wanted to find out what the world looked like, to see what was happening, if anyone was trying to restore the American Government or something. To see if things were different from what I had read in old history books and old magazines.

But when I left I sure didn’t look like an adventurer material. After all, in order to survive in the Wasteland, you have to be strong. But back then I was young, and boy was I naive.

I was around average height, blue-grey eyes and light-brown hair, but was thin and skinny. But what I lacked in muscle I made that up by the grey-ness in my head. You see, my great-great-grandfather was a scientist in the missile silo and his reason for leaving was because of a woman he was in love with. So it’s safe to say that the family’s blood contains some IQ.

I just loved reading and repairing all sorts of things. When not reading I spent my time repairing an old car I had found. I think the type was named ‘Highlander’ or something. I also new a thing or two in science, wich was my hobby at that time.

And hey, not looking like beeng about to explode with muscles had it’s advanteges. I could move fast and was agile.

Hmm, let me far I’ve told you how I look, when and why I left Whitestone and how it was hell, let’s just start this story already.



The car shakes a bit on the old torn road. I look in the back-mirror and the only thing I see of my hometown is a blur as it slowly fades away, the sun slowly going down and night just as slowly coming.

This was it, the moment I had been waiting for all my life. I was on my own, everybody and everything I knew behind me, and the unknown ahead.

Boy, I had never felt so excited!

After spenting all this time, reading, fixing this old car, scavenging for any kind of items to sell so I could buy parts, books and fuel for the car when finished fixing it, I was finally doing what I’ve always wanted.

To see the world.

And the only things I have are my clothes, wich is only leather armor since I wasin’t strong enough to wear metal armor. In the trunk are some fuel cells that should last couple of weeks, wich should be more then long enough for me to reach some kind of civilazation. And in the seat next to me are all my belongins: A black trenchcoat I had bought that reached just below my knees, all my savings wich were 700 caps, 4 of those stimpaks and a first-aid kit and my weapon: An upgraded Desert Eagle with 5 spare clips.

I also brought my repair-kit with me, in case something would happen to my car.

But, the only foes I had fired at, were rats, beer cans and bottles and what some of the guards had taught me, like how to hold pistols and rifles, though I prefered pistols then rifles, easier for me to hold and handle. I also had read couple of gun magazines wich helped me to upgrade my gun and I knew how to upgrade some other types of guns. Still, I hoped that I wouldn’t have to use those skills.

But out of all those belongings, one was the most precios to me: A Pip-boy. My birthday present, wich my family gaved me.

Ah, damnit. I just had to think about them. Remembering how they pleeded to me in not going, but staying and helping out the farm wich was what the family did, but going anyways gaved me a strong feeling of guilt.

I was the youngest in the family, having an older brother and sister who both helped our mom and dad with our farm. I, howeve, spent my time reading, exploring the old abondent part of the town looking for anything usefull, and working on the car that I had found in the garage next to the gas-station.

When I was about to leave, they then knew they couldn’t stop me, so they gaved me the pip-boy, a family heirloom that had belonged to my great-great-grandfather.

I can still remember looking in the mirror and seeng them waving me goodbye, as I drove away from them, heading somewhere north-west.

The reason for heading north-west, was because that’s where all the traders came and left, so there must be some kind of settlements in that direction. And hey, who knows? Maybe I’ll bump into a caravan?


I had been driving on the same road for 3 days straight without seeng any signs of life in the desert. The only things I had seen, were signs that were old as dirt, some of them so rusted you couldn’t read what they said, and some had severl bullet holes. And when I couldn’t drive because a lack of sleep, I slept in the backseat, using my coat as a blanket, and having my gun near me in case someone or something would try something.

The first nights my nerves were high, and I jumped at the slightest sound I heard or imagined to have heard. And who could blame me? I had heard stories from the traders about all sorts of mutated creatures roaming the Wasteland. But, it only made me harder to get some descent sleep, that I foolishly wished that SOMETHING would happen. Anything.

And on the night of the fourth day of my jorney, it happened.


“Bored, bored, bored and double bored.� I said to myself as I drove at high-speed in the night, the frontlights showing the road but no sign of any life.

I looked around while driving, hoping to see light somewhere or something. This is what I hated most about this. Nothing to do, no-one to talk to. Hell, I couldn’t even listen to the radio since it was gone, though I very much doubted I would have been able to pick something up on it.

I then noticed that there was little juice left in the car, and I was about to slow down so I could recharge, when-


A loud boom came and something shook the car and I lost control of it.

It started to shake and zigg-zagg left and right, so I quickly hit the brakes.

Bad move.

It caused the car to flip over.

And the car didn’t come with seat-belts.

I don’t know how long the car kept flipping over as I held on to the steering wheel, my eyes tightly shut and I tried to ignore when my own belongings hit me, but finally it stopped, it’s wheels back on the ground as if they had never left them, the engine no longer running.

“Oohh, man.� I mumbled, feeling like shit and my ears ringing. Berhaps if they hadn’t, I might had noticed the sounds of severel vehicles coming closer and closer.

Before I came back to my senses, the door was yanked open and a pair of strong arms graped me and threw me out of the car, and I landed roughly on the ground.

And then the beating came.

I was kicked and punched as I layed on the ground, patheticly trying to use my arms to cover myself. I could hear laughing and cheering as I was beeng beaten.

Then, a strong hand grabed my shoulder and forced me to turn over face-up, but before I could see anything, a big fist hit me in the face, nearly knocking me out.

“Alright that’s enough! Let’s see what we have here!� A rough male voice yelled, and the beatings stoped.

I felt my nose bleeding, my stomach hurt like hell and I felt like puking my guts out. No bones were broken, though I felt like they had. I felt my left eye was slowly starting to form a black-eye, as I finally opened them to see what was happening.

The first thing I saw were the stars in the night-sky, before looking around.

I saw my car, it didn’t look good after the crash, but my car wasin’t the only vehicle here. Around me there was a Hummer that had some sort of a red skull painted on it, and there were 3 other smaller and more fragile looking vehicles that looked like they had been pieced together from all sorts of scraps and junk. They too had red skulls painted on them.

And there were people inside my own car, turning it upside-down.

Oh shit....those people were raiders. Coldhearted, merciless murderes...

I slowly raised myself up to my elbows, when the biggest one of the raiders saw me. He was a lot taller then me, the only one in the group wearing a metal armor, wich had seen better days. He looked somewhere around 30, half his face was burned and was wearing an eye patch over his right eye, and had raven-black hair. That guy looked strong enough to break me in two with ease.

“Hey Rose! Make sure he doesn’t try anything!� It was the same voice that had yelled earlier. He turned his attention back to the ones who were inside my car, ignoring me completly.

I found out that someone was behind me when a foot came from there, right into my chest so I crashed back to the ground, and the person behind me walk into my view.

It was woman. A black woman who was bald but had some tattoos on her bald head. She was wearing almost nothing, just something that looked like a thong and a bra, so she looked more like a whore to me then a raider. But she had the muscles alright.

She sat on my chest and I nearly couldn’t breathe. She pressed her knees against my shoulders so I couldn’t move, while holding a crude knife against my throat, the blade having dried blood on it. Her black eyes were fixed on me, holding no signs of any kind of emotions. She could easily slit my throat without a second thought.

I didn’t dare to move at all, except for my eyes as I watched the others ruining my car, avoiding the black eyes that were fixed on me.

I don’t know how much time passed, but I can tell you this: It was the worst time of my life.

Finally, the raiders stoped ruining my car and took all my belongings and placed them in the Hummer, and one of them had given they’re leader my gun. The leader looked at it, then at his own Desert Eagle, who looked like crap and so threw it away and holstered my now-lost gun, then walked to me, looking down at me while Rose was still sitting on me, holding her knife against my throat.

“So tell me kid, what the hell are you doin’ in the Bleedin’ Skull territory?� I hesitated in answering, so Rose pressed her blade into my throat, and I felt some blood on my throat.

“N-nothing I swear! I d-didn’t even know I was trespassing!� I was scared. Terrified. Who could blame me? After all, a few hours ago when driving on the road, I felt as if I was someone big and strong and could handle anything, but that fake image had been crushed like my car.

“Uh huh, like I’m gonna belive that lame bullshit. One more time. The fuck you doin’ here?�

I took a deep breath and managed to calm myself somewhat.

“I was just driving. I...I just left my hometown and I’ve never been around here. Belive me: I did NOT know that I was trespassing.�

The leader raised an eyebrow, then shrugged.

“Well kid, you look damn scared enough to be tellin’ the truth. That and the little stuff yer carrying with ye. No-one’s dumb enough to travel aroun’ these parts with so little protection. Jus’ one thing remains: What to do with you?� He said the last part looking and sounding amused, amused that he thought I was torturing myself in thinking what they were planning on doing with me. But before I could say anything, Rose spoke.

“He mine.� The voice was deep, making her sound stupid, wich she probably was.

“Yer sure, Rose? The kid’s all bony, he won’t last long with someone like you, that’s fer sure.�

“Hmm, he mine. Me claim him mine.� Rose said, and smiled. It was not a kind smile. It was a cruel smile. An Evil smile.

“Alright then.� The raider then looked at me. “Well kid, good news an’ bad news. Good news is we now know what to do with you. Bad news: You’ve just become Rose’s new bitch.� He started walking towards the Hummer. “Hey guys! Guess what! Rose has a new bitch!�

During our ‘conversation’, the rest of the raiders had put my stuff in the Hummer’s trunk, then went into they’re vehicles, some of them turning they’re engines on, but one of the smaller ones didn’t seem to want to start, as the owner cursed, kicked and spat on the vehicle, to the others amusements.

But when they heard what had happened, they yelled, laughed, whistled or clapped.

“Hahaha that skinny kid?! He won’t last a night with our good ol’ Black Rose!�

“Hey Kyle! I bet 50 caps he’ll survive a night!�

“Yer on! Now THATS easy money! MBWAHAHAHAA!�

Rose got of me, but before I could think of moving, she grabed my shoulders and lifted me up to my feets just like that. Jesus fuckin’ Christ she was strong! Still holding my shoulders, she started pushing me back and I had no choise but to walk backward to avoid falling down again.

I walked straight into my car, causing me to fall down on the hood, with Rose on top of me, pinning me down. She licked her lips, a sadistic look in her eyes. She moved her hand to my...private area, and started rubbing it.

“S-shit!� I don’t know what I felt, but if I had to guess, I think I was about to have a nerve-breakdown or something.

Rose leaned into my ear, and whispered.

“Me gonna fuck you hard, little boy.� Then to my horror, she moved her hand inside my pants and grabed a hold of my...thing.

“Mmm, biiig.� Rose murmed, and stuck her tounge into my ear.

“Hey! Look at that! Rose gonna fuck him right now!�

“Hey Rose! Try to learn some self-control for once will ya?!� The other raiders yelled and laughed, obviosly not planning on coming to my rescue.

Between Rose’s touchings, my eraction and the raiders yellings, I saw the leader arguing with the raider who couldn’t start the vehicle, the angry raider kicking his small vehicle again and cursing.

Without thinking, I yelled at the top of my lungs.


Rose stoped licking my ear, the raiders fell silend and the leader looked at me, looking like he hadn’t heard me.

“I CAN FIX IT!!� I yelled again, but then Rose raised herself up, looking down at me with an angry scowl on her face.

“You shut up, bitch!� She raised her right hand up and bowled into a fist, and was about to punch me.

“WAIT!� A hand came from behind Rose and grabed her hand before she could punch me. The hand pulled Rose to the right, exposing the leader.

Man, for someone this big, he sure moved fast.

“What did you just say, boy?� His eye and voice was deadly serios.

“I can fix it, I-I know how to fix cars, with the right tools and parts.� I said, slowly breathing so I would at least regain a bit of control over myself.

The big man narrowed his eye at me, and I felt like he was looking straight into my soul.

“You’d better not be bullshittin’ me, kid, I don’t have time for pathetic games.�

“It’s true.� I knocked on the hood. “I managed to find enough parts to piece together this engine here.�

The raider looked at the hood as if he could see the engine, and for a second I saw he didn’t belive me. But before he spoke, one of the raiders all dressed in leather walked up to us.

“I think the kid might be tellin’ the truth, boss. I saw the engine couple ol’ minutes ago, and it looked it was pieced together or sumthin’.�

The ‘boss’ didn’t look at the raider, only kept looking at me, thinking.

Suddenly, he threw Rose of me, who hit the ground yelling curses, then grabed me and pulled me of the hood, and nearly dragged me to the small vehicle.

“Alright kid, let’s see what you can do. But I’m warnin’ you: If yer lying, you’ll be everybody’s bitch tonight. Got it?� He then pushed towards the vehicle and I nearly rammed into it, but managed to stop myself, and started inspecting the vehicle.

10 minutes later..., no wonder the car didn’t start. Remember when I said that the vehicles looked like they had been assembled from scraps and junks? Well, turned out I was right.

And not only that, but some parts of the engine was rusted, it desperetly needed some oil on it, and some of the screws were about to fall out, wich could loosen certain parts of the engine.

“Well? Can you fix it?� The big raider asked impatiently, while the rest of the raiders were watching me with interest.

Except for the so-called ‘Black Rose’. She looked like she was ready to kill the ‘boss’.

“Yeah, I should be able to fix it, but I can’t do it with just my bare hands, I need my repair-kit.�

Not saying a word, the big man moved his hand, and one of the raiders opened the Hummer’s trunk and pulled out my repair-kit.

“How much time does this take?� The big raider asked, as I opened my repair kit.

“30 minutes, maybe an hour.�

“You got 40 minutes.� He said in a voice that said ‘do NOT argue with me.’ Wich I didn’t.

Not wasting more time, I started working.


30 minutes later...


I said, as I stood up and whiped my greasy sweaty face.

“Stone.� The one eyed raider simply said, and the guy who owned the vehicle, entered it, and looked at me.

“I’m warning you fuckface, if you fucked my vehicle even more, I’m gonna show my feet up yer ass to fast you be crying leather.� After saying that, he tried turning the engine on.


It started, but instead of making lousy noises like the rest, it purred like kitty.

“Woah.� The driver said, and then hit petal.

The sound coming from the engine intensified, and ZOOM! Away the vehicle went into the night. It made a few swift turns, and then came back.

“WWOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!� The driver screamed happily as he stepped out of the car.

“Oh man! Boss! That kid didn’t only fix my Betty, she now has more power then I imagined she had!!�

“Really..� The boss said, clearly thinking. “My, my. Looks like we’ve finally found another mechanic.� He said, more to himself, then suddenly had a distant look in his eye. “And who knows, maybe he’ll let me spent a night with Delilah...� I got the impression that he was daydreaming about this ‘Delilah’ person, but suddenly came back to reality.

“Well kid, looks like life just might get good with you after all. We back at the base sure could use a mechanic, and you’re the first one with enough skills we have found in a while. An’ since yer a...special guy with special skills, that would make you one of the Untouchables.�

Before I could ask, Rose yelled.

“NO! HE MINE! I CLAIM HIM HE MY BITCH!!� She charged at her own boss, knife drawn, ready to use, but when she swung the knife at him, he punched her straight in the face, so she fell to the ground.

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare do that again, Rose! The guy is now one of the Untouchables, and that’s finall!� He yelled, then turned to me, giving me a smile that chilled me to the bone.

“Well kid, welcome to the Bleeding Skulls. And yer here to stay.�

And without saying another word, he punched me straight in the face.

I recoiled back and fell to the ground, my vision going more blurrier and blurrier, the sounds around me sounding like the came from a long distance.

I passed out.


Oh, I almost forgot.

My name is Reagan, Jack Reagan. Pleasure to meet you.



Who are these raiders from the ‘Bleeding Skulls’? Was this only a small raiding party, a part of a bigger gang?

What are the ‘Untouchables’?

Who is the leader of the Skulls?

What will happen to Jack?

Find out in the next chapter of ‘The Realitys Of The Wasteland.’
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 8:39 pm
Location: Iceland, Reykjavík

Post by Icelandic-Boy »

Oh, I almost forgot to ask.
The name of the gang, Bleeding Skulls. That's not already taken in one of the Fallout games, is it? Im just asking since they're nickname, the Skulls, sounds really familiar.
If it is already taken, then I'll just change it.

Oh, and I hope that whoever has read my story, likes it.
Well, gotta go, need some sleep.
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2003 8:39 pm
Location: Iceland, Reykjavík

Post by Icelandic-Boy »

By the way, I tried my best to show how young and inexperienced Jack is, so do you think I did that part well?
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